<bgsound src="escapade.mid" width=145 height=55 loop=infinite> Dana's Page

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Dana's HomePage

10/02/04...Hey! my poor site..i would totally post up my way cool cam from comp sci class but i dont no how to make the java stuff work on here! otherwise there's not much to say i've become addicted to xanga! lol!

08/16/04...Hey! so ive been neglecting u! lol! its cuz i got a xanga! oh well! today its mal's bday i must call her! and mail her her card! thats all im going to bed nite!

07/09/04...Hey! yea so im off work for 2 days! fun fun! i dunno! not much to say must go clean

07/02/04...Hey! so yea schools over! i graduated highschool..got sick for senior week! went to williamsburg and now im back in good old delaware workin alot! and being lazy and hangin out wit people! but really too much work and not enough hangin out! lol! oh well ill have to work on that ttyl

05/23/04...Hey! i haven't written in here in almost a month! how awful! aps are over and school is almost over! this is my last week! can u believe that!!?!?! i cant! i gotta go get ready for work!

04/29/04...HEy! tomorows friday! yea thank god! too bad the weekend will be so short and ap's are almost over :(

04/27/04...Hey! break is over and so is april! MAY IS ALMOST HERE! how exciting! gotta sleep! nite

04/17/04...Hey! so a week later and break is pretty much over! tomrow i get to work all day long! itll prob be really slow but whatever! i dont wanna go back to school at all! lol! prob not possible but oh well whatever! um..i guess that is all! visit me at bertuccis!

04/11/04...Hey! HAPPY EASTER!!! i gotta go to work until 4 :(..but hopefully it wont be that busy! and yea then i can come home and chill!

04/09/04...Hey! first day of break!!! ive gotta go clean! ugh! not fun oh well! HAPPY SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!

04/08/04...Hey! yea so 1st nite of break dont have to go to bed early and im having the worst cramps and am therefore going to bed on the early side! what the hell?!?! HAPPY BREAK!!!!!!!!!!

04/05/04...Hey! back from asheville! and yea so wired but i should be sleeping cuz tomorow's gonna suck but anywayz...ive decided that next yea i will be attending..........St. Mary's College of Maryland! well atleast im pretty sure i will be..but shhh cuz i haven't told anyone yet! but im pretty sure thats where i want to go..yes thats where i want to go! ok..there i made a decision! be happy for me! except school tomorow ugh! :(

04/01/04...Hey! im so amused by the date today! lol! so in 24 hrs ill be in asheville! i hope i like it! gotta go finish laundry!

03/28/04...Hey! so the weekend is almost over how depressing! um..yea i gotta go and read this stupid book but i worked all day yesterday and then i get to work today! fun fun! i guess tats all

03/25/04...Hey! BEING SICK SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALOT!!!!!!!!!!!! tomorows friday but im dreading the weekend how depressing!

03/24/04..Hey! happy anniversary to me and shawn!!! umm i feel like crap and am very tired! hope everyone is having a fantastic week!

03/23/04...Hey! so school sucks but otherwise im good i gotta go work but i hope everyone is haiving a great week!

03/17/04...Hey! i got my hair cut and i like it i think lol..ill have to wash it and see how it looks! but yea kinda shorter than i wanted but whatever! oh well! im tired so nite

03/14/04...Hey! ok so what should we name our heating pad...lol..dont even ask...i dunno sleep in tomorow yea!!!

03/07/04...Hey! ok so college visits were good still no idea of where i want to go! lol! oh well..i dunno..whatever..hopefully well be hearing from all the other colleges in like 3 wks so that will be fun! im excited! and yea i dunno..this weekend i was very unproductive but i did work 12 hrs.. so yea for the money! and i got paid and thats always fun but then my parents took all my money away to put for college so yea not fun at all! i gotta go to sleep now

03/02/04...Hey! ok so tomorows my last day of school and then college visits! yea go me! lol!

02/28/04..Hey! I AM THE COOLEST PERSON IN THE WORD BECAUSE MY PAPER IS DONE! not completely like the little stupid stuff but the writing part def done! yea go me go me and yea now i get to go to sleep for like 7 hrs! lol! oh well still cool ok thats all im so happy cuz i cant be exicted cuz its 2:30 am and no one is up! what is wrong wit u people! lol! ttyl nite

02/24/04...Hey! i remembered what i had to tell shawn! lol! ok so yea i dunno senioritis plus procrastination suck!!! alot!!!! thats all

02/22/04..Hey! so he graded my rough draft first and i totally have to work on it this week cuz yea otherwise totally screwed! i dunno..im in a weird mood rite now i should clean or play piano but im not in the mood to start either but if i started id be i the mood to really get into them..lol..doesnt that make sense!

02/17/04...Hey! IM FINISHED MY ROUGH DRAFT!!! sure its crappy and full of quotes and stupid things but its 2526 words! which is over! and yea whatever i dont even care! im just glad to be done...tomorow's senior cut day!! yea! lunch and bowling fun fun! maybe ill be able to sleep through the roofers?!?! prob not...:(....oh well im so glad i finished my paper cuz i was supposed to work until 3 day but instead i worked til 2 and had to go back at 5 and didn't get home until 10! so oh well...on thursday i better be really rich...

02/14/04...Hey! HAPPY VALETINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!! so today was a good day except i procrastinated so much!! not good at all! but i worked and i closed by myself! and yea im learning and yeah go me! so tomorow i WILL work on my english paper and make lotz of progress since i need 10 pgs by tuesday! lol! thats not looking good! i got into another college kinda...lol..and they wanna give me money so thats very cool! i dunno i guess that is all im tired and therefore going to sleep! nite

02/13/04...Hey! eww its friday the 13th how sucky well acutally not sucky cuz its karens bday so HAPPY BDAY KAREN!!!!!!!!!!! um....but yea maybe just good things will happen today and it will be one of thoses days when like friday the 13th is good luck not bad....i haven't written in here in a while cuz yea ive had work but we got cable and it is o so cool! lol! im in photo doing nothign cuz i have taken to pictures...and thats all cuz i dont like the keyboard and i cant type on it!

02/08/04 Hey! i just got back from my first shift at bertucci's and it wasn't that bad but ugh i hate not knowing how to do stuff...oh well ill just have to learn! but overall it was pretty good my feet r so sore though! oh well im tired so im going to sleep nite

02/07/04 I GOT INTO COLLEGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I GOT ACCEPTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT ASHEVILLE!!!!!!!!!! I NOW HAVE OPTIONS AND DO NOT HAVE TO GO TO DELAWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!! not that delaware is a bad college! its a good one i just dont want to go there! so im excited that totally made my sunday now if i only didn't have to go work on my enlgish report life would be grand! lol! ttyl

02/06/04...Hey! so its FRIDAY!!! yea um..yea so i dunno i survived the week and yesterday i went to bertucci's and i am officially working there! go me go me! but ugh lotz of stuff to read and learn not cool at all and i cant see shawn this weekend sorrie..i dunno i feel like im coming down wit something so i am not sure if i want to go to yoga tomorow it depends what time i go to sleep tonite! my first day of work is tomorow even though its just training but stil very cool except its at 6 when its all busy not fun at all! oh well i guess thats all almost get to go home just french left we have a test eww and then we have a chem lab due tomorow so me and michelle have to work on it tonite and i have to go drop it by his house not fun at all oh well thats all

02/04/04...Hey! so i totally should have written in here yesterday cuz the date was the coolest it was 02/03/04...lol...ok well i was at least amused...so this past weekend was nice me and mary have a beautiful day even though if u ever go to the marcaroni grill dont order there pizza but def order the cheesecake and def get there before 6 lol...unles u want to wait forever! and sunday i hung out wit shawn and now its back to school but today we had a one hr delay becuase of icy roads or something i dont really understand it but whatever of course the class im missing he wasn't gonna be there anyway so yea doesn't really matter but at least ill be warm in my house instead of cold in the cafeteria! lol! ok ttyl

01/30/04..so we have no school monday and tuesday but school wed, thurs and today! not a lot of fun but whatever tomorow me and mary r going yogaing! lol! and doing our wonderful plan of course first she needs to call me! lol ttyl

01/26/04...IM 18!!!!!!! lol! and it was a snow day and casey and mary r the coolest ever even though they lied and i love my cd thankx mary! and my doughnuts and milkshake were the awesomest! lol! but prob school tomorow :( i wouldn't be so sad if i didn't have to wake up so early lol....so i should prob go to sleep lol ttyl

01/25/04...Hey! happy bday mommom so today hasn't been that great not bad just not good i did get stuff accomplished though but o my how i hate the ud library...well i kinda like the library its the me getting lost in the library and not being able to read signs and the fact that the copiers are seriously out to get me..lol...thats the part i hate im waiting for my dad to come get me and for whatever reason my cell phone has decided to hate me to and is now not getting any reception and it had it like 5 mins ago when i was in the basement but now that ive come up and im like closer to a signal it can't find one..i hate u stupid phone! i guess thats is all once i get home i dont have any homework which is a very weird feeling and tomorow ill be 18! and my party was fun thankx for everyone who came and i got the coolest presents ever! lol! my hands hurt from typing but thats another story so ill ttyl

01/24/04...Hey! getting ready for my party..cleaning sucks! lol! happy 17 and 1 month bday mary! lol! yesterday i went to shawns thankx for my awesomest bday present! lol! that was fun i got to watch movies! and then yea...i got a coat and new gloves it was fun! lol! ok i gg marys comin over soon to help!

01/21/04...Hey! so if anyone can tell me whats wrong wit my last three entries ill give u a million bucks..lol..prob not but do u see it..it took me a while..i went and took out all the old enteries..so everything from my junior year is now in www.angelfire.com/sk2/Dana/junioryear.html but i dont think i put a font so i dont no if u went there if u can acutally read them...so all these enteries start with last summer..i decided that i really wanna work on getting frames for my page cuz that would just make it so cool! so if u dont no what to get me u should get me a book on how to do html stuff esp framing geez im the biggest dork see what happens when i dont want to study i get interested in weird projects but acutally i could prob get some books out from the library so maybe ill do that and have a super cool page by the time i get to college! lol! prob not but one can hope but soon i swear i will go back to studying i should be cuz tomorow i have 2 very hard finals and ive barely studied acutally i dunno...ugh i hate french and english and midterms ok thats all ttyl o yea CONGRATS MARY!!!!!!

01/21/03...Hey! only 2 more midterms left! i gotta go study so this will be short! mary if ur reading this GO STUDY! and finish the app! ttyl

01/20/03...Hey! ok so i have finished 2 midterms..only 3 left! yea! fun fun! lol! not! at least i dont have any stressful ones tomorow and then yea i just have the two hardest ones in the world on thursday! i shuold start studying for them but yea not really happening lol what a surprise! new everwood last nite it was good and new gilmore girls and one tree hill tonite im excited and all these cool new shows are happening tomorow but i cant watch cuz ill be studying my butt off lol..my party's this weekend! yea! and yea i guess thats all

01/18/03...Hey! so i read the da vinci code yesterday! oh my god its the greatest book ever! go read it! lol! u think im joking but seriously stop reading this and go read the book! um...its all gray and rainy out today and thats not fun at all! i have to study lotz and lotz for midterms! which sucks alot! and i dunno what else...this week kinda sucked...but i did watch chicago which is a great movie! and i saw the o.c. so i can talk to amanada about it..and the new disney channel movie pixel perfect is acutally very cute lol! so go disney! i guess thats all

01/13/04...Hey! so as soon as my mom gets off the phone i will be able to seal up the envelopes and be done with my college applications! of course now i have to deal with the fafsa! ugh! oh well maybe one day ill be finish..

01/11/04...Hey! so having to go back to school sucks! im completely in denial about it which means my tomorow morning is going to totally suck! ugh! my weekend was pretty good...missed yoga but did hit KoP and got a new shirt..and i passed the test and have an interview with bertucci's on friday! go me! lol..and today was kinda sucky but oh well.. only a week left until midterms which means half days! and 14 more days until im 18!!!!! AGH! how cool! extremely cool! ok thats all im goign to read point counterpoint..an extremely confusing and not that great book so if u ever have a choice dont read it lol! ttyl

01/09/04...Hey! so yea im a dork..its like 9 pm on a friday nite and im super tired and going to bed lol of course i do have yoga way early tomorow morning so i guess its excuseable right?! i hope so...lol...ok nite

01/05/04...Hey! so yea school wasn't that bad..not good but not bad..i dunno im gonna do this thing i stole it from reese but i like it...so yea.. 15 Years Ago, I: 1. was 2 yrs old 2. had pretty blonde hair and bright blue eyes 3. lived in my first house! 4. was alwasy hot so i ran around naked 5. was an only child 10 Years Ago, I: 1. was 7 yrs old 2. was in 2nd grade at forwood 3. wore mismatching floral patterned clothes 4. had recess 5. got my first(of many) retainers 5 Years Ago, I: 1. was 12, in 7th grade at hanby 2. in my 2nd house 3. hated my math teacher 4. was the same height as now 5. had all my friends in my classes 3 Years Ago, I: 1. was a freshman 2. was preparing for my first midterms ever 3. was not going out with shawn (UPD hadn't occured) 4. had to take gym :( lol glad thats over 5. knew nothing about guard at all 1 Year Ago, I: 1. was a junior who enjoyed school (chem) 2. didn't have a comp in my room 3. did not have edward to sleep with at night 4. wasn't doing horrible at school..even though 2nd mp was the worst.. 5. was in ceramics..which i would be in rite now except for stupid chem... Yesterday, I: 1. wore the cutest outfit ever! 2. was at my mommoms party 3. saw mary and casey 4. took lotz of pics/video 5. was still enjoying winter vacation Today, I: 1. woke up early :( 2. went to school 3. did the dishes 3. did homework 4. talked on the phone too much 5. took a shower! <--ok that makes it sound like i never shower which isn't true it just wasn't an eventful day! Tomorrow, I: 1. will wake up early and go to school 2. tutor after school ? 3. go to my first piano lesson of the year 4. will do lotz of cardio with mary 5. will be productive and not waste time (ok so i prob wont be productive but i wont waste time cuz i laugh too much but maybe ill call danielle that would be productive) ok my answers were kinda boring im sorrie my life isn't so exciting rite now! lol gotta go work ttyl

01/04/04...Hey! eww...school tomorow!!! nite!

01/04/04...Hey! so why is it always so gray outside these days?! y can't it be sunny and happy and yea i dunno y do we have to go back to school or go to school at all..break has been really nice but i need another like week lol and then maybe id be ready to go back...i gotta go take a shower and all that jazz..ttyl

01/03/04...Hey! so 525,600 minutes...how do u measure measure a year....i love this song! lol! umm..yea i dunno we have to go back to school in 2 days what is that about rite now i should be cleaning but yea who really wants to do that so im gonna take a shower and then clean and then shawn is coming over and were gonna ice cupcakes and then go to lana's party and then tomorow is my mommom's party and i have to learn how to use the video camera and think of somethign to say to my mommom but i really dont no what! oh well i guess thats all cuz i should go I FINISHED ALL MY LAUNDRY!! ttyl

01/01/04...Hey! look at the date! how cool is that its 2004 baby! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i went to caseys and we watched movies and the ball drop and then we made lotz of noise! lol! and it was fun! i dunno...i finally beat the stupid game this morning after like 8 tries! lol! if ur ever bored go try and play the free cell game 20527...cuz its really hard! but whatever i beat it! yea! and i dunno i guess thats all

12/29/03...Hey! ok so this weekend i went to nyc..i was nice..i got clothes! thats always fun! and today was lovely...i saw shawn..and then got together for dinner wit mary and madhuri! which was fantastic! we went to lamburtis! and got lost..so this is how u go! take marsh until the light at washington street extention! which is not at all the same as governor prince bvld! lol then turn left..on washinton street extention..then follow that until the light at philly pike turn right onto philly pike and then lamburtis is a block after that on the left! theres a big lit up sign! and its not near any waterfalls! that would be bowling thats near waterfalls and the bowling is on govenor prince bvld! lol! im goign to sleep tomorow i get to clean out the garage! yea! fun fun nite

12/24/03...Hey! wow twice in one day lol...so yea im so proud of myself i worked on my essays today and after having to redo the same essay like 12 times because each school has a semi different topic ok not 12 but 4 times..i now have 4 slightly different versions of the same essay and yea! go me im pretty much done...ive sent in my app..and i have to do my resume and then i guess these 2 stupid ones for ud honors..and i dont even want to go there..ugh whatever..i guess thats all im proud of myself though! tomorows x-mas! lol!

12/24/03...today is the first official day of break! and i woke up all early! i no weird and now i have to go and finish all my college stuff because i was stupid and put it off yea i no..lol..not my smartest decision! but whatever i just want to finish it today...HAPPY BDAY MARY!!!...thats all ttyl

12/18/03...ok so yea i have been inspired to write because of mary, "**oh yea... FANFIX?!?!?!??! lolss real random... kind of an inside joke..^^" lol...that made me so happy..lol...its almost the end of the week finally and yea i dunno im on my way to the library rite now im goign to put on comfy clothes and try and work there..cuz i can't concentrate in my house anymore and its really bad so i guess thats all ttyl

12/17/03...you know what i hate when u no something is going to get u frustrated but u do it anyway..and its all good until the last moment when u get frustrated and its ur own fault cuz u knew it was gonna happen..im now frustrated and tired and going to bed nite ttyl

12/14/03 Hey! so yea im in a really good moood today..but because i was in such a sucky mood last week i screwed myself over schoolwise and yea i udnno i have a lot of shit to accomplish in the next 3 hours and i dont think its possible..and i dunno but this week im gonna be super productive because im motivated and in a good mood..cuz i need and want to get good grades..and yea i dunno went and visited colleges and it didn't really help me choose one either which way but whatever...the interviews weren't that bad..and yea x-mas break in like 1.5 wks! so im totally excited! gotta go work ttyl

12/09/03...Hey! so i have been inspired to update! ok not really i just dont feel like doing any work rite now lol...but thats ok too rite?! i hope so...so yea i dunno its tues....and i only have 1.5 days left of my week but then college interviews..ew..not excited about those at all..lol..but then who would be...um..i went and worked out today wit mary...twice in one week go us..it snowed last weekend and totally messed up all my plans i didn't get to see mal in the nutcracker :( i no...and i guess thats all gotta go do work :(

12/04/03...Hey! so yea i have the hiccups for the 4th time today..where r the bald men?!?!?um..so its finally the end of the week im in such a better mood cuz ive kinda gotten into the swing of things..still stressed out cuz school and college sucks but yea hopefully ill be getting a job soon and then ill atleast be rich! lol! i guess thats all..i gotta go do chem cuz yea test tomorow and chem sucks! lol! dont ever take ap! i guess thats all ttyl

12/01/03...Hey! happy decemeber! its the first day of the december so go change all ur calendars..someone wanted me to date so volia! there's a date...o yea MARY GET MOTIVATED!!!! right now!!!!!!!!! lol thats all i gotta go work


Hey! ok so yea i dunno tomorow i get my wisdom teeth taken out...eww...i no feel sorrie for me and i get to swell up like a chipmunck for thanksgiving so i think this is the year that i will not be in any pictures! lol! but i do get to miss school this week but thats not that great cuz ill be missing so much work and ill be so behind and i was absent again on friday and it sucks a lot and i didn't get my report card which is kinda ok cuz yea it sucks! well not sucks but its not that good it would be if i had gotten a B in chem but no...stupid chem..oh well whatever im soo sooo soo hyper this morning and i dont no why but the weather doesn't match my mood its completely gray and ucky out! ok i guess i should go work and clean! eww no fun! lol! ill ttyl


Hey! so this weekend's been nice! i dont want to go back! we had a comp last nite and we won! yea! lol ttyl

Hey! so this weekend was kinda busy kidna not but me putting off a lot of stuff that i should have done but whatever! i had sat's and i was totally dreading them but they weren't that bad and i acutally think i did better than last time...and we got second at our comp yea! and we were only .8 below first..and .1 for drumline and .4 for guard! so go us! i guess thats all i gotta go work cuz school tomorow ttyl

Hey! so yea i was totaly sick again this week! what the hell?!?! its not cool ive been sick like 6 times already..maybe not 6..maybe 5...i dunno but its ridicious! so i dunno!

Hey! so I HAVE POWER!!!!!! i lost it around 2 pm thursday and now at 5 pm on sunday i have regained it!! yea! go me! go me!

Hey! so because of isabel the hurricane we totally dont have school tomorow and friday! yea and im finally feeling better! yea! i dunno ttyl

Hey! i cant believe that i haven't written in here since school started! i swear i had well school is going ok and i dunno im sick! i guess thats all

Hey! so only 3 more days of band camp left! they're going pretty well..except today lotz of naucious <--thats spelled so wrong but i dont no how to spell it rite..when u want to throw up.. feelings and i pulled some random muscle..but otherwise good..i dunno..i gotta go to sleep nite

Hey! im such a hypocrit..and i hate them..lol..so today was nice and sunny and we went to the beach! this whole week has been band camp and its been so hot and ive been so sore but it was fun its really much better this year the guard is soo hardcore and awesome! lol! i dunno another week of band is approaching and then school! agh my senior year how weird! very weird!

Hey! its the uckiest day! its gray and rainy! and ucky! so no beach :(!! i did get to watch everafter though!! i love that movie

Hey! so guard has been going on the past two days and its been really fun! i dunno..except were out in total heat and i totally got burnt even though i put on lotz of sunscreen all the time but it just doesn't seem to like me for some reason! whatever! and im really sore..and i have a sock tan i never get sock tans! thats how hot the sun is! horrible i think tomorow im going to the beach! yea! fun fun!

Hey! ok so going through to put on song in stina's page and i find that mary has a page so here is the link to mary's page! Mary's Page and karen has a page too...lol..so heres her page! Karen's Page

Hey! in a better mood today! i missed my appt wit mr. lessene which upsets me greately but i got my summer college grades and i got A's!!! well acutally an A in mass comm and an A- in STAT but whatever!!!!!!!! who cares! they are A's!!!! so how good will that look when i apply and yea!! go me! i have to go and take a shower and rent movies for tonite!

Hey! you no what really annoys me when someone says they're going to do something and then they dont..esp when they acutally say yea ill do it today and u remind them and they agree..why dont they just say no, it probaly wont happen today...or it wont happen ever..but i hate not getting the truth...what bugs me more is the fact that them not doing some stupid trival thing bugs me so much....

Hey! so i forgot to give u the link so u could all visit stina's page so here it is Stina's Page go visit!!! um..today i slept until 2 and was lazy and i dunno am in a blah blah blah mood! whatever i dunno

Hey! so today i went to shawns...lol..that was fun and interesting! but lets talk about happy things so i got a flat screen monitor for my comp and it is now running from my room! how cool is that! im excited! im currently working on a page for stina but its hard cuz i haven't really done any of the technical html and java stuff for like 3 years! so im kinda cheating it but oh well! its working so far knock on woood..maybe i should try getting frames up again..lol..prob not! lol! just be happy my page is still running..i gotta go...i wanna finish this up and then its on to college searching! yea! lol

Hey! so i am sitting at a desk in a dorm at harvard! how cool is that! harvard! how smart am i..not that smart but im visiting emmy a very smart person! we went shopping today and bough harvard clothes to make us smarter! lol! so harvard is fun! sounds like a lot of work cuz they have exams and finals coming up and yea lotz of studying! not fun! lol! but whatever! im all done that cuz summer college is over and yea! lol! that makes me happy even though i do miss it but that means that summer is almost over and now i have to start preparing for my senior year and for school and uck uck uck! lol! and for college! lol! thats all nite

Hey! so yea today is wednesday which means there are only two more days this time in two days ill be done thats so weird!!! i cant believe that! well i need to get working then cuz i have a paper to rite and tests to study for! lol...

Hey! the beach was fun..im in a bad mood..becaus i dont wanna work and there's nothing to do and im sleep deprived and yea ugh...i dunno..whatever!

Hey! o my..its like were gettin high! lol! were having a party in me and madhuri's room..its me and madhuri and alice and joyce and amanda..all i have to say is "jets are like comets at sunset" and "la la la la la".....there's lotz of scary dancing...egyptian style and box movemnets! nudity is being discuseed along wit body pain! oh my...this is amusing! tomorow were going to the beach!! yea!! it will be fun and exciting and we'll see hot guyz! lol!

Hey! so yea i gotta go do homework! something i really dont want to do! tonite were gonna go get out makeup colors done by mary kay! should be fun! and maybe yoga! we'll see! so i gotta go work! its wednesday!

Hey! so my college experience is almost over!!! wow!!! i no so tonite we went and watched the film and philosophy movie back to the future a great movie!!! lol! um..what else..we went to baltimore for the fourth of july! and then tubing which was very fun except that i thought i didn't get burnt but no that would be to perfect so i did get burnt but its pretty much gone and therefore ok! lol! the week is almost half way over and people r coming to visit me!!! i feel loved! we gotta go cuz cha is gonna win the video game contest for the girls!!!

Hey! so im in college! in my dorm room! alice is on my bed making me listen to icky music and madhuris in the closet! lol! dont ask! oh well so college is pretty fun so far we went bowling last nite it was very fun! i dunno today i have to work on homework! ugh lol mahduri's already hurt herself! lol! ok well madhuri made it out of the closet alive and now joyce is in here! they're going to the library but i get to stay in my room and work on stat lucky me and its such a nice day out to! lol!

Hey! I CANT SLEEP!!!!!!! not cool at all! i wanna go to sleep i want to be dreaming rite now! but no! i am not dreaming! i am wide awake! and i started reading my summer reading book a brave new world and its kinda creepy there like nothing on tv its like 1:30 but i think theres something coming on about ben affleck and hes cute so i guess ill go watch that! lol

Hey! so yea i dunno today was the first day of summer break and i did nothing! lol! what a waste! oh well i did run a little and i was going to clean! but yea what fun would that be so maybe tomrow!

Hey! everyone amy made a cute lil page with cute lil quotes so go there! Amy's cute lil page

Hey! everyone i made a new page i hope u all like it go there quotes oh yea madhuri made her own page so if u want to go to it heres the link Madhuri's very kewl page


look u can e-mail me if u click that little mailbox

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