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My Adopted Pokemon

****IMPORTANT**** This page will take a while to load because of all the HTML fragments. My present adopted pokemon are: Eevee, (Vulpixatron), Eevee (Moonlight), Vulpix (Firebeam), Vaporeon (Fountain), Jolteon (Powerlines), Flareon (Inferno), Nine Tails (Starlight), Jigglypuff (Jigglebeat), Meowth (Clawsome), Zapdos (Thnderbolt), Charmander (Tailflame), Squirtle (Splash), Wartortle (Clearwaters), Pikachu (Shocker), Raichu (Dangermouse), Beedrill (Sting), Butterfree (Rocket), Pidgeot (Storm), Get more hits! Join the Pokemon Banner Exchange! Cut and paste the HTML into your page: If you do not know how, visit
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Meet Rapidash!

Level: 100

Skills: Ember, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Fire Blast

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

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Meet Eeveeatron!

Level: 5

Skills: Ember, Fire Spin, Confuse Ray, Flamethrower

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

Adopt a Pokémon at Growlithe's Pokémon

My Eevees say...

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Growlithe's Pokémon Homelands
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Meet Vulpixatron!

Level: 5

Skills: Bite, Take Down, Fury Attack, Slam

Adopt yours at The Psychic Pokemon Connection

Name: Moonlight
Age: 1
Sex: Female
Height: 60 cm
Weight: 24 kg
Interests: Battling, being friendly, being nice to its trainer.

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Name: Firebeam
Age: 1 1/2
Sex: Female
Height: 63cm
Weight: 28kg
Interests: Being firery, being nice, playing catch-and-burn-the-tennis-ball

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Name: Fountain
Age: 4
Sex: Male
Height: 1.10 m
Weight: 52.5 kg
Interests: Battling Fire Pokemon, Racing Jolteon and Flareon.

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Name: Powerlines
Age: 4
Sex: Female
Height: 1.12m
Weight: 53kg
Interests: Racing Fountain and Inferno, Battling, shocking the neighbours

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Name: Inferno
Age: 4
Sex: Male
Height: 1.08m
Weight: 50kg
Interests: Racing Fountain and Powerlines, Battling, making friends.

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Name: Starlight
Age: 3
Sex: Female
Height: 1m
Weight: 46.2kg
Interests: Battling, hanging around with her own kind

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Name: Jigglebeat
Age: 2
Sex: Female
Height: 40cm
Weight: 32.4kg
Interests: Singing, dancing, listening to music.

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Name: Clawsome
Age: 6 months
Sex: Male
Height: 17cm
Weight: 14kg
Interests: Playing with string, and chasing a string around.

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Name: Thunderbolt
Age: 1 and 2 months
Sex: Male
Height: 53cm
Weight: 29kg
Interests: Sleeping, Eating, Playing with Tailflame

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Name: Tailflame
Age: 3 and 1 month
Sex: Female
Height: 65cm
Weight: 43kg
Interests: Playing with Thunderbolt, Battling.

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Name: Splash
Age: 1 and 3 months
Sex: Female
Height: 34cm
Weight: 26kg
Interests: Playing Water Polo, Diving, Swimming.

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Name: Clearwaters
Age: 5
Sex: Male
Height: 70cm
Weight: 51 kg
Interests: Swimming, Diving, Battling

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Name: Shocker
Age: 4 months
Sex: Male
Height: 15cm
Weight: 9kg
Interests: Eating, playing, battling

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Name: Dangermouse
Age: 4
Height: 64cm
Weight: 49kg
Interests: Battling, laughing at other electric pokemon.

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Name: Sting
Age: 4
Sex: Male
Interests: Stinging anyone he doesn't like - get outta here while u can!

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Name: Rocket
Age: 6
Sex: Female
Height: 1m
Weight: 34kg
Interests: Flying, landing, Battling

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Name: Kingcat
Age: 4
Height: 1.13m
Weight: 74kg
Interests: Purring, Sleeping, Eating.

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Name: Togesie
Age: 2 months
Height: 9cm
Weight: 6kg
Interests: smiling

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Name: Storm
Age: 8
Sex: Male
Height: 16cm
Weight: 10kg
Interests: Battling, flying.

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Name: Change
Age: 2
Sex: Female
Height: 80cm
Weight: 32kg
Interests: Helping anyone at all

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Name: Tiny Tim
Age: 3 months
Sex: Male
Height: 1'
Weight: 1 lb
Interests: Playing with Moonlight and Firebeam.

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A little bit about Vulpixatron

Why is an Eevee called Vulpixatron? Well, Vulpixatron was named after one of my very best friends, well, Vulpixatron, and Eevee is my favourite Pokemon (apart from vulpix ) and soon I'm going to have a Vulpix named eeveeatron (you know who I mean, vulpix, although no-one else does!)