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Images kindly provided by Jessica Leebelt

Common name - Zebra Danio Beginner fish
Latin name - Brachydanio Rerio Bottom swimming fish
Group name - Cyprinids A hardy fish
Family name - Cyprinidae A shoaling fish

Size - 6cms (2.5 in) Origin - India
Temp - 18-24C/64-75F PH - 6.5-7.0 - about neutral
Food - Omnivorous : flake and frozen food.


A good community tank member as it has a generally peaceful nature. It naturally shoals and will look most striking in a group of six or more. They prefer a well planted tank with open swimming areas because of their instinct to shoal. The Zebra Danio is hardy and will stand quite a range of conditions in temperature and pH.

The Zebra Danio is quite a famous fish outside of the fish keeping hobby. The species is popular with scientists as models for scientific projects. They are also a prolific breeder which means that they are well suited to fish shops as they are effortless to breed. It is doubtful that you will ever encounter wild Zebra Danios in a dealer's shop.

Although I do not currently have any Danios, I would much like to have some as soon as we have more space in our tanks or we aquire a new one. They appeal to me because of their striking colours and markings.

To the Cyprinidae page | To the Latin name page | To the Family name list

PS When I was looking through the net for information about Danios I came across a rather silly (but amusing) page. Have a look if you have a silly sense of humour:-
