My Poetry Page
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My Poetry Page


My Friend

I lost a long time friend this week
He was always listening when I began to speak
A long time friend this cat of mine
his friendly purr and a coat of orange so fine

Through good times, bad times and happy moments too
Lou would be there for me to listen and silently approve or disapprove.
How will I get by without his greeting meow?
The never ending purrs that I would never hear now
I must tell myself that he is in a better place
Free from his pain and with endless mice to chase
When the wind whispers in the woods at night
I will look toward the sky at the twinkling starlight

There in the distance I will see the brightest star
And even though it is very far
I know that the twinkling light is Lou looking down
Telling me everything will be fine that his spirit will always be around

The Tale of Seven Kitties

Tucker is a thoughtful cat that ponders all day long
He is different than his siblings and sometimes doesn’t seem like he belongs
Sometimes when you look at him you are sure that he is frowning
Then you hear some strange noises and look and he is clowning

Dreyfus is a little guy with a tiny limp
When you see him sitting there you’re sure that he’s a wimp
But then he is racing and zooming from room to room
Then he knocks everything down and there is a sense of impending doom

Delta is a chubby cat who is clumsy as an oaf
She cannot jump and falls off things and prefers to just sit and loaf
She brings us toys, meows with joy, and wants us all to see
We look and exclaim “Wow” she then drops the toy and leaves

Templeton is a loner cat who is annoyed by everything
He loves to answer the phone everytime it rings
He hates to be in a crowd and cries when you look at him
He wants to us to cater to his every whim

Lou is Lou ,strong, stubborn and quiet
The one thing that Lou would never do is go on a diet!
He pulls his hair out and throws it all around
He’ll look at us then spit it on the ground

Marina is a scaredy cat afraid of her own shadow
She is Templeton’s mom but you would never know
We helped her have her babies when she needed a friend and a home
No matter what happens we will never let her feel alone

Dreyfina is a little squirt that drives her father nuts
She loves to fight her brothers and really kicks there butts.
She rides around on Daddy’s head just like she was a hat
She climbs on everything and falls down and says”wah waht!”

Every cat that we have is loved and different in many ways
We would never trade any of them on any given day
They each are a gift from God and give us lots of pleasure
Each day I thank him in my prayers for giving us these tiny little treasures

Is a very
wonderful pet.
They keep you company and
yet they are independent and
stubborn too, making you wonder
if they even need you but, then
they curl up next to you and
begin to purr making
you feel warm next to their soft fur .They will jump
in your lap and make you wonder how they keep their balance and stop from falling over. A cat will love
you unconditionally, always there in time of need, good mood, bad mood or just feeling bad.
Give them a toy and they will entertain
you for hours. Jumping and flying through
the air, as if on giant trapeze or like a
magician with magic flowers. Give them a moth,
and you will see a ballet, as they dance around the room on their
tip toes all day. A ball of yarn or a dangling string will be the best gift that they would ever perceive.
If they are outside they will climb up a tree with no great effort and the littlest of ease. When you get home
from work they run to greet you telling tales of their adventures that day. They are soft, Loyal, Funny,

Thinking about Writing some Poems