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Click the smiley face to see the events that were scheduled for the Homecoming.

The Homecoming was a fantastic success, capped off by a wonderful showcase of local talent at the talent night. It was an event that all will remember for quite some time. We thank everyone who made the event possible, and all of those who attended.

Last updated May 11th, 2002


Below are the messages as they appeared before the Homecoming.


Your Committee Contact person is Blake Rintoul. To reach Blake, phone 306-836-2085 or send him email by clicking on the mailbox.

- The Talent Show - If you wish to participate in the Show, please contact Deanie McKay or Anne Moren. If you have friends or relatives with hidden talents that the world has yet to see, encourage them to share them with us all that evening. Everyone is welcome!

- "Walk Down Memory Lane" - Properties in town will be posted with a sign containing information about present and former residents. Take a walk about to see who lived where!

- A quilt has been made by our local Women's Institute members for a draw being made Homecoming Weekend. Tickets will go on sale soon!

- The Museum and Legion will be open for viewing.

- Photo Display - The WI ladies are also organizing a photo display for the weekend of Homecoming. They are asking people to bring pictures to the school to be set out for viewing during Homecoming. There are some guidelines as to what they are looking for:

Arial pictures of your farm; framed ones will be hung on peg boards.

Pictures of community events - farewells, showers, gatherings at old schools, etc.

Family pictures - any kind but especially birthdays, weddings and anniversaries, etc.

Farming pictures.

Pictures of events that changed the community such as fires that destroyed buildings, storms, buildings being moved, erected or added to, etc.

Scenery pictures of the area.

Pictures of pioneers.

School class pictures.

Please note that no loose pictures will be accepted. Pictures must be mounted in albums, enclosed in page protectors, or even mounted on bristol board. They should be dated, labelled, and have an explanation of the occasion. As mentioned, framed pictures will be hung on peg boards. FYI - most pictures can be copied and laminated at places like Staples or the Office Depot for under $2.00. It may be a good idea to make a copy, as no one wants to lose something as valuable as an old photo. For more information on the photo display, contact Janet Brown at 306-836-2059, or any other Simpson WI member.

This place should look familiar - it will be home to many of the activities during Homecoming.

For information on the history of the village of Simpson, check out the link below. The page was prepared by students - Leah, Jaezila, Carmen, Christina, Dawn and Karen.

To see old archived messages that have appeared on this site, click Archives. For more information about Simpson, visit the school's website:

Simpson School Webpage
The History of Simpson
