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This is Star having the last pup of this litter, she had six last breeding all survived even the runt.

This is Star with four out of six pups, she is real good with taking care of her pups.

Here the pups are two days old, healthy as ever, notice the range of blue colors.

 The pups are at three and a half weeks old, here at Stroke Dog Kennels we strve on wienning the pups at 3 to 4 weeks of age, so that they can also have solid food as well as nutrition from the mothers milk,  notice the runt in the pan he turned out to be one of the most aggrsive out the bunch.

Here is Southwick at four weeks old with Mone', he was one of the first to go. He is owned by keauny at Southwick Kennels.

Here the pups pictured with Shaque' at four and a half weeks old, almost ready for new homes.

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