
"Hey there beautiful, don't ya know where ya are?" The Orange and black Tabby smiled mischeviously. The puffy white queen looked him square in the eyes, "Why yessen I do, ya must be bein' MaCavity?" The To jumped down, "Who's askin?" She rolled her eyes," Muh name's Grittlebone." He extended a paw, "Pleasure Ma'am." She ignored his paw. "Naw, I did naught cum fer cordialities!" He withdrew his paw and squinted his eyes, "What then?" She smiled smugly at his anger, "I come demandin' e pearls back, ya und t'sahnd I no be laiking me things drugged off withaught me permission." MaCavity raised his eyes at this queens courage. His mind raced, "Where's she get the gall? Who is she? .... She is so beautiful." "Why certainly ma'am, if ya follow me I'll get the back for ya." With that the two went off towards MaCavities lair.

"Where'd ya find those at?" Growltiger eyed his mates pearls. "Thought, they was stolen." "They were, but I waunted 'em back so I's gone t' get 'e." Grittle bone then walked nonchalauntly onto the barge, flirting with the crew as she went softly rubbing her tail under grittleshanks chin. The Tom blushed but quickly went to scrubbing when he caught Growltigers piercing stare. Grittlebone smiled over her shoulder at Growltiger and continued below deck.

"MaCavity, sir? Are you OK?" MaCavity twirled around him with a smile plastered acrossed his face. "I'm wonderful!" He all but sang. The stray shook his head and left out the door. A few moments later a huge grey and white Tom stuck his head in. "Cav?" MaCavity spun around to see his best friend, "Oh, Hi Trek!" He continued humming. The other Tom smiled, it was nice to see MaCavity happy again. "Somebody met a girl." his voice had a little of that kittenish "You like her!" kind of tone. "She's beautiful!" MaCavity sang, "She's wonderful, she even stood up to me! Grittlebone, such a wonderful name!" Trek laughed at Cav's face, it looked like it did when Trek had first met Cav. He thought solemnly to himself," I hope this works out cause if it doesn't... I don't know how'll react." *Authors Note: This refers to my series, in that something happened to Cav's true love so to vent his frustration he just stole trinkets, Trek is worried about what'll be the outcome if Grittlebone isn't the one for him either.* "She's terrific..." He examined his claws, "Only one problem, she's that cat, Growltigers, mate." Trek went to interupt but was shushed, "But he doesn't appreciate her and he's a mangy cat no one likes anyways, so if I... get rid of him it'll be doing everyone a favor!" Cav brightened again and danced out the door before Trek could say a word. "See ya Trek! I'm meetin' her by the docks!"

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