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"El hombre de Molecular!!"

Do not follow these links... I'm warning you...

-> More about me... like you really want to know.
-> My hobbies... ahahaha!! So chiché.
-> My favorite games and why, 'cause that's the reason this stupid site is here.
-> Sean's voyage into the wild, blue yonder (the ocean, dumbass).
-> My other fav things... when I think of them.
-> ...touch me...
-> A bunch of crap I dun want... but maybe you do.
-> What do you want from me!?

WHOOO!!! Welcome to the world of Sean. Umm, me. And it's not much of a world. More of a commode. But I like it either way. That's probably because my mind hasn't tasted rest in days... sleep *drools*... I try too hard. Theres not much here to look at. If yer wondering about all the "zelda"s in mah links, it's 'cause I owned this here, a Zelda site. I was a Nintendo fanboy (still am, deep down... somewhere), and was hyped by the "new" Zelda a couple years back, so I became their tool. It was a fun ride while it lasted. They're still up there 'cause I could give two shits what the links say. Does what it's 'sposed to, don't it? :) Anywho, I'd like to thank you all for being bored enough to give me a visit. You will be disappointed. Oh, and feel free to email me. A link is at the bottom of the page. Don't get too excited though (don't try to hide it... I saw you), for the simple fact that the link down there leads to mah crap mail and that's exactly what I classify what you'll be sending me (not really). Sad, but true (again, not really). Thank you and good night!!

Vote for the best Top 50 Zelda sites!
Vote for the Top 50 Zelda sites! (Ahaha!! Look at that! I fergot to delete the damn thing! Top 50, indeed. Hey, why dun you click it, if not just for shits and giggles?)

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