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Large, simple minded and always curious, the largest member of X-Force was raised in the sewer tunnels of Manhattan as a member of the hideous group of mutants known as the Morlocks with the ability to track down other mutants. As a result from being away from society for so long he always refers himself in the third person and not too keen on common scence. He orginally debuted as an ally to the X-Men after Callisto (leader of the Morlocks) kidnapped Angel. As the years passed, Caliban came into the spotlight again as one of the few survivors of the Mutant Massacre, a story in which Mr. Sinister sent his group of Marauders to kill off many of the Morlocks. Soon after that, Caliban came into the company of Apocalypse via kidnapping. Apocalypse decided to turn Caliban into his fourth horseman "Death", due to his recent loss of the original "Death", Warren Worthington III. Apocalypse's abuse on Caliban led to Cal gaining superstrength and a form of individualality, and was turned into the bloodthirsty leader of the 4 horsemen. Caliban then dropped from the scene for a few years after The X-Men defated Apocalypse on the moon, and Cal gained back control of himself. Even though he was once again an ally of the X-teams, he still had his enhanced strength, which made people believe that Apocalypse's mind implants were still in Caliban awaiting renewal.

Caliban showed after a few years after Apocalypse's defeat when Cable found him during the "Legion Quest" storyline (Cable #17-19). And after the Age of Apocalypse had ended he was invited by Cable to join X-Force (X-force #44). Not much happened with Caliban and the team, he was able to take revenge on Sabretooth (A member of the Marauders) for killing off his freinds in the Morlocks (X-Force #45), but would not kill him due to the Telepathic interfernce by Cable and Boomer. Caliban also had trouble containing his rage at some points. One case was during a fight with Mr. Sinister when the old mind implants from Apocalypse took affect (Due to Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister being hated rivals)(X-Force #57), the other time being against Risque after Caliban thought she had Warpath murdered(X-Force #66).

Caliban spent a very short time with the team, because he was eventually kidnapped by Apocalypse (again), and was then enslaved under his control to (what it seems like) lead the 4 horsemen once again. The way things are playing out at marvel, Cable is set to have a huge battle with Apocalypse soon after the Millinium, If X-Force was brought into it I personally think Calibans time spent with the team would overpower Apcolypse's control over him.