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Just another villian...or is he? After reading all that Reignfire has done in the world, you find that he's just another version of Magneto, Apocalypse, Stryfe, or Mr. Sinister... nothing special about him at all, except for the small detail that he used to be a member of X-Force! Sure Reignfire is just a carbon copy of the ancient mutant villians gallery, but everytime he pops up something is either said or done that make the reader become more and more intriquged.

The begining of Reignfire started in the labratory of Dr. Joshua. We never really find out where he came from, but as it turns out Reignfire was only just a mass of flesh with a brain. Dr. Joshua's employer, Gideon, submitted his young ward at the time, Roberto DaCoasta, for wicked experiments in Dr. Joshua's lab. One of those experiments was that of extracting part of Robertos DNA matrix code, and injecting it into Reignfire's lifeless body. Soon after Roberto was rescued by X-Force (X-Force #15), Reignfire had started to rapidly grow. He took the shape and exact look of Roberto. As well as the mutant powers of Sunspot. Reignfire then started his own personal agenda against all humans (which for some odd reason he really hated). He took advantage of recently captured MLF members, and recruited them to do his bidding, which just happened to be the kidnapping of National Security Advisor, Henry Peter Gyrich (X-Force #27). The opperation was a sucsess, but holding him was a differnt matter. X-Force was asked by Government official Valerie Cooper to do the job of rescueing Gyrich. Rescuing Gyrich was a sucsess, but at a major cost. Two teamates had been lost, Feral had defected over to the MLF after the constant tauntings of both Reignfire and Gyrich. And Sunspot was lost in battle when his powers clashed with Locus' and was teleported away with the team, never to be seen by anyone for over a year (X-Force #28). When X-Force had finally found Sunsopt, it was at an odd point in the Marvel continuity. The Legion Quest story was taking place, and the entire universe was about to end. Once X-Force regrouped and found the MLF(X-Force #43), they discovered that Reignfire was in the process of killing off the team. After teaming up with MLF member Dani Moonstar, it was revealed that Reignfire and Roberto DaCoasta were one in the same. We never found out what happened next because the world ended at that time (bummer).

Once the universe was restored to its normal state, readers found that the conclusion of the Riegnfire/Sunspot story happened without them. from what was said in the next issue, Cable had appeared and telepathicly removed the Reignfire personae from Roberto, and the plus side was that Roberto experienced a power boost and the knowlage of the Askani battle language (X-Force #48). Reignfire was then put back into his original body, and then set forth his revenge against Roberto and the rest of X-Force. He proceded to take over Roberto's fortunes and kidnapped his freinds in X-Force (X-Force #78-80) The outcome turned out to be another victory for X-Force, and even though Reignfire was blown to smitherines by a gun with power equal to "the great nullifier", I'm sure he's bound to return someday soon.