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Chapter 3:

Emerria woke in a dark bedroom noting a semi-familiar hand was keeping a damp cloth in place on her forehead. " head hurts." She cried out as her eyes adjusted to the dark room.

"Shhhh......" said a comforting voice. "He told me not to let you move around. Its just me, Presia."

Emerria looked at the mildly familiar figure with unfocused eyes, and sighed in relief. "Where's Clef?" she asked as she moved closer back into sleep.

"He's in his room here. Its right across from here, so if you need him, don't worry." Presia watched as the woman who had so proudly come into their lives a year ago almost dissolve into a child.

"Thank you, Presia." Emerria said as sleep took her. Presia dipped the cloth into the basin beside her and then placed it back on Emerria's head.

"Sleep, child. I hope you feel better when you wake up." A slight movement from the doorway starlted her and she turned quickly.

"We don't have a clue as to why she fainted like that, or why she has a fever now." said Clef, as he stood in the doorway of the room. "I knew she has a thing about large crowds, but I didn't know it would affect her like that."

"If she is still like this in the morning, it could mean we have serious trouble on our hands." Presia's eyes narrowed. "By the way, how long were you standing there?"

"Since she woke up."

"How are the others?"

"The Chizeta and Farhen delegations are having dinner togehter along with Caldina and Lafarga. The girls from another world, Ascot, Ferrio, Lantis, and the Outozam delegation are all together in the main hall. I think the girls are worried about Emerria.

"Yes, it would make sense. They know her better than me." Presia smiled at the sleeping girl. "She is very special. I can feel it around her."

"Yes, she is." Clef frowned. "Though it pains me to say, She has become very important to me as well."

"We already knew that." said Presia with a smirk. "Though, I must cry for the loss of our beloved Clef."

"Hush. Now, let her get some sleep." Clef motioned towards the door and led Presia out. Laying his staff down, he sat next to the sleeping girl and picked up the damp rag that had now turned hot with fever. "My poor Eme-chan. What could have done this to you?"

Clef struggled against sleep, but finally slumped in his chair. Again he was consumed with dreams of the silence, the darkness and an evil that consumed the galaxy. As he dreamt, he could feel something drawing him away from those that he loved, making him turn against them, and causing the destruction of his universe.

Gasping for air, he awoke with a start. Looking around him, he could see figures contorted by the darkness.

"Clef?" said a sweet familiar voice. He turned around quickly too see Emerria sitting up in bed watching him. "I heard you cry out."

"I'm fine, Eme-chan. I promise." He couldn't tell her about these dreams. He couldn't worry her, especially if she was sick.

"Are you sure?" said another voice from the darkness. Presia was apparently in here too. "I could hear it too...." Clef checked himself. If Presia could hear it from her room, he must have been pretty loud.

"Yes. I'm fine." Looking around and into the doorway he saw a large crowd forming around the door. "All of you can go back to bed now, I really am fine." The large crowd grumbled and began dispersing. However, Presia and three other smaller figures walked in.

"How is Emerria doing?" said Presia, looking at the sorcerer.

"*I* am doing fine now, thanks." Emerria said sarcastically. Presia walked over to the girls bed and put her hand on her forehead.

"Yes....your fever has gone away, and you don't look as flushed. I think we can brush this off to a incident of crowd fever." Presia put brushed the strands of hair that fell in front of Emerria's face away. "Poor little girl."

"Eme-chan?" said a small voice from the darkness. "You're gonna be alright?"

"Of course Hikaru. I just don't handle large crowds well."

"I didn't know that!" said Umi from the back. "You looked kinda green the last time I saw you."

"Oh hush. Only Clef knows about that."

Presia patted her on the head and then moved back. "I guess you'll be up for more fun and games tomorrow then."

Emerria looked at the group and then reluctantly nodded her head. "I suppose." She yawned and laid back on the bed. "I will see you all tomorrow. I need my beauty sleep for all those people."

The girls laughed and went out the door. Presia tapped Clef on the arm and the two older figures left the room. Emerria sat in her bed and looked out the window that was to the side of her bed. In her heaad, she mused on the days events. "I wonder what's been troubling Clef.... He hasn't been himself lately." Emerria stepped out of bed on to the cold floor and walked towards the window. "He shouldn't hide it from everyone, no matter what it is......"

On to Chapter 4
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