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Welcome travellers! I am Dyaniera, Bardess, Adventurer, and Fighter all in one! Upon these pages lies my songs, poems, and journals, all accumulated during my travels in Greyhawk. If you wish, you may visit the (almost completed) pages of my evil twin, Flagg. Be careful, though. She's a bit eccentric sometimes. Then again, she probably says the same about me. But what do you expect from a sorceress? Oh well.

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Being a Bardess, I am under the obligation to entertain. This place is not anywhere near completion, so come back from time to time and see what's new. My songs and poetry will be added soon enough, and have taken the liberty of writing about my adventure in the realm known as Ravenloft.

You're such an inspiration
For the ways that I will
Never, ever choose to be

Things I Hate About Ravenloft

See my friends at the LHS RPC!