Chapter 13

A few hours later, both Vincent and Sephiroth have played Final Fantasy 3, so Sephs dreams are getting weird:

Sephiroth: (in his dream) Whats going on?
Cloud: KUPO! Its Kefka!
Sephiroth: "Kupo"? What happened to you Cloud?
Cloud: My name is Mog!
Seph: [it takes too long to write Sephiroth, OK?] Whatever...Hey, Cait Sith, what's with Cloud?
Cait Sith: ....
Seph: Cait?
Cait Sith: Careful, the dog-err-moogle bites strangers...
Seph: ???
Yuffie: Hi!
Seph: Yuffie?
Yuffie: My names Relm, and Im going to paint your picture!
Seph: Alright, thats enough, just be quiet!
Cid: Hello there. Does thou haveth a problem?
Seph: This is really getting on my nerves...
Cid: Does thou contemplate these, our lasteth hours?
Seph: If you mean, am I planning to kill you, then yes.
Vincent: (shuffling a deck of cards) Just remember: Sometimes in life, you just have to know how to FEEL your way through a situation...
Seph: Vincent! Not YOU too! (thinks) Wait a second, why do I care? Oh yeah, my real mom had a crush on him...
Cid: Excuseth me, but does thou knowest where thine sword has goneth?
Seph: Huh?
Vincent: Mog has it, and chances are, you wont get it back...
Seph: Mog? Oh, you mean Cloud, well, that doesnt matter...(realizes crazy Cloud has his sword) Cloud has my sword?!
Cloud: (hopping around the room) Kupo, kupo, kupo!
Seph: Get back here you nut!
Cid: Thou shalt never regain it that wayeth.
Seph: Speak in English!
Cid: Does thou haveth trouble understanding my speecheth? If yes, I shall endeavor to speaketh slower for thou to understandeth.
Seph: Shut up already! Vin--I mean Setzer, will you get my sword back?
Vincent: No chance of that happening, Kefka.
Seph: My name is Sephiroth, not Kefka!
Scarlet: In that case, come to me Sephy!
Seph: Aaah!!! (wakes up) *GASP* Now that was a scary dream. Oh well, back to sleep. (falls asleep).

Meanwhile, Vincent is also dreaming...

Vincent: (dreaming) Where am I?
Voice: On the Federation Starship, Enterprise.
Vincent: (thinking) Doh! Another Star Trek dream, oh well, I guess Ill play along. (out loud) Who are you?
Voice: I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard.
Vincent: (thinks) OK, this is the series with the bald captain. (out loud)Who am I?
Picard: Youre my First Officer, Commander Vincent T. Riker.
Vincent: (thinks) Oh well, at least I kinda keep my name. This may not be that bad--hey! Wait a sec, doesnt that weirdo chick have a crush on Riker?! (out loud) Uh-oh!
Troi: (this is the weirdo chick) Riker, come to me!
Vincent: Aaah!
Troi: Dont I please you? Perhaps if I change (turns into Scarlet) Kya,ha, ha, how about now?
Vincent: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!! (wakes up) *GASP*That was really freaky, Ill never sleep again! It is my destiny to stay awak--Zzzz....