
Ali Awang & Siti Naz. 1999. Feeding ecology of brown marble grouper, Epinephelue fuscogustatus on rotifer. Paper presented at the First National Symposium on Aquaculture, Berjaya Hotel, Penang 22-24 Nov. 1999.

Ali Awang, Mohd Saleh MT, Siti NAZ. 1999. Mass culture of Calanoida copepod, Acartia sienjiensis and Paracalanus sp using diatom, Skeletonema sp as food. Paper presented at the First National Symposium on Aquaculture, Berjaya Hotel, Penang 22-24 Nov. 1999.

Azhar Hamzah, 1999. Evaluation of the performance of local and imported feeds in shrimp culture. Paper presented at the Center’s in-house seminar on 26/09/1999

Azhar Hamzah, 1999. Biotechnology in aquaculture - a potential tool to be explored. Paper presented at the Center’s in-house seminar on 26/09/1999

Che Utama C.M. Badrulnizam Basri, 1999. Culture of red snapper Lutjanus argentimacultus in floating cages using locally made dry formulated feed. Paper presented at the First National Symposium on Aquaculture, Berjaya Hotel, Penang 22-24 Nov. 1999.

Che Utama CM & Badrulnizam Basri. 1999. Culture of seabass, Lates calcarifer’ in floating cages using dry formulated feed. Paper presented at the Center’s in-house seminar on 26/09/1999

Che Utama Che Musa and Saadiah Ibrahim 1999. Replacing fishmeal with poultry offal meal in diets for seabass, L. calcarifer. Paper presented at the First National Symposium on Aquaculture, Berjaya Hotel, Penang 22-24 Nov. 1999.

Fariduddin O. 1999. Udang harimau jadi buruan. Berita Perikanan. Jabatan Perikanan Mlaysiaaa Bil 34:15-16.

Fariduddin O. A report from recent survey on shrimp farming status in northern states of Peninsular Malaysia. Paper presented at the First National Symposium on Aquaculture, Penang. 22-24 Nov. 1999.

Fariduddin O. 1999. Feeding on-grown artemia to larvae seabass Lates calcarifer Block during nursery culture operation. Paper presented at the Tropical Fisheries and aquaculture Conference- Recent Trend in Tropical Fisheries and Aquaculture. UPM, Kuala Terengganu 5-7 Sept. 1999.

Fariduddin O. & Yaakob A. 1999. Eyestalk ablation on wild Penaeus monodon females. FRI Newsletter 3 (2):7-9. Fisheries Research Institute Malaysia.

Hashim R., KL Wee, ASC Chong, N. Hani and S. Ibrahim. 1999. Protein source: potential of local poultry offal meal in aquafeed. Paper presented at the First National Symposium on Aquaculture, Berjaya Hotel, Penang 22-24 Nov. 1999.

Liong, P.C. 1999. Spiny lobster farming: larviculture to marketable size. Paper presented for Jawatankuasa Perancang Jabatan Perikanan meeting on 25/11/1999.

Liong, P.C. 1999. Malaysian country report. World Shrimp Farming 1999. Shrimp News International.

Ali Awang, Mohd Saleh Taha, Rashidah Mat Resat & Siti Noraiziah Abu Zarin. 1998. Isolation and culture of Copepod Acartia sinjiensis in the laboratory. Poster presentation, IPP Seminar 24-25, Nov, 1998, Penang.

Ali Awang, Mohd Saleh Taha dan Siti Noraziah. 1998. The effect of different algae Chaetoceros calcitrans, Isochrysis galbana, Nanachloropsis sp. and mixture of Chaetoceros calcitrans & Isochrysis galbana and Chaetoceros calcitrans & Nanochloropsis sp. on copepod abundance. Poster presentation, IPP Seminar, 24-25 Nov., 1998. Penang.

Azhar Hamzah. 1998. Ekonomi ternakan udang harimau. Paper presented at the Seminar Pembangunan Ekonomi organised by Malaysian 4- B Youth Movement, Kedah on 26/12/98.

Azhar Hamzah. 1998. Kepepod – temuan baru makanan benih ikan laut. Berita Perikana, bil 31. Disember 1998.

Azhar H., Utama C.M. & Othman M. 1998. Nursing of seabass Lates calcarifer larvae in brackishwater using natural food. Paper presented at the FRI Seminar 24-25 Nov. 1998. IPP, Batu Maung.

Badrulnizam B. , Utama C.M., Aluwi S and Ramli S. 1998. Growth study of red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) using dry pelleted feed in floatiing cages. Paper presented at the FRI Seminar 24-25 Nov. 1998. IPP, Batu Maung.

Doi, M, Ali A, K. Utsugi, A. Ohino, Faazaz A. L, Nik Razali N. L, Mohd Saleh M. T., Siti Noraziah and R. Rimatulhana 1998. Development of seed production technology of red snapper (Lutjanus argentimaculatus) semi-intensive and intensive methods woth examination of larval feeding ecology. Paper presented at the IPP Seminar, 24-25, Nov., 1998. Penang.

Fariduddin O. 1998. Biologi pembiakan dan pembenihan sefalopoda, Sepioteuthis lessoniana Lesson dengan kaedah separa intensif. Disertasi Sarjana Sains. USM.

Fariduddin O. & Ahyaudin A. 1998. Production of juvenile bigfin reef squid, Sepioteuthis lessoniana and its transporttion. Paper presented at the Second IMT_GT Uninet Conference. Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand, Aug 29-30 Post presentation.

Fariduddin O. 1998. Evaluation of partial repalcement of artemia by formulated diets during the nursery operation of tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon Fabricus. Paper presented at the IPP Seminar, 24-25, Nov., 1998. Penang.

Liong, P.C. 1998. Pengurusan air untuk kolam udang laut. Paper presented at a series of one-day seminar on shrimp farming in Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Malacca, Johore, Pahang and Sarawak during Oct – Dec., 1998.

Liong, P.C. 1998. Malaysian country report. Wolrd Shrimp Farming 1998.

Liong P.C. 1998. Live Fish Transportation in Malaysia, paper presented at the Malaysia-Norway Technology Seminar, 2-3 Nov. 1998. Kuala Lumpur.

Mohd Suhaimee, A.M. & Utama, C.M. Mohd Khan and Ahmad Daut O. 1998. Substitution of fish meal in seabass Lates calcarifer diet with soybean meal. . Paper presented at the FRI Seminar 24-25 Nov. 1998. IPP, Batu Maung.

Rashidah, M. R. 1998. Mass culture of Nanochloropsis sp. Poster presentation at the FRI Seminar 24-25 Nov. 1998. IPP, Batu Maung.

Saadiah, I.& K. Utsugi. 1998. Super–intensive culture of rotifers feeding on concentrated freshwater Chlorella sp. FRI Newsletter, vol 3 no.1. 1998.

Utama C.M. 1998. Status on research in marine finfish nutrition and feed formulation in Malaysia. Paper presented at the Malaysia-Norway Technical Seminar, Kuala Lumpur, 2-3 Nov. 1998.

Utama C.M. 1998. Fish feed and nutrition: ingredients for fish feed manufacture. Paper presented at the Seminar on Food Productivty and Agro-bse Industry. USM, Penang, 10-11 Nov. 1998.

Utama C.M., Badrulnizam. B. Aluwi S. and Ramli S. 1998. Evaluation on the performance of locally made seabass feed. Paper presented at the FRI Seminar 24-25 Nov. 1998. IPP, Batu Maung.

Utama C. M. & Saadiah Ibrahim 1998. Evaluation on the performance of different formulated diets for seabass, L. calcarifer, fingerling, paper presented at the FRI Semiar 24-25 Nov. 1998. IPP, Batu Maung.

Utama C.M. Ahmad Daut O. Badrulnizam B. and Ramli S. 1998. Evalutaion on the performance of locally made seabass Lates calcarifer feed. . Paper presented at the FRI Seminar 24-25 Nov. 1998. IPP, Batu Maung.

Utama C.M. Badrulnizam B. Aluwi S. 1998. Nursing sea bass Lates calcarifer fry in hatchery using formulated feed. . Paper presented (poster) at the FRI Seminar 24-25 Nov. 1998. IPP, Batu Maung.

Yaakob, A. & Utama C.M. 1998. Development of maturation pellet for tiger prawn Penaeus monodon brookstok. Paper presented at the FRI Seminar 24-25 Nov. 1998. IPP, Batu Maung.

Yaakob A. 1998. Observation on the maturation response of eyestalk ablated wild Penaeus monodon in relation to body weight. . Paper presented (Poster) at the FRI Seminar 24-25 Nov. 1998. IPP, Batu Maung.

Zainoddin, J. 1998. Replacement of sea salt for natural sea water in prawn, Macrobrachium rosengerbii, larviculture. Paper presented at the IPP Seminar, 24-25 Nov., 1998. IPP, Batu Maung, Penang.

Zainoddin, J. 1998. The preliminary report on tributyltin (TBT) in tropical waters. Paper presented at the CPMS-II Seminar. 26-28 Oct. 1998, Langkawi. Malaysia.

Zainoddin, J. 1998. Replacement of natural seawater with atificial sea salt in prawn, Macrobrachium rosembergii, larviculture. Paper presented at the Second IMT_GT Uninet Conference. Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai, Thailand, Aug 29-30.

Faazaz A.L. 1997. Infection of a monogenean Laptocotyle minor, on the common lesser spotted dogish, Scyliorthinus caniculus in public aquariums in UK. A dissertation submitted for the Master of Aquatic Pathobiology at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Sterling, UK.

Faazaz, A. L. 1997. Common finfish diseases observed in NAPFRE hatchery. Paper presented in the SE-AADCP Seminar held at Novotel, Penang on 11/12/97.

Liong, P.C. 1997. Malaysian Country Report in World Shrimp Farming 1997. Pp 129-131. Compiled by Bob Rosenberry.

Zainoddin, J. 1997. Teknologi pembenihan udang galah menggunakan teknik statik keptiz. M.Sc. Thesis, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Minden. Penang.

Fariduddin, O. 1996. Udang Lipan Harpiosquilla sp. dari Famili SQUILLIDAE Order Stomatopoda. Berita Perikanan. Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia (in Malay).

Fariduddin, O., Othman, M. and Palanisamy, V. 1996. Hatching and larval rearing of cephalopods, Sepioteuthis lessoniana, Sepia pharaonis and Sepiella inermis. Paper presented in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Fariduddin, O., Othman, M. and Sayuthi, I. 1996. Improving shrimp fry packing and transportation. Paper presented as poster in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Liong, P.C. 1996. Marine shrimp farming in Malaysia. Asian Fisheries Federation / ASEAN - Canada FPHT Conference, 16-18 Sept. 1996. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Liong, P.C. & K. Subramanian. 1996. Probiotics in shrimp farming. Paper presented in the Seminar on Development in Shrimp Farming, Institute of Advanced Studies, University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. 25 March, 1996.

Othman, M. 1996. The effects of probiotics in nitrogen transformation in the nursery of Penaeus monodon. Paper presented as poster in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Safiah, S. 1996. Effect of feed protein level on protease activity in seabass, Lates calcarifer, juveniles. Paper presented as poster in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Subramaniam, K., and Rosman, R. 1996. Experimental culture of milkfish, Chanos chanos, in brackish water ponds. Paper presented as poster in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Utama, C.M and Faazaz, A.L. 1996. Effect of salinity on the growth of mud crab hatchlings. Paper presented in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Utama, C.M. and Wong, C.H. 1996. Effect of partial replacement of fishmeal with winged bean seed meal on the growth of Tiger Shrimp, Penaeus monodon, juveniles. Paper presented in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Utama, C.M. and Ismail, A.H. 1996. Digestibility studies of commercial seabass feed. Paper presented as poster in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Yaakob, A. and Utama, C.M. 1996. Effect of different types of diet on growth and the nutrient content of adult Artemia culture in stagnant water system. Paper presented in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Yaakob, A., Othman, M. and Azahar, A. 1996. Temperature pattern of transport water by using ice during transportation of shrimp/fish fry. Paper presented as poster in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Yaakob, A. 1996. Storage methods of decapsulated Artemia cysts. Paper presented as poster in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Zainoddin, J. and Utama, C.M. 1996. Freshwater prawn larviculture and grow-out technology in Malaysia. Paper presented in Fisheries Research Conference 1996, 8-10 July 1996, Fisheries Research Institute, Penang.

Faazaz, A.L. & Che Utama, C.M. 1995. The biology of mud crab and its hatchery production. Fisheries Bulletin No. 102. Department of Fisheries Malaysia.

Liong, P.C. 1995. Pengeluaran benih udang di Malaysia : masalah dan cabaran. Warta Akuakultur 5(4):12-18.

Liong, P.C. 1995. Crab Culture - Present Status, Future Prospects. In : KPP Nambiar & Tarlochan Singh (editors). Aquaculture towards the 21st Century. Proceedings of the INFOFISH-AQUATECh’ 94. International Conference on Aquaculture, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 29-31 August 1994. pp90-95.

Utama, C.M. 1995. Kesan alga dan bahan bukan alga sebagai makanan ke atas pertumbuhan populasi rotifer Brachionus plicatilis. Buletin Perikanan Bil. 91. Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (in Malay).

Utama, C.M. 1995. Penilaian Keberkesanan Beberapa Jenis Bahan Pengikat Keatas Kestabilan Pelet Didalam Air. Buletin Perikanan No. 101. Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia (In Malay).

Zainoddin, J. 1995. The different performance within pond grown breeders and wild stocks and their generations in the hatchery and pond grow-out of giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Paper presented at 1st. Asian-Australasian Fish Genetics, 15 - 17th Nov. 1995, Malaya University, K. Lumpur.

Faazaz, A.L. & Che Utama, C.M. 1994. Experiences in the larvaculture of swimming crab, Portunus Pelagicus at NAPFRE. In : Proceedings Fisheries Research Conference, 4-6 Oct. 1993, Kuala Trengganu, Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1994.

Fariduddin, O. 1994. Some aspects of diatom Chaetoceros sp (Malaysia), its culture in medium and small scale hatcheries in Malaysia. Bulletin Perikanan 87. Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, 1994.

Fariduddin b. Othman, Subramaniam, K. & Othman, M. 1994. The prospect of 3 commercial shrimp species Penaeus monodon De Haan, Peneus merguiensis De Haan and Metapenaeus ensis De Haan on aquaculture in Malaysia. In : Proceedings Fisheries Research Conference, 4-6 Oct. 1993, Kuala Trengganu, Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1994.

Liong, P. C. & Subramaniam, K. 1994. Crab farming practices in Malaysia. Paper presented at Seminar on aquaculture practices in Malaysia, 28-29 March 1994, UPM, Malaysian Fisheries Soceity.

Othman, M. & Che Utama, C. M. 1994. Some substitutes for Artemia as feed in the larviculture of Penaeus monodon. In : Proceedings Fisheries Research Conference, 4-6 Oct. 1993, Kuala Trengganu, Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1994.

Palanisamy, V. 1994. Strategies for the control of shrimp diseases in the ASEAN region. In: Proceedings International Congress on quality veterinary services for the 21st century, 15-17 Nov. 1994, Kuala Lumpur.

Palanisamy, V. 1994. Prevention of shrimp diseases. Paper presented at Seminar Ternakan Udang, Tawau, Sabah, 12 December 1994.

Palanisamy, V. 1994. Preliminary studies on diseases associated with bacterial pathogens in penaeid larvicultures. Bulletin Perikanan Bil 84. Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia, K.Lumpur.

Palanisamy, V. and Fariduddin, O. 1994. Pathological determinants of quality and hatching of eggs of Peneaus Monodon Fabricus. In : Proceedings Fisheries Research Conference, 4-6 Oct. 1993, Kuala Trengganu, Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K.Lumpur, 1994.

Palanisamy, V. & Fariduddin, O. 1994. Some pathological determinants of quality and hatching of eggs of Penaeus monodon Fabricus. In : Proceedings Fisheries Research Conference, 4-6 Oct. 1993, Kuala Trengganu, Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1994.

Subramaniam, K. & Liong, P.C. 1994. Experimental culture of mud crab Scylla serrata in brackishwater pond. In : Proceedings Fisheries Research Conference, 4-6 Oct. 1993, Kuala Trengganu, Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1994.

Utama, C.M. & Othman, M. 1994. Some Observation on the Growth of Mud Crab Scylla serrata Juveniles Using Various Artificial Feeds . In : FRI Newsletter. Vol.1- No.1 Dec. 1994.

Utama, C.M. & Othman, M. 1994. Growth response of mud crab Scylla serrata juveniles to various feeds . In : Proceedings Fisheries Research Conference, 4-6 Oct. 1993, Kuala Trengganu, Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1994.

Yaakob, A. & Azhar, A. 1994. Factors affecting the survival and activeness of Macrobrachium rosenbergii fry during transportation. In : Proceedings Fisheries Research Conference, 4-6 Oct. 1993, Kuala Trengganu, Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1994.

Zainoddin, J. 1994. Genetic variations of different stock and between progeny of giant freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. In : Proceedings Fisheries Research Conference, 4-6 Oct. 1993, Kuala Trengganu, Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1994.

Zainoddin, J., Yaakob, A. & Faazaz A.L. 1994. Keptiza Statik - Teknologi pembenihan udang galah Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Laporan Tahunan 1993 MPKSN, Kementerian Teknologi & Sains Alam Sekitar.

Faazaz, Abd. Latif. 1993. Factors affecting the success of larviculture in NAPFRE. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Conference 1991, Penang. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1993 (in Malay).


Liong, P.C. 1993. The culture and fattening of mud crab. INFOFISH International 3/93: 46-49.

Othman, M. & Yaakob, A. 1993. Artemia nauplii as feed for the postlarvae of Penaeus monodon during nursery stages. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Conference 1991, Penang. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1993.

Palanisamy, V. 1993. Luminous bacterial infection of penaeid larviculture at NAPFRE hatchery. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Conference 1991, Penang. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1993.

Palanisamy, V. 1993. Preliminary studies on bacterial diseases associated with penaeid larviculture. Buletin Perikanan Bil : No : 83. Jabatan Perikanan . Kuala Lumpur.

Subramaniam, K. & Liong, P.C. 1993. Development of tiger shrimp (Peneaus monodon) broodstock in brackishwater ponds. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Conference 1991, Penang. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1993.

Utama, C.M. 1993. Keberkesanan makanan rumusan yang diproses sendiri (home-made) berbanding dengan makanan rumusan kommersial (bought-in) untuk asuhan postlarva udang harimau (Penaeus monodon). In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Conference 1991, Penang. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1993 (in Malay).

Utama, C.M. 1993. Aquafeeds and Feeding Strategies in Malaysia. In: Proceeding of the FAO/AADCP Regional Expert Consultation on Farm-made Aquafeeds, December 1992, Bangkok, Thailand.

Yaakob, A. & Othman, M. 1993. Kajian awal terhadap kesan pelepasan benih udang galah di Sungai Muda, Kedah Darulaman. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Conference 1991, Penang. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1993 (in Malay).

Yaakob, A. & Othman M. 1993. Rawai : Salah satu cara menangkap udang galah di Sungai Muda, Kedah Darulaman. Kertas Pengembangan Perikanan Bil. 177. Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (in Malay).

Zainoddin, J. 1993. Teknologi pembenihan udang galah (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) mengikut teknik statik-intensif di NAPFRE. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Conference 1991, Penang. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, K. Lumpur, 1993 (in Malay).

Faazaz, A.L., Palanisamy, V. & Muhamad Hatta, M. 1992. Panduan pembenihan udang laut, Penaeus monodon, secara sistem intensif. Buku Panduan Bil 3/92. Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (in Malay).

Subramaniam, K. 1992. NAPFRE berjaya hasilkan benih ketam dari hatceri. Berita Perikanan Bil. 11. Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Utama, C.M. 1992. Keberkesanan beberapa jenama makanan rumusan larva bagi protozoea udang harimau, Penaeus monodon. Buletin Perikanan Bil. 74. Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (in Malay).

Utama, C.M. 1992. Kesan pelbagai paras beberapa punca protin ke atas kadar kemandirian dan tumbesaran postlarvae udang harimau. Buletin Perikanan Bil. 79. Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (in Malay).

Yaakob, A. 1992. Handling of crustacean and molluscs fry in Malaysia. Paper presented at the ASEAN EC-AADCP Workshop, Verona, Italy.

Yaakob, A. 1992. Observation on the growth of Macrobrachium rosenbergii larvae from two sources of breeders. Fisheries Bulletin 77. Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Yaakob, A. & Othman, M. 1992. Artemia nauplii as a feed for the postlarvae of the giant tiger prawn Penaeus monodon during the nursery stages. Fisheries Bulletin 78. Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Yaakob, A. & Othman, M. 1992. Preliminary studies on the release of Macrobrachium rosenbergii fry in the Muda River, Kedah. Paper presented at the National IRPA Seminar, 8th. January 1992, Kuala Lumpur.

Yaakob, A. & Zainoddin, J. 1992. Asas-asas ternakan udang galah (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) di dalam kolam secara monokultur. Buku Panduan Bil. 4/92. Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia, Malaysia (in Malay).

Zainoddin, J. 1992. Effects of inbreeding on giant freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii culture. Paper presented in Symposium Genetics and its Application to Aquaculture and Fishery Management, Bogor, Indonesia, 8 - 10 Dec. 1992.

Faazaz, A.L. & Palanisamy, V. 1991. Keputusan ternakan larva Penaeus monodon intensif di PPPBUK 1985 -1987. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Seminar 1989, Malacca. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 1991 (in Malay).

Liong, P.C. 1991. Water disinfection in aquaculture hatcheries. Fisheries Bulletin No.66. Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia.

Liong, P.C. 1991. Recent development in freshwater prawn farming in Malaysia. Fisheries Bulletin No. 67. Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia.

Mohd. Fariduddin, O. 1991. Some observation on the ecology and larval culture aspects of the banana shrimp (Penaeus mergueinsis/ Penaeus indicus). Fisheries Bulletin No. 72, Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Othman, M. 1991. Some results on the transportation of udang galah juveniles in plastic bags. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Seminar 1989, Malacca. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 1991.

Palanisamy, V., Faazaz, A.L. & Rashidah, M.R. 1991. A guide on the production of alga culture for use in shrimp hatcheries, Buku Panduan 1/91, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

Palanisamy, V. & Faazaz, A. L. 1991. The problems of Leucothrix infestation in Penaeid hatcheries. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Seminar 1989, Malacca. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 1991.

Utama, C.M. 1991 Kesan penggalak tumbesaran Virginiamycin keatas kadar kemandirian dan kadar tumbesaran postlarva udang harimau. Buletin Perikanan Bil. 71. Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (in Malay).

Utama, C. M. 1991. Kesan penggunaan makanan rumusan didalam bentuk butiran kering dan saiz butiran yang sesuai bagi asuhan postlarva udang harimau. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Seminar 1989, Malacca. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 1991 (in Malay).

Utama, C.M. 1991. Kesan pelbagai paras Vitamin C, Kolina klorida dan Inositol ke atas kadar kemandirian dan kadar tumbesaran postlarva udang harimau. Buletin Perikanan Bil. 70. Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (in Malay).

Yaakob, A. & Zainoddin, J. 1991. Kajian monokultur udang galah: Kekesanan dan peningkatan penghasilan. Paper presented at the National IRPA Seminar, UUM, Sintuk, Jitra.

Zainoddin, J. 1991. Preliminary studies on the larval rearing of mud crab (Scylla serrata) in NAPFRE. Paper presented at the BOBP Seminar on the Culture of Mud Crab in BOBP area, 5-8 Nov., 1991, Surat Thani, Thailand.

Zainoddin, J. & Yaakob, A. 1991. Makanan rumusan larva udang galah (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) - SUTIMAL. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Seminar 1989, Malacca. Department of Fisheries Malaysia, 1991 (in Malay).

Zainoddin, J. 1991. Pembenihan udang galah (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) secara Ekstensif. Buku Panduan Bil. 1/92, Jabatan Perikanan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (in Malay).

Liong, P.C. 1990. Water supply and treatment for marine prawn hatcheries. Risalah Perikanan Bil. 44. Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia.

Liong, P.C. & K. Subramanaim. 1990. Water management in coastal prawn ponds. Risalah Perikanan Bil 41. Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia.


Yaakob, A. 1990. Artemia - penggunaan di pusat pembenihan udang dan ikan. Buku Panduan, Bil. 1/90. Kementerian Pertanian Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (in Malay).

Mohd. Fariduddin, O. 1989. Teknik-teknik mematangkan induk udang harimau. Risalah Perikanan, No. 39. Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (in Malay).

Mohd Fariduddin, O. 1989. Kaedah meningkatkan produktiviti di dalam ternakan larva udang laut separa intensif. Berita Perikanan Bil. 7. Department of Fisheries, Malaysia (in Malay).

Palanisamy, V. 1989. Progress and problems of freshwater prawn/shrimp culture with particular reference to small scale hatcheries in Malaysia. Paper presented at the FAO Expert Consultation on Small Scale Prawn / Shrimp hatcheries. 12 - 16, Sept., 1989. Bangkok, Thailand.

Palanisamy, V., Faazaz A.L. & Othman M. 1989. Effect of eye- stalk ablation on maturation and spawning of female Penaeus monodon Fabricius, and hatching of the resulting eggs. In: Proceeding Fisheries Research Seminar, Penang, 1988. Department of Fisheries, Malaysia ,K. Lumpur, 1989.

Utama, C.M. & Yoshimitsu, T. 1989. Panduan penyediaan makanan rumusan untuk udang. Risalah Perikanan Bil. 35. Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia (in Malay).

Yaakob, A. 1989. Ternakan benih udang galah secara intensif. Buku Panduan Bil. 2/89. Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia (in Malay).

Utama, C.M. & Pathmasothy & Ismail A.H., 1988. Status of shrimp and finfish feeds in Malaysia. Paper presented at the `Regional Workshop On Shrimp and Finfish Feed Development' in Johore Bharu on 25-29 Oct., 1988. The workshop was sponsored by FAO / UNDP.