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Stephen's Web Site Last Update: January 24, 2000
About Me
My Friends
My Car
My Future
Sign Guestbook
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January 24, 2000 - Added more friends, and the About Me section, so now all that's left for sections on the left, is... My Future, should be up soon. Please sign the guestbook, and check out other sections.
January 22, 2000 - I added more friends, links, and I added a shitload of info, stories, stats, and useless shit on my car... so check out that section, you'll laugh so hard! Also, sign my guestbook!
January 21, 2000 - Added comments on more friends... and put up the some links.
January 15, 2000 - I started on the 'My Friends' part of the site, but nothing else, because I went out for coffee... So check out 'My Friends'.
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