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A Touch of Corruption

A heart in a box with a pretty little bow
And a letter and a smile
They say they betrayed you to save you
A heart in a box with a pretty little bow
To save us all they say
A heart in a box with a pretty little bow
To save themselves they mean.......

Originally I began this webpage just to screw around and see if I could make one at all. The idea of actually making one that might be halfway interesting to look at hadn't really occured to me. For a long time I sort of forgot that I even had this webpage floating around out here in cyberspace. But recently it occured to me that maybe I could finally put it to some use. I am going to be working on a more specific format for it and it may take a while, but soon - in the next 2 months or so (between finishing school, planning my wedding, and working) I hope to have some new and interesting things for people to check out if they have the inclination. Thanks for checking out my stuff and see you around. Zillah 4.1.2003


.........Nothing More Never More Ever More Could be More Than This............ Two LoversWith their souls laid bare, Kissing and Touching in the Cold Night Air,Hot Breath On Cool Skin, Love Lost Whispers On Twilight Wind.....

The Spider's Web

Page 4

The Song of Sybil

The Home of Warlock

Minotaur Gallery

Diamanda Galas

The Hollows

Nina Hagen

Tori The Wicked

Goth Mafia


Free the West Memphis Three!!

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I am not much of an artist really so most of the little bits of artwork here were created by friends or borrowed (only once in a while!) from other places where I found a pic that I couldn't not share here. All rights reserved to those that own them, blahblahblah...

I live in Alaska, am soon to get married, and working on finishing college hopefully before I am forty (even though I am still early 20's I am not sure it that is realistic since I can only do 1 or 2 classes per semester *sigh*) I am a practising Night Witch (no that doesn't mean Wiccan, just Pagan or Witch thanks! I have been studying Rune Majick and Lore for around 10 years specifically, I originally became interested in Runes because I got interested in my ancestoral background which is Norwegian, Swedish, English, and a tiny bit Scot. I was initiated into a coven at one point but decided early on that I would much rather be a solitare, now I meet with local pagans for for the major holidays and sometimes fullmoons but not in a coven setting and that is about perfect for me. My soon-to-be husband is also Pagan which of course works out perfectly. In fact I met him at one of those Pagan group celebrations that I found out about through so if you are looking for Pagan friends, Witchvox is great, I highly recommend it.