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    It is believed in some texts that Lilith is the first vampire. According to ancient scripts, God created Lilith as a wife for Adam, and she was created from mud. However, her soul was marred and she only spawned evil. Eventually she deserted Adam and joined satan, and God created her repalcement from fashioning Eve From one of Adam's ribs.
    She is also known as the Queen of the night, Lili, Lilu or Mother of Demons. She is a beautiful woman marred by the coarse black hairs covering her legs. She often keeps her legs hidden, and her prey, man, only discovers the predicament when its too late.
    Her draining does not eminate from the consumption of blood, she is a succubus and drains her victims from seducing her male victims into somnambular intercourse, from which they awaken exhausted and drained. She is also known to loiter in rooms when couples are making love and steal away some semen to create new evils.
    During her reign of terror, it is said that she bit into a man with her razor sharp teeth and feasted on him during intercourse. Later he rose as a vampire and so the vampires began. She had performed this several times in the Middle East. In fact it is belived that vampires originated from areas like Egypt and Greece, the developing world of the distant past. Her bite became symbolic and it is said that those bitten by the vampire would rise from the grave as vampires.