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World Order Group
Lady G.G.G.W.G.B.

Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000 08:27:23 -0400 From: "Yuriy Shvaidak" Reply-To: To: CC: , , , , , Subject: Mir Light Model -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Шановний Ігоре Андрійовиче! Прошу Вашої ласки надати мені можливість виступу на Вашому семінарі з 45 хвилинною доповіддю: "Світлова модель Світу". Мета:Зробити початок шляху до офіційної нобелевської номінації з фізики 2001 року за роботу "Трьохчасткова модель ядра атма" викладену в моїй монографії "В небесах та нетрях космософії"!"/1995 р/. Юра Швайдак. /Заступник ген.директора з наукових питань компанії "ІНБУД"/ Випускник кафедри оптики КДУ 1965 року. Dear Igor Andreevich! I beg Your mercy to give me the oportunity to make speech on Your`s scientific meeting with 45-minutes speech:"Mir Light Model". Aim: To make the beginning on the way to the official Nobel nomination in physics in 2001 for my work "Threeparticle`s model of atome core", which is exposed in my monography "In Skyes And Bossoms Cosmosofia"(isabc...)(1955) Ura Shvaidak (Deputy general scientific director of company "INBUD") Child of Optical Division of Physycs Department of Kiev`s Sstate University 1965. archiveMainnukoz

2012 Ukrainian Genozid Plan
Dear Mama! Sorry for my girl-boyish character.But in 28 sept. i was brutally arrested after my metteings with two foreign mens in hotel "Dnieper".It was axidentes good looking forigners, gray and simpatic.I explaine them that in UA graw New Chornobull after 10 years, or in 2010-2012 year. What reason? New nuc reaction?Now. Terroristical act? No.Crushing the roof of "Sarcofagus"?No.(Dont seeing that President of UA Kuchma exposed the expression that in UA was open the riot against regime.And Ukrainian terrorist have an ame to burst "Sarcofagus" and Kiev`s hydrodumb,which is up on Kiev.) It is sadistical plan for new GOLODOMOR on UA. The mask is dropped.What is plan. Dneeprohydropower station is need capital maintenec.For this purpose will be emptied artificial "seas" of Dneeper.In this turn and Kanev`s and Kiev`s seas.!!!!!But in the bottom of this sea there are 120 tonnes of high radioactive biological mud on One soul of 2 millions Kiev.Two railway tracks! When this mud dry it will be hell on all UA and in first tern for anchient Kiev.I have the good informed source from the Military Force. This two man attantively listen me.And say that thay good understand my anxious. When i departed hotel "Dneeper" i was robbed by 3 young ragy militants, clocked with steel bracelets, pushed to th militant car and than kiked in the steel cage in Pechersk Militant Place. I was wraped with some sort of gase,from which i feel can lose my minde. I was kicked by boots, my right kneel was badly hart, right bones have deeep illness, my left little finger was pressed by the steel door of this cage.I remember that i shout that all of it will be in Internet.I loudly cry my family. There were more than 10 persons with good appearances, sitting on the raw bench sholder to shoulder in the ajacent steeel cage.Among tham was black mr.Easy, with whom i spolke in English. His eyes were full of tears.I think that than they were afraid that there were such huge avidances man. And after beating and shouting they kicked me on the street.G-d sake i can hide himself under the lorry and saw how three militants with brutal wordes want to find me.After one hour i anaked from this -place and come to home. near 4 hpur in night i lost the consciosness, and was stand on the legs by the guards of Supreme Council of UA.They give me water and Mixture.After it travell to home. I never wright letter to GTUFOC by himself.I plea my friend to pass only information about 2012 plan "ashtray".Sorry that all was did such emotionally and awakward. To-day i on my place again, but feel that i am here not long, so in furure all can be with me.I hope only on G-d Father.Sorry please once more for extraa troubles of extra bisie Ladies and Jentelmen. But "ashtray" kicked me from balance state. Love to You all. ps.When top Nazi Idiotes fabricted Atomic Ozvenzim with the aim killing part of my beloved people.Top Ukrainian "VAMPIRES" fabricated Open World Ozvenzim,thinking as a rats to seat in the bomb shells. Before the plan "POPELNICHKA" Nazi Idiots are angeles.I feel that didin`t see what next dayes for me prepeare The Got but I in full hard consciousness say to the empty World.Please see for your childs.And be happy.Ura Shvaidak

10 august my daughter and her girlmate was robbed with the open knife,which was touched her neck near Zaliznichnyi Vokshall. Robbers forced her departure with her gold necklace and earthings.IT WAS IN OPEN DAY.Appeal to Zalizinichnay militia was failed. When Yana begin cry.The robber pressed the top of knife to the arteria of my daughter neck ahd hissed "Will cut".Thay both were in trans shock.It was THIRD OPEN CRIMINAK ROBBING OF MY UNDERAGE DAUGHTER ON ZALIZNICHNYI DISTRICT. On two cases Militia was failed to panisn GOLOVORESOV!!!!!!"
In this region once was huge beaten my son with broken his chelust bone. In this region was fired the home of our famile.On the Zaliznichnyi perron "POST VOLYNSKY" n near the habitance of Staruk My wife was brutally beaten on the perron with much people. Any panishment was not frowarded, not seeing on the appeal to Zalizhichnay militia. I can said ONCE MORE:
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 04:34:21 -0400
From: "Yuriy Shvaidak" Reply-To: To: Subject: Chornobull`s Ozvenzim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "TRIAL" Today my UA-family is victim, but tomorrow it will be EUROPA-family, which have 92 atomic Ozvenzims, after to-moorom all world. To stop radioactive expansion anybody can but me. It is not joike Ura shvaidak nukfizik. Date: Fri, 04 Aug 2000 10:30:32 +0200 From: "info info" Reply-To: To: Subject: Re: Chornobull`s Ozvenzim -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Votre message a bien йtй reзu а l'adresse e-mail INFO de la Cour de justice des Communautйs europйennes (Division Presse et Information). Il y sera donnй suite dans les meilleurs dйlais. Merci. - - - - - - - - - -- Your message has been received at the INFO e-mail address of the Court of Justice of the European Communities (Press and Information Division). It will be addressed as soon as possible. Thank you.
From: "Martin Hoffman, JD" Save Address Print View Hide Headers Report Junk Mail From: ura shvaidak Save Address Print View Hide Headers Report Junk Mail Date: 13 Aug 2000 23:58:11 PDT To: Subject: Re: LAW CONNECT! - Direct Client Referrals Received: from [] by with HTTP; 13 Aug 2000 23:58:11 PDT Content-Length: 2878 Return-Path: Content-Type: text/plain Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Disposition: inline X-Mailer: Web Mail --------------------------------------------------------------------------------TRIAL! TRIAL! TRIAL ! On Thu, 10 August 2000, "Martin Hoffman, JD" wrote: > Subject: LAW CONNECT! - Direct Client Referrals > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable > To: "" > Delivered-To: > From: "Martin Hoffman, JD" > Received: from e556m ( [] (may be forged)) > by (8.9.3/8.8.8) with SMTP id OAA39935 > for ; Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:13:28 -0400 (EDT) > from ( > by with SMTP; 10 Aug 2000 11:12:09 -0700 > from e556m ( [] (may be forged)) > by (8.9.3/8.8.8) with SMTP id OAA39935 > for ; Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:13:28 -0400 (EDT) > Content-Length: 1481 > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" > Return-Path: > Mime-Version: 1.0 > X-Received: 10 Aug 2000 18:12:09 GMT > Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 14:12:18 -0400 > Message-Id: <> > >, an Internet portal providing consumers with access to > lawyers and the law, is pleased to announce that it has launched a new feature > that will provide a significant source of direct client referrals to your firm: > > LAW CONNECT! > > A prominent tile at invites consumers to submit their > current legal problems and questions by email or phone; consumer inquiries will be > forwarded to a participating attorney for a free telephone or email response. Any > additional services are billed at usual rates. > > will represent to interested consumers that participating > attorneys/firms are in good standing and carry malpractice insurance. > > Participation in LAW CONNECT! is free to subscribing attorneys. Proprietary > software randomly determines who will receive a referral based on geography > and practice area of specialty or concentration. > > For information on how your firm can join network, banner > your firm in our directory and participate in LAW CONNECT! for pennies a > day, please request additional information at or > call toll-free at 888-333-6339. > > For a limited time, will create and host a fully interactive six > page website for subscribing members, at no charge. > > When responding by email, please include your phone number, > contact person and area(s) of specialty or concentration. > > > Martin Hoffman, J.D. > President > ( _________________________________________________ FindLaw - Free Case Law, Jobs, Library, Community http:/// Get your FREE @JUSTICE.COM email!
Trial under Human Rights of Child in Ukraine

t.Kiev,str.Uritscogo,34,119To citizen Nechiporenko T.V.

I say to You, that the Procuratura of Zaliznichny district of Kiev saw your request and checked. The bases for intrusion of the actes of Procurorre`s reaction are not seeing, because for selling the cooperative flat the permission of Monitoring Council don`t seeing.
Procuror of Zaliznichnyi district of Kiev, advisor of Justice
02.06.97. #323.Airfleet`s Prospect,38

Thieves of our HOME

1. Kotenko O.A. - "Godmother in law" of my dauther Olga. Home Address: 9, Chekistov Street Apt., 4, Kiev.700 000$ moral penalty
2. Orlovskyi V.S. - My wife's "Brother" . Home Address: 4, Rusanovskyi Street Apt., 48, Kiev.700 000$ moral penalty

10 august my daughter and her girlmate was robbed with the open knife,which was touched her neck near Zaliznichnyi Vokshall. Robbers forced her departure with her gold necklace and earthings.IT WAS IN OPEN DAY.Appeal to Zalizinichnay militia was failed. When Yana begin cry.The robber pressed the top of knife to the arteria of my daughter neck ahd hissed "Will cut".Thay both were in trans shock.It was THIRD OPEN CRIMINAK ROBBING OF MY UNDERAGE DAUGHTER ON ZALIZNICHNYI DISTRICT. On two cases Militia was failed to panisn GOLOVORESOV!!!!!!"
In this region once was huge beaten my son with broken his chelust bone. In this region was fired the home of our famile.On the Zaliznichnyi perron "POST VOLYNSKY" n near the habitance of Staruk My wife was brutally beaten on the perron with much people. Any panishment was not frowarded, not seeing on the appeal to Zalizhichnay militia. I can said ONCE MORE:
| |/| |
3. Staruk A.V. - Home Address: 23-16, Komsomolskaya Apt., 51, Kiev.700 000$ moral penalty
4. Radutnyi C.U. - Zaliznichnyi District Militia Chief. 50 000$ moral penalty
5. Chovpen V.G. - District Militian50 000$ moral penalty
6. Nosik T.T. - District Judge. Calm G-d Your soul in the Heaven Kingdom
7. Belova L.N. - District Judge3 000$ moral penalty
8. Vasilevskyi A.G. - Zaliznichnyi District Public Prosecutor. 200 000$ moral penalty
9. Zubets- City of Kiev Judge.500 000$ moral penalty
10. Boiko - Head of Supreme Court of Ukraine.48 000 000$moral penalty
11. Bonchuk - Vice-Procuror of town Procurature15 500 000$ moral penalty
12. Hristich - Town Procuror of Kiev.5 000 000$ moral penalty
13. Pojidaeva Raisa Vasileyvna - executor.1 000 000$
14. Fedorchuk Faina Larionovna - executor.1500$
15. Petrenko Natalia Alexeevna - executor.1500$
15cBlajenov-functioner GPU-100000$
15b. Town`s Procuror 2000 - 100 000$
15a. Petrenko I.L- Temp.Executor Procuror of Zal.d.Kiev 10 000$.1500$

10 august my daughter and her girlmate was robbed with the open knife,which was touched her neck near Zaliznichnyi Vokshall. Robbers forced her departure with her gold necklace and earthings.IT WAS IN OPEN DAY.Appeal to Zalizinichnay militia was failed. When Yana begin cry.The robber pressed the top of knife to the arteria of my daughter neck ahd hissed "Will cut".Thay both were in trans shock.It was THIRD OPEN CRIMINAK ROBBING OF MY UNDERAGE DAUGHTER ON ZALIZNICHNYI DISTRICT. On two cases Militia was failed to panisn GOLOVORESOV!!!!!!"
In this region once was huge beaten my son with broken his chelust bone. In this region was fired the home of our famile.On the Zaliznichnyi perron "POST VOLYNSKY" n near the habitance of Staruk My wife was brutally beaten on the perron with much people. Any panishment was not frowarded, not seeing on the appeal to Zalizhichnay militia. I can said ONCE MORE:
| |/| |
16. Shkurka Alexey Michailovitch - senior leitenant. 2 000$
17.Kasyanchuk MikleVladimirovitch - Head of Uritscogo 34 . 100 000$ moral penalty
18.Nikishina Miroslava Yurievna My neibor, who give her room for "thieves of my room",Uritscogo 34,126Only moral penalty before G-d
19.Polhovskay Nelly Fedorovna - "ISTEZ" 5 000$ moral penalty
19.Militant District Otrechenko V.P Uchastkovy.04.08.2000 150 000$ moral penalty
20.KOSTENKO L.I. - Head of Zaliznichny District Court. 300 000$ moral penalty
VETOHA - Vice General Procuror of Ukraine.30 000 000$ moral penalty

(For reality of uppermentioning sum I must declare that in this case for privat person I ruled by Bible`s Forthgeneration obligations, and about other thay are the Lawsuit Funksioner of DERZAVA UA, so under end of trial UA as DERZAVA will be carry in more part payment on moral repayment)
21.Trial under Human Rights of Child in Ukraine

13 august 99 i received the decision of Town`s Procurature about affirmation of decision of District Court. This paper sunked by lie and ambitious. Men said as if he is a G-d. In Ukraine one person not three decide to "kick out" underage girl with her mother to the street. Their power more unprecedential than power of war and "forcemagore" states. It is not Justice it is Zinizm and Laughing of Clercks.
6 SEPTEMBER To-day was the apogey of moral terrorizm under the guidance of District Judge Kostenko. Don`t mention on postponement the decision of his poket Court by the General Procurature. In my home brutally invaded three !!!!!executors and than militant. The gang of appartment racketiers Orlovsky, Kotenko and etc. were waiting in the ledder waiting for as the prosecutors say him:"The appartment Yours!"Thick raw they standed before the door of lift. As on the tribune of Brazil Festival. With them i saw my good-friend of our family Nadejdu /Hope/ , who irritably said the question to Staruk;"What YOU??doing here?You sold flat,received 20 000$ and what else You want??????" This gay smiled as Hollywood gangster and through wet futty bright lips filtered: "Bcse i hve A PIE"
When i arrived to home with the written postponement, the executores began said that on this paper there is not stamp and signature of Prosecutor. I said that on the copy it is not nesessary and only 1 hour before it i received this paper from the procuror of GPU. Not even the telephone explanation of the prosecutor of GPU from General Procurature not leave us in calm.Pojidaeva call to the cancelaria of district judge and said that i gave her something nonlegal paper without "stamp", but the stump was clearly stand on this official copy with the words,

10 august my daughter and her girlmate was robbed with the open knife,which was touched her neck near Zaliznichnyi Vokshall. Robbers forced her departure with her gold necklace and earthings.IT WAS IN OPEN DAY.Appeal to Zalizinichnay militia was failed. When Yana begin cry.The robber pressed the top of knife to the arteria of my daughter neck ahd hissed "Will cut".Thay both were in trans shock.It was THIRD OPEN CRIMINAK ROBBING OF MY UNDERAGE DAUGHTER ON ZALIZNICHNYI DISTRICT. On two cases Militia was failed to panisn GOLOVORESOV!!!!!!"
In this region once was huge beaten my son with broken his chelust bone. In this region was fired the home of our famile.On the Zaliznichnyi perron "POST VOLYNSKY" n near the habitance of Staruk My wife was brutally beaten on the perron with much people. Any panishment was not frowarded, not seeing on the appeal to Zalizhichnay militia. I can said ONCE MORE:
| |/| | "General Procurature". In the General Procurature the procuror said to me that we must not worried because 2 september special courier gave the Decison of Procurature to Kostenko. When senior leitenant SHKURKO /with the "pistolet" and braselet/appeared as a snake without knocking, as a master of my house, without showing the sertificate, and may be from hearing behind the closed door my angry speech in the address of Pojidaevoy. Than he began read my deal. But why? Another Home trial ???? Another showing that they have a papers so they have a thread on which he can manipulate of me. And why executors in general have my deal? my Court papers? Why they don`t leave any official papers after their visit? Why they had not any papers from the court about that they namely they are executors of Order by Kostenko?. What official shadow they leave after their intrusion in my Home? Nothing. Any papers. As in 1937 year when "russian troika" appeared with the closed "furgon" under the logo "HLEB"/bread/,in the night and after arresting anybody knowed who were that night snakes, who leaved tremled family after them?????? On what base the simple militant can read official paper of my deal???/,i was talked with Pojidaeyva about why she misinterpret the official paper from General Procurature, why thay don`t saw in the cancelaia postponement from General Proucrature. Why they every times /3/ appeared in my home and to froced my wife cry and sobber, smoke and trembled? i asked her "Or if you want to BLOOD ? SO WILL BE BLOOD!!!!!!. This militant said "From your voice my head is ache" Than when i camed to the shop for coffee.My wife said to me that Pojidaeva said "Be HE DIDE!!!!!!!!".Toma was astonished. "Who?" "YOUR HUSBAND" In the end of time there were calling that Decision og General Procurature was hidden by the Diastrict Judge Kostenko. It was after that, when i gave him such request
To the People`s court of Zaliznichny district of Kiev
by Shvaidak Yiryi Maksimovitch,who is living on the address:
REQUEST In the leazon with that that due to compensating treaty, which was sighned by my as a result of PSYCHICAL TERROR from the STARUKand KOTENKOi didnot reseived any cent after selling of my single apprtment of me, my wife and undergrawn daughter. The appeartment were selled to KOTENKO and ORLOVSKYI. I see hesesisity transqualificate the deal about"removing the obstacles.." to the Deal about STEALING OF THE ROOM from Shvaidak against Kotenko and Orlovsky and to name the deal as criminal with heavieng states and stealing in supreme high quantity 20 000$ as a gang.
Sighn Y.Shvaidak,The advior of Head of "Chernobyl Parliament" in the questtions af nuclear safity
p.s. to join to the appeal the filler CHOVPEN V.G. under the paragraf 'unproffesionalism" with the condition of official agreement with the crime of Staruk, Kotenko, which was expressed in the Decision from 25.05.97 about refusion to open the crime deal against Appartment`s Thiefs.
This appeal was rejected by the cancelaria of District Court. 06.07.98 Repeating innnering this request 38673 from 20.08.99. the repeat of Kostenko from 30.08.99 2-zag.

10 august my daughter and her girlmate was robbed with the open knife,which was touched her neck near Zaliznichnyi Vokshall. Robbers forced her departure with her gold necklace and earthings.IT WAS IN OPEN DAY.Appeal to Zalizinichnay militia was failed. When Yana begin cry.The robber pressed the top of knife to the arteria of my daughter neck ahd hissed "Will cut".Thay both were in trans shock.It was THIRD OPEN CRIMINAK ROBBING OF MY UNDERAGE DAUGHTER ON ZALIZNICHNYI DISTRICT. On two cases Militia was failed to panisn GOLOVORESOV!!!!!!"
In this region once was huge beaten my son with broken his chelust bone. In this region was fired the home of our famile.On the Zaliznichnyi perron "POST VOLYNSKY" n near the habitance of Staruk My wife was brutally beaten on the perron with much people. Any panishment was not frowarded, not seeing on the appeal to Zalizhichnay militia. I can said ONCE MORE:
| |/| | ichnyi district court Kiev, return to you your request without any mesure, because in the exposed question is in competence of lawprotection bodies
The head of Zaloznichny district court

To President of Ukraine KUCHMY L.D.
To Head of Supreme Council of Ukraine TKACHENKO
To the General Procuror of Ukraine POTEBENKO M.I.

Second Request

Nechiporenko Tamary Valentinovny,who live at address:t.Kiev-35,Uritscogo str.34,a.119, in the interest of Shvaidaka Yuryia Maksimovitcha and Shvaidak Olgy Yurievny 05.06.1984 year of her birth, who live at the same address.


I appeal to defend from Courts`s hypocracy of Court`s Hyerarhy of Zaliznichny District Court of Kiev.I have legal constitutional right(about which You always say on TV ) in the Highest Court`s Organs of Ukraine and due to Constitution of Ukraine adopted in New Ukraine the supermacy of international laws on the territory of Ukraine, and also in The World Justice Net in the INTERNET /;; etc.../.
In the third time, don`t mention on the postponement of desicion of Zaliznichniy coourt from 29.09.98 "About kicking out of my family with underage child from our last shelter", came the court`s executors with militantea, but in the court there is the postponement. It is MORAL TERROR!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday, 06.09.99 , don`t mention on that fact, that yet 02.09.99 the postponement of the desision of court with the number 8-15004-99 from 02.09.99 with the sign of Vice-General Procuror of Ukraine VETOCHA D,was transfered to the Zaliznichny court of Kiev, in 11-00 to the my room came three court`s executore (POJIDAYEVA R.V., FEDORCHUK F.L., PETRENKO N.O.) and militant (SHKURKA A.M.) with the bracelets and "pistolet". They said, that any postponement they hadn`t.The copy of the Postponement they discarded and in the brutal form talked with the Procuror from GPU/General Procuratura of Ukraine/, which confirmed that the postponement is situated in the Zaliznichniy Court from 02.09.99. Only after that, they began to find the postponement in all cancelarias of Zaliznichniy court from my telephone apparatus. But the postponement was hidden by The Head of Zaliznichniy Court KOSTENKO from 02.09. till 06.09.99.
I want to ask, why the Head of Zaliznichniy court is so interested in our "kicking out"???????? Why in such brutal manner the court`s executors behave himself ???????????????Why the Zaliznichniy Court so famous by their CORRUPTION ???????????????And how explain such fact?????????????? that before the beginning the legal force of the District Desision, we yet are discarded from the dosie of inhabitants of Kiev????????????????????????
Going out from the room, court`s executors don`t leave after their visit any papers, don`t say "Exuse us" for our illegal intrusion, but more than that said with us in the brutal forme???????????????/we have a wathcer of this scena Gergel Nadejda Konstantinovna/
I ask for Your`s protection against court`s violation of Zaliznichniy Court of Kiev.
Supplement: the copy of the letter from GPU from 02.09.99 38-15004-99.
With respect and hope. Sighn.T.Nechiporenko


Yesterday 09/09/99 i reseived the reply from Administration of Kuchmy. The president didnt see First request and clerks passed it to Supreme Court of Ukraine. "The shark w

10 august my daughter and her girlmate was robbed with the open knife,which was touched her neck near Zaliznichnyi Vokshall. Robbers forced her departure with her gold necklace and earthings.IT WAS IN OPEN DAY.Appeal to Zalizinichnay militia was failed. When Yana begin cry.The robber pressed the top of knife to the arteria of my daughter neck ahd hissed "Will cut".Thay both were in trans shock.It was THIRD OPEN CRIMINAK ROBBING OF MY UNDERAGE DAUGHTER ON ZALIZNICHNYI DISTRICT. On two cases Militia was failed to panisn GOLOVORESOV!!!!!!"
In this region once was huge beaten my son with broken his chelust bone. In this region was fired the home of our famile.On the Zaliznichnyi perron "POST VOLYNSKY" n near the habitance of Staruk My wife was brutally beaten on the perron with much people. Any panishment was not frowarded, not seeing on the appeal to Zalizhichnay militia. I can said ONCE MORE:
| |/| | as throughen to the sea".When to-day i tried to pass my request to the Zaliznichny Court the clerc said to me in the vulgar form "Man, don`t kipich" - slang of knight gangs "Your paper must see Head of Court". I asked the law normyive of suach restriction, but received brutal "Wait i will fine the Secretar and she will explain You "NOrmative", but from her words i understand that to give the statement to the Cancelaria of Zaliznichny court is a PRIVILEGE. So was in the district Procurature" Cancelarist Svitnik said to me that due to order of Procurature all request must be adopted by Procuror himself. So i could not ever to give the request to Court or Procurature, and all trying to reveal the law normative was hidden by the reply: "Go to Pontyi, and than to Pilat" The deals are worst than in 1937 year.

To President of Ukraine
from NECHIPORENKO Tamary Valentinovny
in the interest of Shvaidak Yuriy Maksimovitch and
Shvaidak Olgy Yriovny/underage/
who lived: t.Kiev,str.Uritskogo,34,119


I ask you immedeately to stop the desicion of Zaliznichny court of Kiev from 29.09.98 about "kicking out" of our family with the underage daughter from our single shelter before the processing our deal in the General Procurature of Ukraine.

I ask you to see our deal in the "principle", and not about as "proform", as it was deal in the court stations where the decision of Zaliznighny court rewrited word in word. Last meeting was processed without appearance by the "answerere"/he was in the work travel and the judge was informed about it - the paper about it is/. Before it ane meeteing was not performed 'in the principle", but the false protocoles said about another state of thungs.

In the court stations anybody invited us for dialog, our side,anybody not single time listened and rewrited the decision of district court.During processing there are not yet twoo peoples representatives, i don`t say about 12 representatives, so, such violence is maked in the courts of Ukraine, where the dignity of human being is footed down and the Consatitutional riaght of Human being, and more than that

The selling of appartment is unlawed, because there taked place of violence of underground child. The appartment was sold without decision of Monitoring Council /the paper is added/.

The said that we thought to come beyand the frontier /there is officila paper from VPR and UASM GUMVS of Ukraine in Kiev, that we never send the appeal to caome beyand the frontier/.

The paper from bargain, that we want sell the appartment has not force, because for intrusion the a\flat in the cartoteka it is not necessary even the passport, so everybody can take the appeal about selling the flat.

Iask you to protest the writting permission for the selling the apprtment, because it was reseived by the way of SHANTAGE and THREATINGSWe not in one times said about this facts to our district corpse of militia and to prosecutor of region /inner##H-1015 from 13.05.97, KUZP # 4221 from 14.05.97.Any reactions were not.My daughter was brutally violated /crime deal 355-883,art.117,p.3,1182 CC UA/.From the materials of deal it is seen that in the sighnings about the money, which we, returned/there are written evidences/ there were huge percents. The shingnig about the debt for Staruk A.V. and for him the document for selling the appartment, the

10 august my daughter and her girlmate was robbed with the open knife,which was touched her neck near Zaliznichnyi Vokshall. Robbers forced her departure with her gold necklace and earthings.IT WAS IN OPEN DAY.Appeal to Zalizinichnay militia was failed. When Yana begin cry.The robber pressed the top of knife to the arteria of my daughter neck ahd hissed "Will cut".Thay both were in trans shock.It was THIRD OPEN CRIMINAK ROBBING OF MY UNDERAGE DAUGHTER ON ZALIZNICHNYI DISTRICT. On two cases Militia was failed to panisn GOLOVORESOV!!!!!!"
In this region once was huge beaten my son with broken his chelust bone. In this region was fired the home of our famile.On the Zaliznichnyi perron "POST VOLYNSKY" n near the habitance of Staruk My wife was brutally beaten on the perron with much people. Any panishment was not frowarded, not seeing on the appeal to Zalizhichnay militia. I can said ONCE MORE:
| |/| | sighnings for Kotenko O.A. and the appartment is rearrange for her bythe same person Staruk for 10000 griven, what in the core is surprising. Where? in the center of Kiev, twoo-flat appartment is cost 25 000$. What is not seeing that it is treaty?By the Gangsters acts trethening in the address to our child they adopted our flat.

If dont see the threaty and shantage, so where are the money from the selling of our room?And where in our state there is law about that for percentages /in ather words benefits/ it is possible to "kiked out " family to the street?

The decision of district court didnot had a force, but the head of Passrort table of Zaliznichnyi district 'write out" our family!!

Now in the mass-media there are writings about the help to lawcush family before 1 September, but out child will be kike out to the street.

It is enough that i as an ingeherre of civil aviation, now anybody need,my husband -physicist,scientist /books nad monographies of who ar adopted in the world community Internet/, who worked 13,5 years under Chornobyl`s problem, alco not need for state.

I ask you as last hope on the justice, listen us and help us to save our single shelter for the sake of Child. Let this deal once more to proseed other court of every district of kiev, exept Zaliznichnyi, may there are not so coppuption and violence of human rights.


- paper about service travel of my husband;

paper from Monitoring Council;

paper from VPR and MP UASM GUMVC Ukraine in Kiev;

criminal deal #55-883;

copiies of the evidenters.

With nobless and respect


T-day,13.09.99 i want to sent the request to the administration of President. The same thing. I must to pegister and than wait chin and than come to meeting of clerk, that this clerk decide take or not take my paper. When i want to understand such order the KGB 'poruchik" said :'Now i kicke You out here! Yes i understand that the place whre i am is AD-misteries. So life falks!!!!!!!!!!

Ukrainian Ponty Pilat syndrom

14 september,Toma second week coughing with blood. Revealed permanent langus desease. 5 nghtes didinot sleep - bursting and coughing. Cold. Olga come to school shivering. In the flat is cold.Mother lay with grave desease of legs ander seeing of my sister. The Toma`s mother and father exist or superexist on 27$ in month. i as usually begin my day from home to Distrist Court, Districe Procuratura, General Procuratura, Supreme Court of UA, Administration of Prsident etcc... To day i was in the SCU, and against yesterdays talking with the clerk, to-day she said; "Your papers nave not stamps, and your deal is shut, don`t bother our head". Yes so life, folks. And i go from one hell to other. My colleague from us saod to me that 10 sept. my name was sounds in the radio talking "Matter and Antimatter" Yea in 1994 i gave the Formulae of Formation to the colonel of CIA Gavrilishin, who was the advisor of Kravchuk. He was lived in Geneva. After it in usa was opened 6 quark and in CERN, Oelert opened ANTYHYDROGEN, bur i wrote in my nonographie in 95, page 538 "That my FF simple interprets 'anomalous decay of zern`s bozon" as firest experimental pointing on the existance of new elementary structured organization of matter.

HYDROGEN ATOM = Left electron + left Zeron + left electron = 938,7886947 Mev
ANTYHYDROGEN ATOM = Right Zeron - Right electron - R

10 august my daughter and her girlmate was robbed with the open knife,which was touched her neck near Zaliznichnyi Vokshall. Robbers forced her departure with her gold necklace and earthings.IT WAS IN OPEN DAY.Appeal to Zalizinichnay militia was failed. When Yana begin cry.The robber pressed the top of knife to the arteria of my daughter neck ahd hissed "Will cut".Thay both were in trans shock.It was THIRD OPEN CRIMINAK ROBBING OF MY UNDERAGE DAUGHTER ON ZALIZNICHNYI DISTRICT. On two cases Militia was failed to panisn GOLOVORESOV!!!!!!"
In this region once was huge beaten my son with broken his chelust bone. In this region was fired the home of our famile.On the Zaliznichnyi perron "POST VOLYNSKY" n near the habitance of Staruk My wife was brutally beaten on the perron with much people. Any panishment was not frowarded, not seeing on the appeal to Zalizhichnay militia. I can said ONCE MORE:
| |/| | ight electron = 939,0629465 Mev

ATOM HYDROGEN + {Chronon - [9BRA/203//1000]xpi in th 2 degree} = 938,7886947 + 27,783456 = 939,0629064
ather meaning 939,0629465. So this formulae exposed TIME-LIGHT-SPACE INTERACTION. So in cern was first in the world was captured SPACE MATTER, converted from TIME MATTER due to time-light-space TLS interaction. We have absolute space and absolute time which are separated by BARTON-particles 1827+3=1830,or THE UNITED STATES = 366; 366/2=183 or 1830 = 1827 + 3 = 203 x 9 + 3 = Bet,Reshi,Tav {BRA, from BRASHIT BRA} x 9 + G-d {3}


22 sept.Mother died 16 sept. and i make new paces on the "blind horse ring". Yesterday my dear loving Toma was in the cancelaria of Zaliznichnyi court. Courtizanka said to her that for making stamp it is nned "voiving permission" of Head Kostenko. To day we received the "dirty" decision of VETOHY Vice-general Procuror of UA. The decision of Zliznichny court was confirmed.T-day i will go to the Kostenko.. Последним, к примеру, может служить так называемый геофизический нейтринный лазар в свете разработок Академии Космософии Украины. Вот что писал по этому поводу ее основатель Ю.М.Швайдак в адрес автора статьи 30 июня 1995 года:" Поскольку, на мой взгляд, у Человечества нет исторической перспективы на 21 век, вследствии размножения искусственной радиации - ксенобиотический 21 век,то единственной возможностью продолжения жизни является создание геофизического нейтринного лазара, способного деактивировать активные смертоносные атомы. Разработка его, содержащая в качестве объемного резонатора одно из Платоновых тел - знания Проскурякова по числовому моделированию космических и атомных параметров Гизского комплекса пирамид, бесспорно необходима, с целью деактивации Чернобыльской зоны и иных источников повышенной радиации (атомные котлы подлодок, зараженные территории, вывод с дежурства боевых расщепленных масс). Кроме того Ю.М.Швайдак считает, что Геофинейл способен управлять процессами внутри Земли, в частности, гасить землетрясения на корню, считывать любую информацию с любой точки видимой части Вселенной без непосредственного выхода в космос, влиять на полет любых тел, в том числе на кометы, астероиды и, возможно, даже на планеты, а также активно и целенаправленно воздействовать на климатические и погодные условия пока что, как отмечалось выше, на локальных территориях и, наконец, приоткрыть завесу алхимии, иначе говоря, получать искуственно драгоценные металлы. Опытный образец такого устройства можно попробовать создать на базе одной из наших пирамидальных конструкций. К этому мнению Швайдака следует серьезно прислушаться, поскольку он не только главный автор фундаментальной монографии "В небесах и недрах Космософии" (Киев 1995 год, 600 с.), но и на основании его "Формулы Формации" в 1996 году в лаборатории ЦЕРН (Женева, Швейцария) впервые получено антивещество и тем самым практически доказано существование антимира. По имеющимся у нас,

10 august my daughter and her girlmate was robbed with the open knife,which was touched her neck near Zaliznichnyi Vokshall. Robbers forced her departure with her gold necklace and earthings.IT WAS IN OPEN DAY.Appeal to Zalizinichnay militia was failed. When Yana begin cry.The robber pressed the top of knife to the arteria of my daughter neck ahd hissed "Will cut".Thay both were in trans shock.It was THIRD OPEN CRIMINAK ROBBING OF MY UNDERAGE DAUGHTER ON ZALIZNICHNYI DISTRICT. On two cases Militia was failed to panisn GOLOVORESOV!!!!!!"
In this region once was huge beaten my son with broken his chelust bone. In this region was fired the home of our famile.On the Zaliznichnyi perron "POST VOLYNSKY" n near the habitance of Staruk My wife was brutally beaten on the perron with much people. Any panishment was not frowarded, not seeing on the appeal to Zalizhichnay militia. I can said ONCE MORE:
| |/| | пока что неофициальным, данным, в некоторых странах уже приступили к непосредственному созданию Геофинейла, чему в значительной мере способствовало содержание брошюры автора "Десять лет спустя"(апрель 1996 года). Именно в ней вторично и совершенно точно спрогнозирована очередная критическая ситуация - в данном случае повторно на Чернобыльской АЭС. Не случайно, после подтверждения прогноза этот факт нашел отражение на Центральном телевидении России (РТР) от 04.10.1996 года, где, в частности, было отмечено, что 18 сентября 1996 года имела место неуправляемая ядерная реакция в течение четырех с половиной часов, которая, тем не менее, прекратилась. Такой неожиданный благоприятный исход Ю.Швайдак объяснил как целенаправленную работу моего собственного мозга - аналога Геофинейла, вступившего в контакт с Высшим Разумом для преодотвращения взрыва всего ядерного топлива в атомном реакторе четвертого энергоблока в размере 180 тонн. Разумеется, осуществлялся параллельно и целый ряд чисто технических мероприятий для предотвращения новой ядерной катастрофы, инициатором которых безусловно был Ю.М.Швайдак. (с)С.Проскуряков Есть определенные основания полагать, что в упомянутой ситуации Высший Разум посчитал достойными усилия его младших партнеров на Земле(в первую очередь Швайдака и Проскурякова) и по этим причинам пошел им навстречу, поскольку при повторном Чернобыле, как и в случае на АЭС в Хинкли-Пойнте, Проскуряков не просто предсказывал критическую ситуацию, но демонстрировал конкретную кухню чисто математической проскопии своего прогнозирования - Программу Высшего Разума. В этой связи Ваш покорный слуга, С.Проскуряков, обращается ко всем без исключения Академиям Наук ведущих стран мира и их Правительствам немедленно включиться в процесс создания чисто технических аспектов Геофинейла с непосредственным привлечением к этой работе не только автора статьи, но и, в первую очередь, главного творца этого суперустройства - физика-теоретика Ю.М.Швайдака. В любом случае предлагаем обсудить эту проблемму, для чего просим специалистов, заинтересованных лиц и инстанций, а также спонсоров обращаться по телефонам: Россия, г. Москва (095)287-62-98; 289-64-48, тел/факс 289-35-29. Украина, г. Ки

10 august my daughter and her girlmate was robbed with the open knife,which was touched her neck near Zaliznichnyi Vokshall. Robbers forced her departure with her gold necklace and earthings.IT WAS IN OPEN DAY.Appeal to Zalizinichnay militia was failed. When Yana begin cry.The robber pressed the top of knife to the arteria of my daughter neck ahd hissed "Will cut".Thay both were in trans shock.It was THIRD OPEN CRIMINAK ROBBING OF MY UNDERAGE DAUGHTER ON ZALIZNICHNYI DISTRICT. On two cases Militia was failed to panisn GOLOVORESOV!!!!!!"
In this region once was huge beaten my son with broken his chelust bone. In this region was fired the home of our famile.On the Zaliznichnyi perron "POST VOLYNSKY" n near the habitance of Staruk My wife was brutally beaten on the perron with much people. Any panishment was not frowarded, not seeing on the appeal to Zalizhichnay militia. I can said ONCE MORE:
| |/| | ев (044)245-55-44. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Пишите нам: e-mail: Президент Академии Космософии Украины, физик-теоретик, один из современных претендентов на звание Нобелевского лауреата Ю.М.Швайдак на обложке своей книги "В небесах и недрах Космософии", подаренной С.Б.Проскурякову, написал:- "Cоздателю и творцу математической Библии". Академик РАН, лауреат государственной премии СССР Р.С.Судаков оценил модель автора одной фразой:- "Замечательное открытие автора, которое он назвал "Египетский круг". Математики-теоретики Белоруссии еще в 1989 году попытались понять: не подтасовывает ли Проскуряков классические каноны науки под свои удивительные диаграммы, однако один из их лидеров, доктор физико-математических наук, профессор В.И.Берник, который руководит лабораторией теории чисел Института математики и механики Академии Наук Белоруссии, вынужден был признать, что вероятность случайного построения совокупности диаграмм на "Часах Исиды" не более одной миллиардной, и это не дает ни малейшего сомнения утверждать, что "Часы Исиды" ни с чем не сравнимый математический феномен, которого еще не знала история человечества. Впервые, как ни странно, это поняли корреспонденты газеты "Советская Белоруссия", которые в подзаголовке к статье автора "Информационные феномены пирамид" от 27 августа 1989 года написали:

10 august my daughter and her girlmate was robbed with the open knife,which was touched her neck near Zaliznichnyi Vokshall. Robbers forced her departure with her gold necklace and earthings.IT WAS IN OPEN DAY.Appeal to Zalizinichnay militia was failed. When Yana begin cry.The robber pressed the top of knife to the arteria of my daughter neck ahd hissed "Will cut".Thay both were in trans shock.It was THIRD OPEN CRIMINAK ROBBING OF MY UNDERAGE DAUGHTER ON ZALIZNICHNYI DISTRICT. On two cases Militia was failed to panisn GOLOVORESOV!!!!!!"
In this region once was huge beaten my son with broken his chelust bone. In this region was fired the home of our famile.On the Zaliznichnyi perron "POST VOLYNSKY" n near the habitance of Staruk My wife was brutally beaten on the perron with much people. Any panishment was not frowarded, not seeing on the appeal to Zalizhichnay militia. I can said ONCE MORE:
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