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(These scripts were contributed by Syvle)

-I dreamt for years of being proposed to with this sword, Ragna.

-Will you marry me?
-Everyone says I’m strange…I’m only interested in ruins.
-That’s fine. That’s the Sharron I fell in love with.
-I’m so happy. Finally…I found something other than the ruins to be absorbed in.
-Okay…shall we go?

- I just came to see the sword
-I…was wrong about you. You’re the worst man I ever met! I never want to see you again!

-Err…I have to go now.

After Marriage:
-Good Morning, Ragna. Or what should I call you now?

-Okay, got it Ragna. Is that alright?
-Okay, got it Dear. Is that alright?
-(Honeybuns)That’s an impossible request. Let me call you something else.
-Okay, got it M’lord. Is that alright?

-What should I call you?
-Call me…Sharron, (Your Nickname).
-Okay, got it.

-(Your Nickname), I packed a lunch for you.
-Sweet foods are the best when you’re tired.

-Every day passes by slowly
-Thanks. I’m happy to get the Donut, even now we’re married.

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