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The Ring of Fire

Thanks for your interest in the The Ring of Fire. Joining The Ring of Fire will help expose you to others who share similar interests in volcanoes and earthquakes.

Joining is simple. Fill out the form below, then copy the code from the email you will recive and paste it into the
code for the site specified in the URL field. We will review your site and will be notified that you added your site to the queue, and if it checks out, we will add you to the ring and send you an e-mail confirming the addition.

Thank You,
Nathan and Kristen Schneider


This is an expample of the default code to use on your page*:

This Ring of Fire site is owned by Your Name
The RING OF FIRE is managed by Nathan and Kristen Schneider
You can be part of the RING OF FIRE
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* The default code will be e-mailed to you
You may not modify the code in anyway. If you know HTML you can use any of the codes here


Edit your site information

Site ID: 




Prospective Members:

Submit site to 
The Ring Of Fire
Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!) 
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site. 
Description: Enter a short description of your site. 


  • Website must have Volcano and Earthquake Content
  • Sites containing Volcanos and Earthquakes will be favored over general geology sites
  • You cannot modify the webring code
  • You must use the code that will be e-mailed to you.

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    E-Mail The RingManagers E-mail the RingManagers
    Ring Master's Home Page Visit the RingMaster's home page


    This Ring of Fire site is owned by Nathan and Kristen Schneider
    The RING OF FIRE is managed by Nathan and Kristen Schneider
    You can be part of the RING OF FIRE
    Prev-Next-Random-Skip Prev-Skip Next-List of Sites
    NND Web Design