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The Rebel Alliance is BACK everyone!!!!!!


"The Rebel Alliance. What was it??? It was a symbol. A symbol for
chaos.....rebellion.... the natural inclination of society. In all of the
history of civilization, wherever there was order......there was rebellion. Of
course, to the government, rebellions are always looked on as a bunch of pissed
off people, people who are greedy or are not loyal or what-not. Throughout
history, governments and their leaders, have tried to find ways to prevent
rebellion. "Appease the masses" became the rule of thumb. Many famous
Generals throughout history have earned their names by stomping on the flame of
rebellion. General Pompey, of the Roman Empire, is a key example. Of course,
none of these methods or people, can put out the "flame of rebellion."
The conclusion is simple, without rebellion, there is no evolution, no
improvement in civilization. The United States, one of the most powerful nations
in the history of the planet, was formed when a bunch of British colonists, rebelled
from the British Empire. The Rebel Alliance, is the symbol of all which I
explained, on the Microsoft Gaming Zone, Birth of the Federation. It was formed
with an idea, an idea that there can be a clan, that is fair, prosperous, and
provides a place for all those, who oppose the clans on the zone. 

    Unfortunately, however, time did a fair bit of damage to the clan. As more and
more of the original, rebellious, true members left, the rosters and leadership
started to fill up with a bunch of first-timers, people who do not know what it
was like to be a part of the other clans, who have no respect, for what
their predecessors provided for them. The Rebel Alliance was an institution,
representing the flame of rebellion, that is always present. Even though the
institution is no more, the flame of rebellion will always be present. As long
as there is order, there will always be chaos."


That was an excerpt from my resignation page when I retired from BotF. The "flame of rebellion" that I referred to several times, never was put out, it has spent several months passive, collecting, the flame has re-ignited to become a huge wildfire, and it's symbol has once again risen to power.....the Rebel Alliance.

While our cause is still the same, our methods has changed a little bit.  Formerly a republic, the Rebel Alliance consisted of a Governing Council, and a military branch.  RA's Second Reign will be more of a militaristic organization.  With the highest position being that of the Supreme General, followed by the Lieutenant General.  Next is the Captains for the ships:  RSS Valiant and the RSS Great Sword.  Orders delegate through the chain of command. 

Rebel Alliance: Second Reign, website will have the same ol' goodies, links, a forum, a fully updated members roster, this time around I'll be adding some cool JavaScript effects to the page as I get to it.



RA_Shooter, Webmaster
Lieutenant General, the Rebel Alliance