Well I Would Like You All To Meet My Mate Azure Lee (Fox)

               this page is of my mate azure i will have her fill out the form and things for this page for you all to see  

                                                     In this page you will learn about her and her interests

Well today is 11/31/99 and my wife azure gave birth this afternoon to four children 1 male fox 1 female fox  1 male cat and one female cat  i am so happy  there names are Kenneth, Kasumi, Ian and Samantha  I am so proud .The time of birth was about 1:30-1:45 pm  there were minor difficulties, and i would like to take the time to thank  Ruby Dragon  and Artemis Golddragon for the helping of azures delivering .  I would like to thank my brother Jaguar x  for being their uncle and i would like to thank pale dragon for being there god Father and of course alicia alicorn  for being the god Mother. I would also like to give thanks to the shadow family for being such good friends. THANK YOU ALL

I appreciate the help and love from you all. and of course the most important person i would like to thank is my beautiful and loving and very pretty wife Azure Lee without her my life would be incomplete and lonely  I  LOVE YOU AZURE

well thats all for now i will let every one know and i will keep updating this page  most likely every day like a journal to keep you updated on there lives ok until next time

Akira Fox               

this is what azures and my children look like :) just so you know

Well today is 12/02/99 (5:30 AM) and i have just had my first exspirences with feeding our children it was great and as usual azure was glowing with happiness as she helped me feed them and i will look after them while she is away *smiles* well i will keep you all updated  on my exspirences with my children thats it for now bye = ^-_-^ = Meow    

  Well it is still 12/02/99 but now it is about 1:35pm when i now have learned how to change diaper yipeeee  any how following my wifes azures every move on how to change the baby's  i still managed to somehow put it on backwards but at least i tried un like most fathers who would take off and leave his wife at home not me after that they fell asleep but only for azure all day i watched them and sleep was the last thing on there minds azure says they like to do that to the daddy soon after the babies fell asleep and azure and i spent some quality time together and those are the most memorable moments of my life with the most important people in my life and well thats it for now


     Akira Fox

     It is 12/03/99 i missed seeing my wife and kids this morning i cant belive i did but i know azure still loves me and i know she knows i have a good reason and i will tell her i hope the kids werent to much trouble for just her to handle well i will check back with you all later ok


       akira fox 

       Welcome back it is 12/06/99  i have been taking care of the children when azure has been away well today we came together again she came back and we looked after the childeren then we looked after each other   soon after she had to go and i gave her a crystal necklace she wondered what it was for i told her just for love she told me she had to get me somthing i said no i told her that her and the bavys were all i needed and wanted she became so happy that she started to cry and tel me that she hadent been loved so strongly since her family died....... :(  but with me she is happy

best wishes

Akira fox

hey its 12/06/99 only now its after noon about 1:10 pm well were taking car of the babys when we noteced kenneth was gone turns out he some how made it out of the window and azure when to go get him  i was hanning out the window asking if she was alright then i got stuck azure dident realize it intill she hit me and was sent flying back and she hit a tree i was sent flyihng to i hit a wall kenneth was fine.......azure got impaled by a piece of wood i was really worried by though physical first aid i saved her  and ever thing was fine I love you MORE azure :) (little joke) azure will understand

untill next time

       akira fox

oh yes we found out a few things about our babys here they are:


    Untill later

         Akira Fox

Well its 12/17/99 great one week since the last update  well so far what has hapend is this this wee has been our rough area  azure and i got into a big argument over a few of my freinds  and she thought i had been cheating on her and it dident help much having azures freinds after me like they were trying to break us up one of her freinds accully tested me NOT my fault she came out of nowhere and kissed me and sticking her tounge in my mouth then askes me if i liked it (THINK FOR A SEC WELL IF SOME CHICK COMES out of nowehere sticks her tounge in your mouth and kises you and then she asks did you like it? chances are yes you probably did) Azure dident see it that way ouch she was pissed at me she sent  me an email saying i had better be home at this time or we were though  so i got there and had to explanie my self out and yippee she knew i wasent lying but before that  one of my freinds who wants more to do with me than just "be freands"  i found up she met up with a chick a freind of azures  my god THAT caused a big argument i was watching it azure dosent know this but i was there under a diferent name and at first i beleved my dragon freind she thought that the peson she was talking to was azure so i looked at azures freind profile was azures picture and all of her profile was almost like the exsact same as azures of course azures freind had a mate as well so i was kind of hurt thinking how could azure do that to me  but then i realized imposible for it to be azure , azure was at school she couldent be on a comp at that time boy was i relived  curently at the moment i found out milk from a jug has nothing  on azure milk *snickers and laughs* wipeing his chin  but kenneth is sick at the moment and i have to go take care of him see you all later

Akira Fox

Well how is everyone  thats great the date today is  monday  01/03/00  ~~~2000~~~  but whoa been a while any way i have a little update for you all today isen't this special any way im happy today  me and azure have anothe child(adopted) her name is adela other than that we have been taking care of our little babies there so cute  oh yes  not even azure has seen this yet  love you azure  have a great day

but thats all for now talk to you all later

~~~akira fox~~~


                                 A LITTLE HISTORY OF AZURE BY AZURE LEE FOX

My name is Azure Lee Fox, Lee being my maiden name. I am 17 years old and my birthday is Feb. 3rd.

My life didn't start out good for me. I was born into slavery, my former masters being dragons. I was eight when my entire family tried to escape. But I was the only one they didn't find. I sought revenge and a few years later, I took out almost the entire clan of slave driving dragons. I came close to being killed by them, but being five times smaller then your opponent has its advantages.

But when I was around 12, I ran into an old dragon named Artemis. He knocked me out and probed my mind, finding out about my anger and sadness. He saw how this life of killing would bring me down in the end, so he....you could say he adopted me, took me as one of his own. He cast a spell on me, causing me to forget my past and let me go to a new life.

I wandered around, helping others out and eventually, settling down in a nameless forest and building my own tree house, which took about a month. I soon ran into a fox named Akira Fox. I found him rather attractive, but didn't let it show, cause I didn't want him to think I was so easy to get. But as time passed, I found I was in love with him and I wanted to be with him. To my amazement, he felt the same way. He asked me to marry him and we did. A few months later, I had our wonderful babies, Ian, Kenneth, Samantha, and Kasumi. I love them all so very, very much, especially Akira.

That is all i have to say about myself for now.

                                               Azure  Lee Fox