ࡱ>   Root EntryZ O2VmCONTENTS (CompObjV02) The Dominate Beast talent allows a character to temporarily subdue and control an animal, wild or trained. If the character makes a successful Dominate Beast Test against the animals Spell Defense, he can establish dominance over the animal for a number of minutes equal to his or her rank in Dominate Beast. An animal under the effect of Dominate Beast will not take hostile action against the character using the talent. The character may command the creature to perform one simple task that requires less time than the duration of Dominate Beast. The task cannot pose more danger to the animal than to the character. Tracking (pg 119) The Tracking talent allows a character to track people and animals across great distances using her keen sense and divination magic. To use the Tracking talent, the character touches a visible track and makes a tracking test against the target s Spell Defense. If the trail is more than a day old, increase the target s Spell Defense by +3. If the trail is more than a week old add 10 to the target s spell defense. A successful test imprints faint, luminous images of the tracks on the pupils of the character using the talent. The character sees these same luminescent prints on the ground allowing him to follow the tracks of the target, even those obliterated by weather. The effects last for a number of hours equal to the character s rank in Tracking. Unarmed Combat (pg 120) A character uses the Unarmed Combat talent When attempting to hit a defender with his hands, feet, or any other part of his body. The character makes an Unarmed Combat Test against the target s Physical Defense. A successful test means the attack hits the target. stThe Dominate Beast talent allows a character to temporarily subdue and controCHNKINK (TEXTTEXTbFDPPFDPPFDPCFDPC STSHSTSH"STSHSTSH"2SYIDSYIDP"SGP SGP d"INK INK h"BTEPPLC l"BTECPLC "FONTFONT"STRSPLC >#:PRNTWNPRx#FRAMFRAML%TITLTITL%2DOP DOP &:Beastmaster Circle One Animal Bond (pg 96) The Animal Bond talent creates a bond of trust between an animal and a character. the character must work with the animal for a week previously to each use of the Animal Bond talent, treating the animal well during this time. The character then makes an Animal Bond Test against the animals Social or Spell Defense, which ever is higher. After the character has successfully used this talent one time, the animal takes a neutral attitude ( live and let live ) toward him or her. A second successful use makes the animal friendly enough to the character that he will play with the character. The character cannot further attach the animal to him until he improves this Animal Bond talent to at least Rank 4. Once a character has Animal Bond at Rank 4 or more, he can begin to train the animal. When training becomes possible, a successful Animal Bond Test makes the animal loyal to the character as long as the character remains loyal to the animal. The animal willingly takes risks for the character and expects appropriate rewards for doing so. (This is more easily accomplished than for human friends. All a dog really wants is lots of affection and enough food. A loyal animal will accompany a character on adventures if the character so desires. Claw Shape (pg 100) The Claw Shape talent changes a character s dominate hand into a fearsome clawed weapon. The character uses his Unarmed Combat talent or skill to make Attack Tests with Claw Shape. Make the Damage Test using the Claw Shape Step, plus the required Karma dice. If using Claw Shape with Claw Frenzy (see Above), the character may use Karma points for each Damage Test. Claw Shape lasts until it does damage, then immediately fades away. Dominate Beast (pg 102Z\8 : d f  FH^`b(2"'( ) @S 0HJZ: N R d 04D^bzN$$N$$N$N$$N$$ " , "!" $ * "!" $ , "!" $ 0 "!" $ , "" $ * "" $  @dTSH AdTSH "` " ttbb JEdONT4PpTimes New Roman Lucida Sans Comic Sans MS Book Antiqua  " " "lQuickLink III@d@MSUDQuickLink IIIdwinspoolQuickLink IIIFAX:F" ""t"d"` "``""A."@" ""t"d"` "``"."sky raider talents 1.wps:""`""`  "/(" )", and wounds bubble and hisso; during the round in which fireblood is used, the blood steams, cleaning and patially healing the characters damage.r Melee Weapons (pg 111) A character uses the meMellee Weapons talent t Z O2Quill96 Story Group Class9q