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*~Till the End of Time~*

~~~for those who love the ocean and all its endless wonders~~~

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Lady of Darkness

My Lady Of Darkness, so gracefully she rises on the ocean's edge
Her gentle radiant touch providing hope to those in need
As she guides her subjects and keeps them safe from harm
Protector of those who dare to enter the unforgiving mistress that is the sea
Through the high winds and tumultuous waves men look to her for comfort and guidance
Knowing she will show them the way to the safety of haven and home
Serving as a refuge for lovers and loners alike
There she stands, a marker by day and a beacon by night
Gracious and strong, My Lady of Light

Favorite Links

My Love

Cuddles~Rose's Place

Muddy's Place


As a special favor to Bits, =).
This page was created by Suz-x-