Awards We've Won

These are all the awards we've won! *sniff* You guys like us! You really, really like us! :)

This is our very first award! Thank you Firefrorfiddle and Taramine! Their website is in the links, go check it out! *smiles gratefully*

This is our second glorious award! *Saphinora shrieks and cries while Jequenia smiles gratefully and rolls her eyes at Saph's dramatic display* Thank you so much Jemima! Her site is in the links too... I believe... hmm, I'll have to check that...

Wow! Many thanks to Rubyfire! Ruby, we're eternally grateful for the award! *At this point, Saph is shrieking, crying, and jumping up and down*

*Saph faints dead away. Jequenia glances alarmingly at her dramatic sister, then shrugs and takes over with the thank-you's.* WOW, we're really excited about this award, as you can see from Saph's fainting. *she grins* We never in our whole lives expected to get this good of an award! A million thanks!

*Saph revives, just in time to see this new award pop up. She covers her mouth with one paw, and almost falls over again. Jequenia dives over and catches her and slaps her across the face.*
Saph: Owww!
Jequenia: Well, you deserved it!
Saph: *shoves Jequenia out of the way, who lands in a pile of garbage cans. You can hear a loud crash. Saph grins.* Can you tell we're sisters? Hehe... thanks mucho for this wonderful award!

*Saph decides that this would be a good time to scream once again in delight*
Saph: WOW! Can you believe it?
Jeq: *nods approvingly*
Saph: *jumps up and down screaming just a little more for a dramatic effect* Thank you SOOO much Allura! her website will be in the links ASAP!!!!

*Saph screams and jumps up and down* Wowieeee!!!! I'm speechless! Thanks sooo much!
Jeq: *sighs at her sister's dramatic-ness* Thanks very much. We'll link to your website soon!

*Saph is speechless* Holy Heaviside, another award! Thanks very very VERY VERY VERY MUCH!!!!!!
*Jeq can't help but grin* Wow, our collection certainly is growing!
*Saph gets off subject* Don't forget to apply for one of our awards if ya have a website! K? K!

We weren't even expecting this award! It just kinda popped up in our inbox one day. Thanks soooooooooo much! :)

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