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Mission Statement:

      Our goal is to establish a strong support network for the Neo-Pagan community in Lake Tahoe and the surrounding areas. We also wish to educate the general public about the craft to help discourage any violence and disturbances within the general community. We want to serve as a resource for those new to the craft. Basically we are looking to form a Wiccan community that thrives on learning, acceptance, and support.

Our Vision:

      To establish an "open" coven. Many of you are wondering what this means. Simple put, we are open to all. We will sponsor full and new moon rituals each month which will be public circles. We are looking to establish a strong pagan community for all practitioners. "Core" groups will also be established, for those looking for the coven experience. These groups will consist of either four, nine, or thirteen members of both male and female members. This is, of course, negotiable. Eventually we will be able to coordinate festivals for traditional holidays and equinoxes.

      For the time being ALL traditional holidays (i.e. Samhain, Beltane, Imbloc, and Yule) will be celebrated by core groups. These will be open by invitation only.

      There is no appointed High Priest or Priestess in this coven, nor shall there be. Experienced practitioners will serve in these positions if it is required during a ritual. Any ordained priests are welcome, but they will not be given any special privileges or power over other members. If it becomes necessary to ask an indivdual not to attend meetings, this will be the desicion of a vast majority of the core groups as well as inductions.
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