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Beer drinkin Page!!!

My Oath to My Beer Buddies:

When you are sad, I will give you a beer, slap you, and say, "Cry me a fucking river you fat fucking baby... Now drink up."

When you are scared, I will comfort you... and try to convince you that they will not search the trunk.

When you are worried, I will buy not one but two thirty packs. That ought to hold us until 8pm.

When you are lost, I will lead you back to your room... so that you can pass out with your boy/girlfriend and they can take care of you.

When you are hungry, I will be a true friend... and keep you from adding on to your fat ass and hide the post-drinking munchies.

When you are delirious with superhuman strength, I will sit your ass on the couch... and keep you from getting your drunk ass kicked..

When you are confused, I will explain to you how sometimes ugly people look like supermodels when you are drunk.

This is my oath... I pledge until the end. Why you may ask? Because you're my beer drinking friend!

A man and a woman were involved in a terrible car accident and both cars were totaled. They climbed from the wreckage and the woman stood in awe. ''Our cars are demolished, yet we walk unharmed. This must be a sign from God that we are to be best friends for the rest of our lives,'' she spoke wisely. ''I agree completely, ma'am,'' the man replied.

The woman stepped closer to examine the damage and noticed something shiny within her car. Reaching in, she pulled out an unbroken bottle. ''This bottle of wine wasn't even cracked. I think this is another sign that we are to drink a toast to our new friendship.''

''That's a great idea, miss,'' the man answered taking the bottle from her. He popped the cork and drank his share.

''I'm sorry. How rude of me. Would you like some?''

''No, thanks,'' came the reply. ''I'll just wait on the cops to get here.''

A drunk guy in Alaska decides to go ice fishing. So he packs up his stuff and goes out onto the ice. He starts sawing a hole in the ice, and a loud booming voice says, "YOU WILL FIND NO FISH UNDER THAT ICE!" The drunk looks up, ignores it, and continues on. The voice repeats, "YOU WILL FIND NO FISH UNDER THE ICE." The drunk looks up and says, "God? Is this God trying to warn me?" The voice says "NO, I'M THE MANAGER OF THIS ICE RINK."

MY Poetry Page!
