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Welcome to my home page and thanks for visiting! Don't forget
to sign my Guestbook!

This page is a blatant effort to talk about ME -JOHN  K PETER !
I mean, that is what a personal web page is for, right?

Hey guess what!  My site was featured in an article entitled
"Incredible Individuals"! Thanks to Jaison Joseph, the guide
at my pageat Personal home Page.

I guess a good way to get to know someone is to look at things
they have around the house. Let's see...I have:

       My Wife, Sosamma. She is my partner in everything Read about Us
    or take a look at a few Picturesof us. Don't forget to
       look at our Wedding pages - learn about a typical
       Pentecostal  Wedding!
       Kerala ! United states  pictures!

    There's the rest of our family. There is Sosamma's Family
       and My Family!

    Then my two Kids

      Of course, I have my computer. Take a look at the
  BookmarksI use the most. These are my favorite links.
      Like the graphics I have? Take a look at my favorite
      places to get great Web Graphics!

     I'm Indian, my family is from Kozhikode, Kerala,
India. Let me share some of my Heritage with you. It
     may not be in the house, but it's home!

     I also have an online family! Please visit my Net
family dedication page. These members are very special -
     there is a lot of love and caring in this family. I am so
     happy to be a part of this family!

     I belong to  the Asian Indian Web Ring that I started below.
  I have also won some Awards and been given some
     Gifts that I have displayed.

Peter John