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Shugseb and Dolma Ling Nuneries

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These nunries were founded in the early 1990's to house and educate nuns escaping religious representation in Tibet. Shegseb lies in the quite forest setting : take the path beside Om restraurant, Mcleod Ganj, and decend for around for a kilometer. Nuns from a original Shugseb nunnery, near Lhasa, have spreadheaded many courageous freedom demonstrations and are two either expelled or imprisoned. Shugseb in Dharamsala is a tranquil retreat for 42 nuns-many of them former political prisoners-who follow the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism. The original Shugseb was founded by the legendary 20th century female saint, Ani Lochen (or Jetsun Rinpoche), who died aaged 130 in 1950. Dolma Ling is in the vicinity of Norbulingka Institute (look under Norbulingka Institute for how to get there). The four-acre site, designed to accommodate up to 300 nuns in future, currently houses over 100 nuns-many former dvictims of chinese torture and oppression. Phase Two ofd this ambittious project will add a temple and Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies to the current accomodation in frastructure.
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