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Born in a high class society in Brazil, Roberto DaCoasta was the heir to DaCoasta enterprises, an international stock brokrage company that originated in South America. As Roberto grew older he became a Latin superstar, with his good looks, his talent for soccer, and his massive fortune Roberto DaCoasta was well on his way to the charmed life. That is untill the day his mutant powers for solar enhanced strength manifested themselves on the grounds of a public soccer game. Soon Roberto was the guest of Professor Xavier and was invited to join the New Mutants. Roberto quickly learned that even though he was quite wealthy in Brazil, he was still just as hated in the US because of his mutant powers. As one of the original New Mutants he found a good freind with Samuel Guthrie. He gave every mission his best, and never let down his loyalty to the team. Untill the day his father was murdered. A man by the name of Gideon perseuded Bobby to leave his freinds in order to take over his fathers position as head of DaCoasta Ent.(New Mutants #98).

After spending much time learning from Gideon how to play the business market and weild power through money, he found himself hostage in the Twin Tower Takeover (X-Force #3-4 & Spider-Man #16). Soon after that, it was revealed that Gideon was an External, a mutant blessed with Imortality. Gideon believed that Roberto was also an external and so killed his father, shifted the blame to Cable, and molded Roberto to become his pupil. However, Gideon's beliefs were false, Roberto was not imortal but infact it was his freind Sam who was an external. After realizing his mistake Gideon left Bobby in the hands of Dr. Joshua (X-Force #13) who performed many painful experiments on Roberto, however it did leave Roberto with his powers enhanced a bit. Soon after that X-Force was called into a battle with a newly formed MLF led by a man named Reignfire. The end result was a failure for the MLF, Roberto sacrificed his body to save Henry Peter Gyric, and was transported elsewhere along with the MLF (X-Force #28). He was later found by the team when Locus, the teleporter for the MLF showed up to lead X-Force to Bobby, but when they arrived they found out that Reignfire was in fact Roberto himself (X-Force #43). Of course we never knew what happened after that because the world ended soon after Reignfire was unmasked (Legion Quest/Age of Apocalypse). When reality was finaly restored (thanks mainly in part to Sunspot sacrificing himself once more in "Gambit and the X-Ternals"!) we found that Roberto had been restored once again to Sunspot due to the telepathic healings of Cable, and as a result Sunspot had now learned the Askani battle language and a shared psi-link with Cable (X-Force #50). Later on down the road Reignfire returned, and the truth was fianlly made public about that whole affair. Part of Roberto's DNA was injected into an incoherrant mass of flesh when he was under the care of Dr. Joshua, the result was the birth of Reignfire (X-Force #78-80).

Reignfire now defeated, Sunspot was now able to live his life efficantly, which included making out with the girlfreind of his best freind (Meltdown). After getting caught by Sam, Tabitha called it quits on Roberto. And soon his troubles started popping up again. Seems hes got trouble with US imigration now, and is being forced to go back home to Brazil. Oh well, at least a Sepltura concert is cheaper down in Rio rather than San Francisco.