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Okay, well, I know that a lot of people are going to get pissed off at this page, but..... I just gotta do it! He he he. Okay, these are all pics of either: A. Me B. Friends Okay, now, lets start this page off right, and introduse you to my friend Betsy.

All I have to say for this picture, is, well, do not get drunk at a christmas party, and you will not become part of the christmas decoration. To bad she did not know this...

Well, so far she seems to like to sleep, but, when awake, she is usually active, much like these will prove...

And to tell you the truth, I do not think that this one needs an introduction...

Okay, now for a few more people, this here is Steve A.K.A Chamber. I have known him longer that any of my other friends. Some of that time was not really the best, but that is in the past. Well, there is a pic of him that I really want to put on here of him, from when he was like 13, BUT, he has to be stubborn about it, so I have a few others. Hope ya don't mind. :O) Here is the first one. We were fighting for the camera, so I desided to take a picture while I could, and this is what I got...

Not really the best pic of him, but oh well. And now for the others...

These were taken at the county fair, and there was nothing better to do there besides make asses out of our selfs, so we did our best... Oh, and on the far right is me peeking around, and the far left, well, I can't remember her name, but, yes, she is a cuttie. And now for the pics...

This pic here is of a dear friend of mine. Her name is Sara. A.K.A Sky. And as always, posing for the camera. :O) Lovely, isn't she? I hope to have more pics of her soon, but untill then...

These next pictures are of a good friend of mine. Her name is Jessi. When ever I need a smile, she is the one that I look for. And also, when I can not find any one that can relate to what is going on, she also has a serious side to her that she uses wonderfully. Thank you Jessi for all the laughs and the talks. I owe you...

And now for the more serious side of her...

This is a picture of another friend of mine. Her name is Alicia. A.K.A. Star. This one is a little messy do to it being a school pic, and my scanner is a piece of shit, but that is besides the point. Well, enough bitching, here is the pic...

This is Chris, A.K.A. Storm. He is the closest friend that I have. I consider him my brother. This picture was taken in 97. So I am sure that he looks a lot different now. I have not seen him for over a year now, but I plan on gowing up there real soon. And he, Storm, if you see this, be ready, I'll be up thre soon!

Okay, here are some more recent pics of Chris. I hope that you enjoy...

I do not really know what to say about this one... but here it is...

I think that this one is more of a go away / I hate cameras picture...

This one, well, I do not know what he was on at the time, but he sure thought that it was funny.

Hey, Chris, do you think that you could maybe tone down the sarcastic smile, just a touch?

This one is defently "I HATE MORNINGS" and PLEASE JUST GO AWAY" pic...

Well, I guess I can not get away from it any more, I guess it is time for my pics. I only have a few though.

Well, I was board, and I just got a digital cam, about 6 months ago, but I was just messing with it, and desided this was one of the better pics...

Okay, well, here is another one of me, thinking and hard at work with depression. I do not yet know why I kept this one, but oh well...

This pic was taken very recently.... and all I can say about it is BRAIDS, lots and lots of BRAIDS!!!

He he he he ha ha ha ha he he he he....

Guess what every one!!!! I have inhereted a snake!!! Her name is Athina (pronounced Ethena). Check it out......

MY BABYS!!!!!!!!

This would be Loki, and Azazel. My two wonderfull, loving ferrets. Or as 'she' would put it, my over sized rats.....

Okay, if you have previously have heart problems, are preggy, or any thing else is wrong with you, besides mentaly, you might wanna just keep going past here and not take a second look, but for all the others, you are welcome to view....