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Spell materia

NameWhere you get it from
Lighning Cloud is equiped with it at the very beginning, buy it at Wall Market, Fort Condor, Costa Del Sol, and Mideel.
Ice Cloud is equiped with it at the very beginning, buy it at Wall Market, Fort Condor, Costa Del Sol, and Mideel.
Fire Red XIII is equiped with it when he joins the group, buy it at Wall Market, Fort Condor and Costa Del Sol.
Bio Can be found at Shinra Headquarters-floor 68, buy it at Kalm and Costa Del Sol.
Quake Can be bought at Kalm and Costa Del Sol.
Gravity Win from Gi Nattack in Cosmo Canyon in the Gi Tribe cave.
Comet Can be found at the Forgotten City
Contain Can be obtained from the small, white Chocobo in Mideel (feed it a Mimmet green and scratch its ears).
Ultima Can be obtained from some little kid at Corel if you save the town from the train in the huge materia scenario.
Restore Can be found at the Mako reactor in the very beginning of the game, buy it at Wall Market, Fort Condor, Costa Del Sol, and Mideel.
Heal Can be bought at Kalm, Gongaga, and Junon.
Sleepel Can be bought at Junon.
Revive Can be bought at Gongaga and Junon.
Transform Can be found at Mt. Corel, or buy it at Corel, Cosmo Canyon, Gongaga, or Mideel.
Mystify Can be bought at Cosmo Canyon, and Gongaga.
Destruct Can be obtained from Sephiroth in Nibelheim (in the Shinra Mansion) when you talk about Cloud's Past.
Barrier Can be bought at Rocket Town.
Exit Can be bought at Rocket Town in Disc 2-3.
Full Cure Can be found in Cosmo Canyon in Disc 2-3 (In the room behind the item shop)
Shield Can be found at the North Crater.