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Using GIS Tools to Analyze

Animal Waste Vs. Water Quality

in Harrisburg, PA

ArcView Map View 1
[ With Introduction to Interacting with an Online Stella Model, "River Web" ]
Overview       Science Standards       "River Web" Discussion       ArcView/ArcVoyager Tools

I.Lesson Overview

   A. Estimated time:  Two to three 50 minute class periods
      B. Materials: ArcVoyager Software (download free from ESRI)
      C.  Student Activity Sheet
      D. Assessment Guide for Teachers
      E. National Science Education Standards and PA Science Standards which this project addresses.
      F. Objectives: Students will be able to

II.Teacher Notes

   Introducing the Concepts:

    A. Unit from Environmental Science: Cycles of Nature: Water Cycle and Human Impact on Water
            Review concepts from textbook and Env. Science syllabus
    B. Suggestion: Begin this section with discussion of the Hydrologic Cycle and whether (and how) animal wastes  runoff may/may not affect the local stormwater.
    C. Let students interact with the Online Stella Model, "River Web" and discuss how different factors affect each other. Then OFFLINE, begin a discussion of whether animal waste from private neighborhoods could cause a decrease in the quality of their nearby stream(s).

STELLA: created by High Performance Systems

       Discussion Question Starters: What animals do students own? Approximately how much waste do these animals generate per day/ week/ month? Will it (if so, how will it) find a path to the nearest stream? What in animal waste is most hazardous to water bodies? Are there laws in Harrisburg that require owners to pick up their animal's waste? (If not, do you think it is necessary?)                                               <TOP

     D.  Introducing ArcView/ArcVoyager as an Analysis Tool ...Create an ArcView document [N.B. The ArcVoyager tool is a FREE non-saving version from ESRI.] * Also, free live training workshops using ESRI products are available at: and here.

            to Determine where water samples should be tested to see if there is evidence for the
Hypothesis: Animal Waste Runoff May Contribute to Decreased Quality of local Water bodies.

        Suggested Investigative Questions:

    ** What layers (themes) do we need  to search for relationships in our local area? [Students may activate the Themes which already exist on the ArcView program or they may create the themes by following directions in "Getting to Know ArcView GIS"  [Online at ESRI's Library].

        1) What county do you live in?    Add a County Theme:
        2) What towns are in your county?   Add a Places Theme:        Tigerline site
        3) Where's the center of Harrisburg?  Add a City Theme:      Tigerline site
        4) Where are the larger lakes and rivers in the Harrisburg area?
                                                                Add a Lake/Stream Theme:      Tigerline site
        5) Where are the small streams in your region?  Add a SmallStream Theme:      Tigerline site
        6) Where are the streets in your city?    Add a Street Theme:      Tigerline site
        7) Where do each of the students with pets (or their neighbors with pets) live?  "Decoding Addresses from Point Layers" (from ESRI)
        8) Is your home on an elevation or at a lower level than the nearest stream? Add a Physical County Map (Digital Elevation Model or DEM data) by downloading this from             <TOP

    E. Students can now observe and analyze the location of streams with respect to animal owners' homes, and note any relationships. Search for evidence validation for any cause/effect possibilities. Which interfacing layer combinations are needed for each consideration?  

    ** Field Trip / Individual Student In situ Water Testing: [Students can bring in morning water samples from each of the test sites. At the site, each student needs to record lat/long, time sample was procured, temperature of water (in both Celcius and Fahr. degrees), and Dissolved Oxygen test results (if enough kits are available).]
Before school, students can run tests on their water samples, and input data on a Ms.Excel spreadsheet. This document can later be incorporated into the ArcView model. Tests (besides those DO and temp.) include: testing for phosphates and nitrates.

Arview 3-D Map View 2

III.Extensions                                                 <TOP

    A. Work within an adapted Stella Water Cycle model, through which one can forecast the local long term effects of waste runoff on water in the stormdrain.

    [N.B. Free, read-only Stella software [NetSim Creator 2.0] is available online to view and investigate / interact with Stella models. Also, a beginning list of Stella simulations for several different subject-areas can be found at: High Performance Systems, which produces Stella]

        B. Invite students to explore some of these topics: Where does the groundwater go? What happens to groundwater during a drought (like some USA states during Summer of 2003)?  If one increases runoff, what happens to groundwater? (If one decreases runoff...) If precipitation increases, how does this affect groundwater?... stormdrains? (If precipitation decreases, how does this affect groundwater?... stormdrains?) ** How does HUMAN IMPACT affect stormdrains? ... groundwater?   ... surface water?

IV.Evaluation  (Each aspect earns 5 points, totaling 25 points = 100%)

Teacher Assessment of Students.
    A. Assess the general quality of student's work. (i.e. Completeness, on-time, etc.)
      B. Worked with others in student's small group in a cooperative manner.
Worksheet Questions for Students:
      C. Which part of Dauphin County do most of the students in our class live?
      D. How high is the elevation at your home?
      E. What comparisons/ relationships did you observe from your field data?
        1) How does the pH at Point A compare with any other points on the map?
        2) How does the phosphate results at Point A compare with any other points on the map?
        3) How does the nitrate results at Point A compare with any other points on the map?
        4) How does the temperature at Point A compare with any other points on the map?
        5) Which data set varied the most between any 2 points?

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