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My Pics


There aren't many here and what is, is either old or stolen (shhh) but I'm still waiting on the scanner so that's all I can do.  I'll add better pics when I can (or get around to it). Anyway here they are, sorry if it takes a while to load :)




                      Christmas 2002, Here's Jessica all tuckered out after opening all her

                                           presents...Got to love those checks




                       Christmas 2002, Jessica Looking cute for the camera





                      Christmas 2002, Hold on Jessica...Don't Fall!





                 Summer 2002, Ahh, Kippewa, what can I say? ...Anyway, this is half of  

                                       athletics staff, 100% Canadian content.

                                       L to R: Me, Sharon, Allison, Lorelei.




                       Yes, Mom and Dad started us out early...maybe that's what's wrong.




                Summer 2000, Kinderdijk. I think I would have enjoyed it more if we

                                  hadn't walked so far, nonetheless, it was still an amazing  









                    May 2000, Here we are in front of the firing squad before the

                                            motorcade. L to R: Kurtis & Tara, Megan & Kurt, Tony & 

                                   Christina, Michelle & Steve, Heather & Brian, Greg & Me.








                     May 2000, The Girls. Notice no one is looking in the same direction.

                                    L to R: Tara, Me, Heather, Christina, Michelle, Megan.







                     May 2000, the quality isn't quite good, but at least we're all 

                                             looking in the same direction.  








                           May 1999 (I Think), May 24th weekend at Ocean Pond. Yes the sign says

                                              "Tail Wanted" the guys thought up that one...I don't think they

                                     got any takers :(






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