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Common name - Silver Angelfish Beginner fish
Latin name - Pterophyllum Scalare Middle swimming fish
Group name - Cichlid A hardy fish
Family name - Cichlidae

Size - Up to 15cm (6in) Origin - Central Amazon to Peru and Equador
Temp - 75-82F or 24-28C PH - 6.5-7.5
Food - Omnivorous : flake, live, frozen and 'green food'.


This fish is quite hardy but does especially enjoy warm tank temperatures, good filtration and regular water changes (this though is important to every tropical fish). To be able to enjoy this species to its full potential a deep tank is recommended to allow the fish to grow to its full size and stretch out its finnage. Although it is a good tank memeber it will attack and try to eat anything which is smaller than it. So, this means that fish such as Neon Tetras are out and also smaller fish which have not matured enough to be able to fend for themselves.

This is a fish which I personally find very attractive. However, it can be a 'weak' fish if it has been bred into captivity by non-wild parents. They are an easy fish to breed and this has led to a great variation in colours and fin lengths. But, due to all this indiscriminate breeding some strains are stunted and very poor in colour. When choosing in the shops look for a well coloured fish which should ensure that you have a healthy specimen.

To the Cichlidae listing page | To the Latin name page | To the Family name list

PS Some angelfish websites for you: - the lovely people who provided us with the pictures