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Love You

We've known eachother it seems for a lifetime
I love you more with each day that passes
Your my bestfriend n lover
The shoulder I use whenever needed

When people say they don't know what heaven is
I give a small smile...
Closing my eyes drifting off our own place
Heaven is being with you...

Our relationship has taken so many different turns
Getting better all the time...
I want you in my life forever and a day
But I am greatful with each moment we have together

I only hope that I can be
that special someone for you
Be the person that loves you unconditionaly
the one that falls asleep each nite
with you feeling blessed its me you chose

Even though things are scarey
taking our relationship farther than it has ever been
Only one step left to take...
Will you marry me sweetie?

January 12,2001

June 1st is the day *can't wait sexy*