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Important new notice!!!!! If you ever want this sight to be on-line again please read this - Okay, I know there are about 12 of you who wrought saying you'd be willing to help out w/ Whisper Valley, but I feel that I have to tell you the second reason why this page went off-line, I didn't think anyone was actually going there. I will, however, re-start this page (new and improved I assure you) if I get, oh let's say, 15 e-mails from people saying they'd like to see the Valley back up. This may seem like stalling on my account, but if no one comes here I don't want to spend my time w/ trying to make the deadlines. Sorry about all this everyone, but I do alot on the internet and also have a life outside of my web pages. So please, if you really do want me to take up the task and start again, _please_ wright me at Thankyou.

Sorry everyone, but Whisper Valley Adoptions has been off-line ever since Nov. 1999. It will continue to be off-line untill repairs are made and a new system of dealing with the hords of applications I recieve is found. Also, I need a crew to help out around here. I've found a second in command (Hotaru/Taiachi, Could You Pleeeeeease E-mail Me? We Need To Figure Out What To Do About All This.), but all other positions are oppen.

If you're interested in being the third officer, a technitian (deal with graphics), a secratery (deal with applications and the like), or a filer (deal with records) please e-mail me with your name, e-mail address, page name and address (if any), the job you want, and why you want that job.

Applications are still being delt with (there were far to many of them and far to many were from people without pages). Thankyou very much for your patience in that matter. No more applications will be accepted and everyone who was approved will be e-mailed when the page re-opens.

Everyone Who Entered The Talmen Contest; as of yet we are still waiting for the last of you to get you're pages in. Since I don't think that's quite right to make you wait, I'll go ahead and anounce it here; Renee(though you have to get you're page up first) and Layna won! Yup, you each get a talmen. Layna gets the mutation male Artax b/c her page is actually up, and Renee (once you're page is working) gets a second generation female named Taoparie. Please e-mail me letting me know you've seen this. The two will be given out sometime between when I recieve e-mails from you both and when this page re-opens.

Yet again, thankyou all for your patience and understanding.

~Sedge Whisper