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I have no idea what it is going to be about

You know when it comes down to it I have no updated this site in about a year or so. My god is that stupid and insane. I even had someone come and leave a message for me on my guestbook. And what did I do. Ignore my entire website. I can't believe they even have this thing still running for me. Well this is all interesting and all I think. Or think not. Who knows. But I had no idea what I was going to write about on this page. I still don't. So I am clueless. But hopefully I will come up with something soon so then someone out there can come on to my site and see something usefull or entertaining. bye seems to work but I need to get it in a black background.

If you might have any ideas at all for this page, or dragons, just give me a shout, thanks. My e-mail address is at the bottom.

The only thing not related to this site

Ok here we have the friends and loved ones. I will be trying to get pictures up of my friends, so you can truely see the wonderful/scary people that I hang out with or hung out with.

Something about Me. Even though there is already a lot of 'personal' sites out there, I thought it would be interesting to have a little on me. This could be taken out soon though.

This web site is still under construction!!

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Last updated on November 8, 2000.