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  After the Big Bang the start of our universe. The universe
expanded enough to form atoms, and the atoms formed clouds of gas.
That turned into galaxies with stars, then solar systems. On at
least one of these planets in one of these solar systems. Life
came into being, From the natural processes of atoms in a
favorable environment. The life evolved and one of the life forms
became technologically intelligent. We call the intelligent life
forms humans. We humans have come a long way in a relatively
short time. We invented religions to explain the mysteries around
us. Assigning gods to make the matter around us. Because of the
lack of knowledge. On a island off Greece science was born, but
quickly was lost. Then latter found in among lost knowledge in
the possession of Arabs. It was known gy the Greeks that things
were made of atoms. Albert Einstein (45.1879-1955) believed that
all laws in the universe are simple and elegant. That if a theory
was messy and statistical, the theory was not evolved to the more
fundamental laws yet. As quantum physics statistically work, but
probably is still lacking understanding of a more fundamental
physics. This is the nature of understanding our universe. We make
theories rigorously test the theory. If the theory passes all tests
now and forever, then the theory is said to be law. At least until
a more elegant and more inclusive theory is tested. That includes
the old theory and laws of the universe into a more elegant theory.
Until a grand unified theory is evolved that combines all the laws
of space-time and our universe. Although many physicists feel we
are close to the end of finding the laws of the universe.
Quantum physics show we still lack the connection between space
and our universe. Black holes and the very early universe are
hard to understand by our present understanding. Black holes
being a very massive star that has went super nova and a large
part collapsed to form a singularity of matter. Where gravity is
so strong that matter as we know it has become so close together
to be one piece of matter. Where light cannot over come the pull
of gravity. Thus making this object black and called a black hole.
The black hole singularity closely resembles the very early
universe in the Big Bang, and is more related to space. Than any
other matter in our now universe. Black holes and all matter will
become space once again. The order of time that this will take is
longer than anything imaginable. We must remember space is forever
it has no time. Our universe is just a pop of a fire works in the
night sky. Seen on the order of time of forever.
  When we look at ourselfs in the context of our universe it is
very much as space and our universe has become conscious. We are
the eyes and ears of space. We give space the ability to closely
examine itself. We are very special. Very privileged to have ever
been. Because there are so many of us. Life seems common and
ordinary. Fighting and wars seem to be reasonable things, Over
land and ideology. We need to understand how special and
privileged we are. This is a telling story at we are not mature
enough to see our uniqueness. Out of all the the animals that
have ever been on this planet. We are the only ones that know
who we are. We are the only intellegent conscious life we know of
in this universe (at this time). There are so many other things
that the human intellect can be put to, than that of war, worring
about crime, worring about survival and health. If we all could
work together; be respectful of self and others, and not over
populate. This planet could very easily be a paradise. We all
have to get over the desire put upon us by population and need
of survival. To think we are the only one that matters. We
must work together, we must interact with each other as we would
a respected friend. People driving on the highway is a perfect
example for the need to work together. Because we have lost respect
for each other. People cut each other off, drive to slow in the
fast lane, and driving has become a deadly affair. With respect
for each other we are courteous so that traffic runs smoothly with
less stress. One of the major problems is to many people in to
little space. We need to stop population, move our industry
farther apart, and spead out the population we have. We need to
give up boarders and give up bigotry. Think of oursleves as a
world community. We must work together, respect each other and our
planet. Or we may become extinct. Humans are no less vulnerable
to extinction than dinosaurs. Our ability to adapt is the only
reason humans are still here now. We are still mortal, but because
we can adapt. We can change to become a more caring respecting
planet. As the dinosaurs found, either you change with the time
or the time will change without you. ( This age in history will
be marked as the cretaceous period was marked for mass extinction.)
  Atoms have been here in this universe in one form or another
since the beginning, or more correctly the proton-neutrons and
electrons have been around since the beginning. The heavier
atoms were produced in the furnace of large stars. Which super
nova and spew atoms into the galaxy to once more become a sun
and solar system. We are made of atoms cooked inside of a large
star. We are the star's sons and daughters. These same atomic
particles have been in this universe for over 15 billion years.
These same atomic particles will be in space for at least another
15 billion years. That is enough time for 200 million life times.
The atoms made so long ago follow laws set forth by space. They
have no choice in following these laws. We are made of atoms.
These atoms influence some of our behaviors. The laws of the
universe influence all of our actions. We cannot move or make
any action without the laws of our universe.
  There is a form of social physics where societies follow
prescribed norms. We are shaped by natural and sexual selection.
Eyes evolved as a useful tool to orientate a life form toward the
sun and help obtain food. Hearing is a tool that evolved for
remote touching. The life form could feel movement at a distance.
The sense became more sensitive and evolved into hearing. All
are from the act of evolving. Under universal laws.
  When we see oursleves as not being made by gods. But being
evolved from mere atoms that were once in a star. We become very
special indeed. To think that we came from space itself. A place
where people think there is nothing. To the point of being
conscious is wondrous. In a human term space burped and the
beginning of the universe was born. The Universe expanded in the
Big Bang. Matter as we know it cooled and separated. To form
hydrogen atoms, one proton one electron. The gas cloud formed
spiral shapes. Parts of the cloud condensed by gravity to form
stars. The large stars lived out their life and went super nova.
The matter that cooked inside these stars formed solar systems.
The atoms found a favorable environment to produce protein
molecules that became life. This life evolved over billions of
years until a life form became conscious. Life is speciial.
  As all around us the world is changing. Humans are giving up
their old constitutions for new governments. Where countries
are forming new alliances and economic communities. We need
to give up our old myths of gods, that were invented to tell how
made our universe and life on our planet was made. These myths make
human life so common, so ordinary. We humans and any life are not
ordinary. Life is a very special thing that formed out of almost
nothingness. (Universe from nothingness god had no part in this.)
Life on it's own (not by a god) shaped itself into consciousness.
There were no gods to help us. We did it on our own. When the
inventors of these religions that have a god making the universe
and life on our planet. When these religions were invented they
lacked the knowledge to form a correct picture of the universe.
They could not imagine how the universe and life came into being.
Because what you know and when you know it determine what you
believe. Now even in the face of logic and science there are those
who would like you to believe that science is wrong, and the
invented authoritarian myth-based religions are the only truth.
That somehow all the facts, all the science are wrong. And that
a group of men who lacked the understanding of our universe know
more than modern humans. It is not unlike someone saying today
that Albert Einstein (45.1879 to 1955) is completely wrong and
Aristotle (44.9616 to 9678, the Greek philosopher) is the
only truth. We all know this is not the case, and have no problem
excepting that Albert Einstein has a scientifically verifiable
theory. That Aristotle was an authoritarian believing himself
to be correct. Without peer review and scientific verification.
  A simple question will illustrate the difference between
authoritarians and scientific verification. If you were an
astronaut going to the moon with only enough fuel to get you
there and back. Would you rather use Aristotle's teachings or
Albert Einstein's scientifically verified laws of physics. Another
question is; if you were having a heart attack would you rather a
authoritarian say I know what is wrong, or modern medicine. That
is the difference between believing in a unchanging myth-based
religion apposed to logic and science. One is belief the other is
scientifically verifiable. Both can be checked scientifically.
That of belief is mostly incorrect. That of scientific theory that
is found incorrect is either changed to fit the facts or disgarded.
The same standard must apply to myth-based religions. If a god
was controling everything, then when you drop a object it might
fall if the god was not to busy, with others to make it fall. We
find no matter how many times we drop a object in a gravitational
field that object falls. We find also no matter how mesured, the
speed of light is always the speed of light.That has been true for
the 15 billion years the universe has been here. Not sometimes the
speed of light, or maybe the speed of light. As it would be if gods
controled the universe.
  Atomos is to be a crucuble burning away all belief until all
that remainss is the truth. Atomos is for cutting through the
cherished illusions until all that remains is the truth. If any
part cannot stand the test of scientific methodology and true
logic, then that part must be changed. True logic is not what any
one group thinks or any one country believes. Logic is a
methodology that proves correctness. logic is not what someone
believes to be correct. In logic if something is correct it is
verifiable either by scientific methodology, or a four fold
practice of efficacy, rationality, respectfulness and deductive
methodology. Deductive methodology being to deduce various
inferences advances by logical steps from simple self evident
truths to more complex truths. As corollary in mathematics, a
fact discovered in proving some other fact. The mathematical
approach is to begin with a self evident axiom and then, by
logical reasoning to deduce various infrences. To use logic one
must wash the mind clean of opinion, have skepticism in the form
of no fact can be known with certainty beyond that which is
already verified. There are also four things that must be guarded
against. Said Francis Bacon (45.1561 to 1626). The prejudices
that obstruct human progress. One the tendency to see only those
facts which support an opinion one wishes to entertain. Two the
prejudices in the individual by particular environment and
education. (Because what you personally know and when you know it
determine what you believe, whether correct or not.) Third is the
prejudice that comes about because everyone you know believes a
certain thing. (As everyone knows the world is flat.) The forth is
the result from the tendency to become attached to particular
theories, beliefs, and philosophies. To hold on to them long after
the logical basis for their continuance has disapeared. As some
still believe today that toads give you warts. When warts come
from viruses not toads. Or that a god made our planet and stars.
  One may be surprised to find that one hundred and even two
years ago.There were those who as Auguste Comte (45.1798 to 1857),
held that the history of humans had passed through three stages of
evolution. The first two of these, the theological and metaphysical
had out lived their usefulness. That now the time had arrived to
embark upon what Comte called the positive stage, in which
scientific standards of observation and judgment would dominate.
Leopold Von Ranke (45.1795 to 1886) thought science as history
must be a thorough search for all relevant evidence on a given
subject. With a rigorous examination of this evidence to ensure its
authenticity, and the restriction of conclusions. To demand a
subordinate of personal views in preference to concern for the
truth. We must apply reason and tolerance with respect to the
affairs of society. For every stride toward reason, science and
logic. There will be those who will wish to turn back time to days
of irrational mysticism. In the vain attempt to cure all ill with
the same old myth-based religious ideology, with a new face.
  In science there is a built in error correcting mechanism. There
should not be any forbidden questions in science, no matters to
sensitive or delicate to be probed, that are sacred truths. Guarded
by particular morality. (As long as they are respectful to self and
others.) There must be an openness to new ideas. With a rigorous
examination and skeptical scrutiny of all ideas. Arguments based
soley on authority or ideology are worthless. Arguments must be
proven through expert criticism, with reviews and debate of papers.
That of a physical nature, will have experimentation to test the
accuracy of theories. That of the acts of governments are in
themself experiments and governments themselves are also experiments.
Governments and their action must be reviewed with logical debate,
with experts in the field they cover. If it will make the law
process more lengthy so be it, outside of emergencies no law must
be made without the consequences fully examined. In the case of
arguments of governing bodies, there is much data history can
give to help the debates between contending views. Ideas can be
tested through debates of logical reasoning, historical inferences,
and correlated data. There is probably nothing out side of
technology that is new to humans. One must always be on guard to
make sure no view is based solely on any one cultural viewpoint.
The discipline of science is often hard. Scientist and politicians
do not always follow the methods of science. And politicians rarely
follow anything but their gut feelings based on their particular
cultural bias, or party line. Wanting to move to the next law or
get a particular law over with. Even though the law they work on
will effect people often for life. Nothing should be taken for
granted, not in science or law. It was once taken for granted the
sun went around the earth, and that the burning of witches and
heretics was a given. The truth may be puzzling or contrary to
preconceptions; it may conradict deeply held prejudices and
challenge cherished beliefs. The truth must be found by all, in
order to have peace on our planet. To survive.
  We cannot limit the truth by putting restrictions on the truth.
Because the truth does not feel good, it does not fit our
preconceived ideas. The truth is the truth, that some may not
personally like or agree with. Truth cannot be limited to thought
alone. That is what took us off the path that was started so long
ago in Greece. The path of logic, reason, scientific methodology
to find the truth. To find control of the people through reason
and self control, not control through fear from myth-based
religions or arbitrary laws.
  If it were not for the limiting of the truth through thought
alone. The burying of knowledge underground. Concealing knowledge
from the people. We could have stayed on the path of science and
logic. To give up all the myth-based religions. Found peace
through logic and reason. To be 2000 years into the future. Not
now having to make up for the lost time in darkness. Where if
not for the knowledge of the Greeks being found. We may now only
be in what was our 45.-13th or 14th century. If the Greeks as
Plato (44.9573 to 9653) and Aristotle did not try to justify
slavery by professing science could be done by thought alone.
(No slavery need have been endured.) Because logic and scientific
methodology would have proven that slavery and bigotry was wrong.
Also if the Greeks had invented the printing press. The knowledge
that they had, could have been debated, corrected, expanded, and
multiplied. To make everyone equal. Because everyone would have
access to the knowledge. As the computer will increasingly be an
equalizer for us now. The printing press would have made it
possible for the knowledge to have been kept down the centuries.
This world as a result would have been an absolute different place.
Most wars would not have been fought, and the world would now be
at peace. When people came to meet the civilizations of the new
world, it would be an exchange of ideas and cultures. Not a
conquering and destruction of these cultures.
  We came from space, and we will return to space. Our very
thoughts are the atom and the universe coming to know themselves.
We are space, we are star dust, and we are part of this universe.
We must love each other and allow others to love us. The need to
love and be loved is paramount with humans. Babies cease to
thrive and die without love. We must respect ourselves and others.
We must seek the truth. We must give up our Cherished illusions
and bigotries. To find the path of logic and reason that was so
long ago was torn from us. To leave us living in this skewed world
we now live in; and a time line that is unsurvivable, if we do not
change the path we are traveling down.

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