~**~”Sweet” Willy Carter is seen walking into the labeled locker room of the AoV as he knocks a little before entering. Davey Boone is in the locker room unpacking his bags and preparing for their match Sunday.~**~

"Sweet" Willy Carter- Hey Boone, you seen Adam around anywhere?

Davey Boone- I was just fixing to ask you the same question. He didn’t get in the cab with me and was awake when I left the hotel. I don’t know what he’s doing…..would be nice to know though!

"Sweet" Willy Carter- I know, big match Sunday! AoV wins this thing, we are the number 1 contenders to the tag team titles!

Davey Boone- Yeah, whatever…

"Sweet" Willy Carter- What’s wrong with you bro? You seem down in the dumps or something….

Davey Boone- Just not too excited about this..you look at the WCF roster and there isn’t any big time tag teams on there. We win this thing and win the tag team championship…we will be defending the titles against the same people forever. And it’ll suck beating the same people every single Slam!

"Sweet" Willy Carter- Yeah, but think of it this way…another title around your waist! Davey Boone yet again wins another title..another decoration! WCF Tag Team Champs….wait a minute…weren’t you and Adam WCF tag team champions before?

Davey Boone- Yeah, that was a different WCF…and I don’t think I was a tag team champion…I know we were both heavy weight champions though….WCF Heavy Weight Champion…..*Boone looks off to the side and has a glazed look in his eyes.*

"Sweet" Willy Carter- Dave….Dave…David Bartholemew Boone! You alright dude? You thinking about the WCF Heavy Weight Title?

Davey Boone- No man, heck no…we are all here as AoV and just want to have a good time…I’m not worried about any titles..the only titles I’m worried about are the ones to help boost AoV to the top! And the only one I’m worried about is the tag team titles…Adam and I beat Lifeline this Sunday..then go on to get a chance against…against….against…who are the tag team champions here again?

"Sweet" Willy Carter- Rex Grossman and Brian Urlacher?

Davey Boone- I didn’t say Super Bowl Champions this year…I said…tag team champions…oh well, it doesn’t really matter who they are. I think I’m gonna lay down on the couch here for a while man. Adam will probably be in here in a few minutes..make sure he doesn’t mess with me if I fall asleep. Those beds at the hotel were so uncomfortable.

”Sweet” Willy Carter- You think he would do something to you man? Hahahaha…you are right, he probably would. I got your back though…peace out Boone.

~**~Carter steps out of the locker room as Boone lays his head down on the couch and closes his eyes.~**~


~**~The scene opens up at a match that Davey Boone is involved in against one of his biggest rivals Chris Phere. Davey Boone finally beats Chris Phere after a grueling 35 minutes back and forth match with the Boone’s Day Device. The announcer begins to speak.~**~

The Announcer- Here is your new W-C-F Heavy Weight Champion…..DAVEY….BOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!!

~**~Boone is handed the title as he drops to his knees and the crowd is going absolutely crazy! He is kissing the title as Boone helps up Phere and they shake hands and then walk towards the backstage area together. Once they are backstage…Boone and Phere begin to talk to each other.~**~

Davey Boone- That was the greatest match I’ve ever been in man, what a great show we put on for the fans out there! I can’t believe I finally beat you after all these years…it was great man! We had a great run didn’t we?

Chris Phere- Beat me…in your dreams! Hahaha, man you need to remember a few things. Your career in wrestling is coming to an end…before long all your “fun and games” will bring you back to reality and the reality is that gold belt that’s around you waist right now. It isn’t about tag teams…it isn’t about just having fun..the love and the passion comes from winning that gold belt right there. The WCF Heavy Weight Championship, and you and I both know that it is going to be damn hard for you to be a member of the AoV and still go after the title.

Davey Boone- I’m not interested in this title Chris, here…you can have it back. I’m just wanting to have a great time and finish out my years as a great wrestler.

Chris Phere- Great wrestler? That’s all you want to be known for is a great wrestler? Whatever happened to Mr. “The Man, the Myth, and the Legend”? Your years are numbered and if you look back on your career, you have NEVER won a World Title without a lot of controversy surrounding it. This is your chance…your one last shot…are you going to throw it all away just for having a few good times? Or will you wake up and realize what you are here to do? Boone, you are still wrestling to show all these young guys that there is a little bit of “Old School” left out there…pure greatness still exists…yeah, Adam Knite and Willy Carter are great guys and are fun to be around…but it is time you think about yourself now and what you’ve gotta do for this business. And that’s…BE A CHAMPION! You’ve got everything to lose..but more to gain from this and it is time you done something about it.

~**~Chris starts to walk off as Boone looks back down at the belt and looks back up at Chris.~**~

Davey Boone- So, I’ve really won no matter what happens? I prove myself to be a contender..and I’ve beaten you. Is this really happening?

Chris Phere- Are you kidding me? As I said before, in your dreams Boone! You are dreaming REDICULOUS! And I dream…..RADICAL! So wake up Boone…wake up! Wake up man! WAKE UP!

~**~The scene is now back on Boone laying on the couch as Carter is standing over him trying to wake him up. Boone has his hand in a bucket of water and a huge wet spot in the front of his pants where his genitals are.~**~

“Sweet” Willy Carter- Wake up man…wake up! I tried to stop him..but he was a maniac!

Davey Boone- I’ve gotta revolutionize wrestling man..I’ve gotta make an impact here in the WCF! I’ve gotta become a champion…Chris Phere said I must!

Adam Knite- Goob…snap out of it! Chris Phere died 8 months ago! He was in a bad car accident in North Carolina…side swiped by an 18 wheeler. You’ve been dreaming ridiculous again! Speaking of ridiculous…Adam 3:16 says you just pissed your pants!

Davey Boone- What? *looks down and then knocks over the bucket of water his hand was in by accident* YOU BASTARDS!

~**~Boone gets up and heads towards the shower area as Carter and Knite are laughing hysterically!~**~

Adam Knite- Shut up there you nigger…man!

“Sweet” Willy Carter- Here we go again….let’s get ready for our planned trip so we can get back to the U.S. and prepare for our tag match!

~**~The scene fades as Carter picks up a loin cloth and looks at it strangely.~**~