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Bike TrekS - Our Safaris


I am not going to try and list all the possible safaris open to you but reading through this page will provide you with enough information to get a feel for what we have to offer and you may then contact us directly on and we can give you more specific info as required and we can then work together to design YOUR safari.


Our safaris can combine traditional gamedrives in the many and varied Game Reserves with informative nature walks, hikes, cycling trips, white-water rafting and mountain climbing.

Our nature walks and hikes are educational. Our trained Maasai guides will talk about the birds, animals and plants in the area. We often encounter wild animals while on foot, we show you their spore as well as inform you of the Maasai culture and the medicinal use of various plants. There is an element of danger in most things we do in life and these walks are no exception. Familiar dangers are no longer considered as such like crossing the road; this is home to the Maasai, they know what to look out for, do as they tell you and you will be far safer than travelling on the roads in Nairobi or any other city! This is an opportunity to see, feel, hear and smell Africa as no game drive can reproduce. This is a highly recommended and extremely interesting experience; don't let this opportunity slip by.



Walks take a number of forms;

Informative Nature Walks around our camp at the Masai Mara where your trained Maasai naturalist guide identifies the many birds and animals. He will identify the important plants by their scientific, English and Kimaa names and explain their medicinal or practical use within the Maasai culture.


Long distance Hikes can take the form of wandering around the Loita Plains, visiting your guide's homestead, learning about their fascinating culture and then trekking across the Nguruman range to meet up with your support vehicle several days later after experiencing some of the remoteness, wonder and glory that Africa has to offer.

Climbing Mt Kenya is an amazing experience. Mt Kenya’s twin peaks, Batian and Nelian, crown one of the highest national parks; it comprises 704 sq kms of forest, moorland, rock and ice. Although the mountain’s highest point lies 17kms to the south, the Equator cuts across the northern shoulders at a height of 11,000ft.


Little grows at these extreme heights, just a few lichen cover the exposed rock, but in the high valleys flourish some of the World’s most spectacular mountain plants, unique to alpine areas of Africa. "Water holding cabbages" or "ostrich plume" plants are actually Giant Groundsel growing to an incredible 20ft. The Giant Lobelias grow even higher, some up to 27ft, with hairy gray leaves and tiny blue flowers. More than 30 jewel-like lakes encircle Mt Kenya’s rocky spires.



Cycling is done on Mountain Bikes. We supply the bikes though you are welcome to bring your own. We have purpose built trailers for transporting the bikes and a back-up vehicle follows each cycling safari at a discrete distance. Back-up vehicles carry extra water and food as well as personal belongings that you don't want in your day-pack. They aslo carry tired riders! Often another back-up vehicle goes ahead to set up camp, prepare the meal and the welcome hot-water showers!

Cycling safaris can be several half day stints combined with gamedrives and walks or can be a journey in itself. A trip could take you from the outskirts of Nairobi down into the Great Rift Valley and across to Lake Naivasha and on to Lakes Nakuru, Baringo and Bogoria viewing much wildlife along the way and flamingos by the million. We stay off the main roads, avoiding the traffic and enjoying the peace and wide open spaces.

A guide will lead the way and a bicycle mechanic rides at the rear to attend to any punctures etc and a back-up vehicle all combine to give you peace of mind and allow you to enjoy the trip to the fullest.



General information:

These are camping safaris. Large walk in tents are provided (where practical*) with camp stretchers and mattresses. Pit latrines are dug at each non-permanent camp and shower tents are erected for hot showers whenever possible. Mess tents with tables and chairs are provided and the whole experience is very comfortable. * A more basic camp is provided when no support vehicle can assist such as on the mountain.

We can book luxury accommodation for you at extra cost.

Bike TrekS  supply your transport, food and accomodation (twin share basis) while on safari with us. And all this for approximately US$120 per person per day. This price guide excludes park fees, tips, medical and evacuation insurance (which can be obtained for you upon request), expenses of a personal nature and sleeping bags (available for hire).


If you want to do more than the usual (and amazing) game drives in the Kenyan Game Reserves and National Parks then contact us for the safari of a lifetime.




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