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Thomas & Hannah Wilcox Dennis

THOMAS DENNIS was born in Little Compton, Rhode Island, November 9, 1734. He married, January 22, 1756, Hannah Wilcox, daughter of William and Dorothy Allen Wilcox, with Nathaniel Soule, justice, officiating. The marriage record calls both " of North Dartmouth." This was a part of what later became NewBed ford. Eight Children were born to them there, the last in 1771 which helps to fix the date of their removal to Washington County, New York, where they settled in the town of Easton. Five more children were born to them there. They were Friends and Prominent citizens. Thomas served as associate County Judge and was appointed a Justice of the Peace in 1792, reappointed 1795-98-1807-8-11. Thomas Dennis died October 12, 1813.

Hannah Wilcox Dennis was born in North Dartmouth, Massachusetts, August 17, 1735, and died in Easton, Washington County, New York in May, 1824. She is said to have had Mayflower ancestry. Both are buried in a small private cemetery on the Zephaniah Eddy farm,one mile south west of Barker's Grove. This may well have been their home farm as others of the family are also buried there.

Thomas Dennis came from New Bedford, Mass., previous to the Revolution, and settled about a mile west of Easton. Of his children, William, John, simeon, Humphrey, Elihu, and Charles lived and died in Easton; Britton settled in Cicero, Onondaga county; Thomas in Delaware county; George in Erie Co., Pa.; Patience Rider went to western New York; and Job enlisted in the War of 1812, and was killed at Queenstown. Daniel, a son of Charles, Redford, a son of Job, and Marvin,a son of William, are still living in Easton. Thomas Dennis was a leader among his fellowtownsmen, one of the first justices of the peace, and held the office many years. He was associate judge in 1808 and in 1811. Easton was formed from Saratoga and Stillwater in 1789. It remained a part of Albany county till Feb. 7, 1791, when it was annexed to Washington county. The records go back only to 1793, and the following is a verbatim copy of the first recorded town-meeting: "At a town meeting held in Easton, at the house of John Swain,on Tuesday, 5th of April, 1793, the following persons were elected to the respective offices set opuset their names: Philip Smith, supervisor; Richard Macomber, town-clerk; Simon Derider, David Potter Jr., Nathaniel Potter, Daniel Beadle, Thomas Dennis, assessors; Thomas Williams, Philip Smith, Ebenezer Deuel, commissioners of highways: Thomas Beadle, Nathan Tiff, overseers of the poor; Jonas Catcham, Derias Bodwill, Henry I. Lent, Albert Coffin, constables; Albert Coffin, collector of taxes; William Thomson, Robert Dennis, Thomas Beadle, fence-viewers; David Beard, pound-master; Rhoad Destrict No. 1, Nathan Tifft; 2, David Pettice Jr.; 3. Peter Scot; 4. Benjamin Burch; 5. Samuel Reynolds;6. Jeremiah Cole; 7. Jonathan Potter; 8. Tyler wilcox; 9. Hendrick Van Scoyk; 10. Allen Potter; 11.David Archer; 12. James Storms; 13. Samuel Fuller; 14. Oliver Sweet; 15. Daniel Thomas; 16. Jabez Briggs; 17. Michel Beadle; 18. Ebenezer Stickland; 19. Israel Harrington; 20. John Luse."

Supervisor From 1793 - 1798. Justice of the Peace 1792, 1795, 1798, 1801, 1804

William & Elisabeth Sherman Dennis

Elizabeth Sherman Dennis born April 24, 1759, Dartmouth, Mass, daughter of Benjamin Sherman and Elizabeth Lapham. Elizabeth died 14 October 1816, Easton.
In the Monthly Meeting of Womens Friends at Saratoga (now Easton, Washington Co., NY) is the following:
6th day 11 month 1789. Complaint came to this meeting by way of the Preparative Meeting of Saratoga by one of the overseers against Elizabeth Dennis, formerly Shearman for keeping company and marrying out of the unity of Friends after being precautioned therefore this meeting thinks propper to refer this case to next meetings consideration.
Monthly Meeting of 26th day, 1st month 1790. The matter again referred respecting Elizabeth Dennis therefore this meeting after deliberation thereon appoints Anna Hall and Mary Wells to inform her that friends are under necessity to disown her and likewise draw a certification against her and produce at our next meeting.
Monthly Meeting of 25 day, 2nd month, 1790. Said meeting adjourns to meet here tomorrow at 10th inst. The meeting met near the time adjusted to 2nd instant. The representatives present as of yesterday. The friends appointed to inform Elizabeth Dennis that friends are under necessity to disown her and likewise draw a certification against her reports they have answered the appointment and produced a certificate therefore this meeting doth disown her. Having the concurrence therein and appoints Anna Hall and Mercy Eddy to inform her of her denial and give her a copy of the certificate if she desires it and see that her certification is read at close of a first day meeting and report next meeting. Judith Folger and Sarah Starbuck are appointed to wright to the Monthly Meeting at Dartmouth and inform Elizabeth Dennis, formerly Sherman, being disoned and report neext meeting.
Information came from the following:
"The Family of Robert Dennis and Sarah Howland"
by Marie Ray Davis and Myrtle Dennis Lundberg

The Home of Thomas Dennis

The home of Thomas & Hannah Dennis was located west of the Zephaniah Eddy's farm. The walk through a muddy field and thorny bushes was well worth it. Although,the cellar has been filled with trash,tires and can still see very well where the cellar is. My wife & I are going to clear out all the trash and clear the site of branches,etc. I may even do a little metal detecting to see what artifacts of the family may be around. The house wasn't very big, approximately 12ftx12ft, I couldn't imagine trying to live in such a small space.

Thanks to Carolyn Kress for all the great information


Page last updated 4/22/2000

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