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LadyAngel's Page

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This page is dedicated to Chrissy, the sweetest person I know. You had faith in me when no one else did. You have stood by me through the best of times and the worst of times. You have done so much for me, I don't know where to even begin to say thanks. Thank you, for being a truly wonderful friend to me.

A Friend Forever

Whenever you need me, I'll be there for you. Just reach out to me and let me know how I can ease your pain. I'll lend you an ear, a shoulder, share a tear with you my dear friend. When your heart is aching and things look bleak, I'll offer you a tender prayer for I too know your pain my friend. I have felt it myself many times before. My heart bears the scars of love gone bad, broken promises, shattered hopes and dreams....just as yours does. We've both learned hard lessons and can relate on many levels where most fail to see. Being human and having the ability to feel these things make us very unique in others eyes. We continue to remain compassionate souls even putting ourselves at risk to be hurt again. Knowing that we can feel these things keeps us going on in life. While others turn cold and miss out on the passion they so crave and desire. We will forever be bonded as friends in this lifetime... For warriors stand tall together and fight the many battles In order to survive and keep on living.
Poem By: Robin Y. Coté

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I Just Want To Be Wanted by: Olivia Newton John

This page created by Sheri
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June 1999