*-+-*Buck Jones and Chris Phere are both seen in their locker room sitting across from each other preparing for an interview. The cameraman gives them the go as Buck begins the interview.*-+-*

Steven "Buck" Jones- I am Buck Jones, and I'm here with the World Superstar Chris Phere....Chris, tomorrow night you face one of your toughest opponents yet in Maniac. He's a 4 time World Champion, 2 time United State Champion, and only winning the TV title once....how do you go into a match against a man of this caliber and nobody has even seen him in action in about a decade?

*-+-*Chris pulls back his hair as he leans forward and folds his hands through each other.*-+-*

Chris Phere- I've never been afraid of any opponent...nor have I ever been afraid of multiple opponents. I've watched the PWW for a while...I've been friends with Adam "Raptor" Knite during his stint in the PWW...and I'm also good friends with "The Savior" Davey Boone. I know how things opperate around here...I saw the big bucket of spit get used on Raymond Clark, who obviously was a joke here in the PWW. I'm looking to see that big bucket of spit be used on Maniac...because to me Maniac is a joke as well. I'd place him in the same category as Robert Johnson and Raymond Clark as being one of the biggest flops this company has ever seen. So as far as nobody seeing him wrestle in quite sometime...doesn't bother me at all...he hasn't seen me wrestle ever.

Steven "Buck" Jones- After hearing what Maniac had to say only moments ago....where he did a video tribute to Chris Phere and I believe he showed footage of what could be Monday night. I think he had a "look-a-like Chris Phere" take the beating of their life...then he made a mockery of you by saying you pretty much end your life after losing to him Monday. Can you sum up how you feel about what he said and did?

Chris Phere- I respected him...and he goes and makes a complete fool out of himself by trying to downgrade me like that. He wants to name call and say this and that about me...it only makes him look foolish. He wants to say there is no shot in hell I'll have to beat him...stop talking and lets do it! He is right about one thing...I'm starting to regret facing him. It has been a waste of my time....hearing him ramble on and on about everything. Makes a man wanna jack off with razor blades...but ask him...he can tell you what happens when you do that.

Steven "Buck" Jones- There has been some talk that if you can beat Maniac...then you could very well get a Heavy Weight title shot at this month's ppv. When you beat Maniac, do you feel that is proof enough to give you a title shot so soon?

Chris Phere- I believe it proves I'm a huge contender here in the PWW...as far as giving me a title shot that quick...I don't think so...to be honest, once I've finished off Maniac this Monday I'd like to get my shot at either Adultman or Dakkon. Then I'd like to push for a non-title match against Taft. After I beat all the names I've just forementioned...then I'd be guaranteed to be placed into the Heavy Weight title match at Exorcism. It is a big struggle knowing I not only must beat the competition here in the PWW....but I must also beat the front office guys as well. You never know when I might get screwed over and screwed out my shot at the world title....but I expect it to happen everytime I walk out into that ring.

Steven "Buck" Jones- Maniac made a comment yesterday something about you having myself do all the talking for you....what is your reaction to that?

Chris Phere- That's very strange...you are now asking me all the questions and I'm doing all the talking. But I said it last night...I do my speaking in the ring! Maniac has done nothing but run his mouth ever since he got back in the PWW scene. And if I'm not mistaken, I believe you played a small part in his return correct?

Steven "Buck" Jones- I might have signed a few papers for Ed behind the scenes before I left the front office a few months ago.

Chris Phere- That's what I thought...you see Maniac, you love to yap your gums about all your little buddies and who they remind you of and this and that or whatever. You remind me of someone....you remind me of myself several years ago. You like to ramble on and on about crap that doesn't really have anything to do with what you are up against, and who would have thought assholes can talk so damn much? ha And what you perceive to be true isn't exactly what you think....you think I'm gonna lose cause you are some oh so powerful jeanie or whatever...and that voice...man you grow more stupid every second that passes by...more like everytime you take a breath! You say no one will interfer...you say the match will be fair and right down the middle and then you question me if I'm going to allow it to be fair. What am I going to do Maniac? Why do you question whether I will fight fair or not? Could it be because you've never seen me in action before....or are you really scared and just put up a front for all your little buddies? That will always be one thing I have against you Maniac....I've seen you in action before...I've heard people talk about how the Social Enemies do things around here...and I know how the PWW do things around here as well. I'm not afraid...I have nothing to fear and I have absolutely nothing to lose. You have everything to lose Maniac, your so called "good reputation"....your legendary status here in the PWW....so prepare for your humilation Maniac....no pressure on me...PRESSURE IS ALL ON YOU!!

*-+-*Chris Phere leans back on the couch and smiles as the camera moves back over to Buck Jones who is now looking straight into the camera. He looks very upset about a few things and begins to address his concerns.*-+-*

Steven "Buck" Jones- A few of the comments Maniac made really got to me. One...I now nor will I ever speak for the soon to be PWW World Champion. If he asks me to send a message to someone...then I will do so, but he speaks for himself. Maniac, Chris knows what he's up against but you have no idea. Everything is on your back. That includes your future in the PWW, the total future of the World Heavy Weight title picture, the well being of Adultman, Dakkon, and anybody else Chris must go through to attain his claim to the most covetted prize in the PWW getting his shot at the World Heavy Weight title. So before you go off and ramble on and on again...you should stop and really think about the things you say. If that means you gotta get with your group and Ed and talk things over first...then you probably need to go ahead and do that. Cause Monday it won't be just Maniac versus Chris Phere...to you it will be Maniac versus Maniac! And to Chris Phere....it will be...CHRIS PHERE VERSUS THE WORLD! Think it over...and get back to me.

*-+-*The camera fades out as Buck pats Chris on the back who is still smiling.*-+-*