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~!Welcome To Sarah's Page~*

Here You will find out so much about your sexy ass host, Sarah Marie. I am 15 and my birthday is Aug.30. I live with my mother of course. I have two brothers. Kevin and Junior. My oldest brother Kevin, moved out recently and his girl lives with him. I am very happy for them or whatever. I am so proud to have this page presented because i love to talk about me.

I just can't get enough. I love to talk period :D. I have a best friend/sister Celena. I met her almost two years ago. She is the sweetest person sometimes. I love to annoy her and piss her off. That's okay though cause im ME, IM SARAH MARIE NIGGAAA YOU BEST BELIEVE. I am crazy and I Blow it out my aaaaaaaaass. lol You don't know what to expect when you are dealing with me. I am just spontaneous and I look innocent too :)...But that's me.

I am interested in lots of stuff like...:

I weigh less than 105 lbs and I am 5 ft. and proud of it. I am always trying to get to know me. I try to control my temper, the little I have. I am currently on probation and I can't STAND court systems. But hey i deal with that too I don't like my sperm donor, i can't stand him because he was just a dirty motha....but anywhoodles.

I have a boyfriend, his name is Jay williams love him with all of my heart even though I can't stand him sometimes. He just pisses me off for no reason, He makes me sad, cry, hurts me, but it's nothing I haven't gone through already. I still love him though. I even consider just being with him forever SOMETIMES not really in a big rush to deal with long term commitments but me and him have been going out for six months and 1 week.

I love how he makes me feel and when he is there for me when i have problems and i tell him about them. I love how mature he is in my troublesome situations. I love how he smiles. I love his ears. I love how he looks when he gets a fresh haircut. I love how he kisses me and makes love to me.I love how he makes me feel comfortable. I love how he sees how i feel in order for him to be comfortable. I love how he holds me after we get done making passionate, heart-felt love. How he takes my breath away when he just LOOKS at me. He never knew he did that but i mean it's bad for someone with asthma. (lol) I love how he is how he is. He makes me feel on top of the world when i am with him. I love when he pays attention to me and when i think about how he isn't running out on me like every other dude i have been with, i love him even more. I must admit i don't have the guts to break up with him. I love you baby.
I am in the eleventh grade. I make honor roll. I got the skills to do this in my web design class of course, the teacher has the same initials as my one and only love :P. I would expect me to notice that too. I love to listen to Lil Wayne.My favorite colors are pink and silver. My favorite food is shrimp pasta. I love to eat healthy because so many black people don't. I am particularly good at giving advice. I think so anyways, and obviously others do too. I am kind of stuck up, kind of conceited. Well, let's just put it like this. I am not conceited, I am just rather sure of myself. I get scared over the smallest things. I used to be afraid of the dark so i slept with a butterfly night lamp on.I slowly progressed to the television being left on when i went to sleep. I eventually got to the point where i could sleep in the dark after i put the television's sleep timer on. And now, i can't STAND the light being on when i am trying to go to sleep. No way.I have two phobias, which are babydolls and my feet touching the floor. I don't walk ever with my barefeet out. It gets under my skin truly. My extreme weakness is males that can get past my wall and stay there. Males that try to change me, the way I am in a positive way. Like Jay. He um...*blushes* makes my day. I love him so much. I can only imagine the pain if ever we break up. I don't know exactly what i will do. But i dont need to think like that now do i? I have had a rather rough past, I don't like to talk about what I feel most of the time. But If I think Jay is actually interested in what goes on inside my head or in my heart, i'd let him know. Sometimes I think he is closer to me than those who say they are my friends. I don't call too many people my friend. Mainly because they are just so two-faced.


Well...i can just use this as a diary i guess, but who exactly would i let come to this thing anyways? Anyways..I guess i'll just tell you (who ever you are), more about me. I am a rather interesting individual. I have gotten hurt by Anthony,Dre,Juarez, and Jay..not to mention Matt and some of my "best friends". I'll just go down the page, in order.

Anthony, my first serious love. He hurt me like hell by saying that he loved me and he didn't. He and I had some issues to work out besides going out in a long distance relationship. He is a really great friend to have and i am glad to have met him. By the way, we met at summer waves in brunswick. I have known him for almost three years now. He has pissed me off a couple of times. If anyone proved their devotion to me, it's him. I could tell he still loved me even after we went back out after me and Dre broke up and i hurt him. I Know I hurt him. I just didn't want to end up getting hurt again, so i used me and Dre's recent break-up as an excuse. I was happy that he didn't hold it against me to my knowledge. I know he would always be there for me if i needed him. He has already proven himself to me.He has helped me when there was no one to turn to. I was there for him if he's never known it.

Dre, man he was a complete lunatic fa real. But i mean i still have mad love for him. I miss him sometimes, only when im not thinking about Jay. which is....NEVER hahahaha. He has dedicated pretty much his msn (hotmail) profile to me.It's kind of sweet to those who don't know that all he does is try to butter me up to go back to him so that crazy bastard can put me through the hell he already put me through :| I THINK NOT!!!! I wouldn't break up with Jay to go back out with Dre for anything. It is worthless. I can't stand him.
We talk from time to time, but only about his nina. he loves his little girl alot i can tell.ALMOST makes me jealous.not of him of course..only that me and jay can't have that kind of happiness right now. Only because I'm way too young to be having a kid. I found out he had a little girl In July of 2004.. It was quite a surprise for me. But i Mean I'm glad he is taking care of his responsibility. I don't see how people can sit there and get pregnant and not take care of the child. Me and Dre went out for 5 months and about 3 weeks. Not a full 6 months. Me and Jay is the longest relationship I have ever been in. Thank goodness It's not Dre. I started out just getting sucked up into every word Dre said to me.That's where I messed up.BIG TIME. I went out with him 2 months at a time.. he broke up with me, i broke up with him, and then i broke up with him again because he told me he might have some chick in his college preganant. I really wasn't going to break up with him, but Someone I know kinda enforced that decision. I would do ANYTHING for *SOMEONE* then..not now, the only thing i would do for him is make his heart suffer like he did many of my people's. I broke up with him though. I loved him, and it hurt to say those painful words that i knew would separate me and him for as long as my heart could allow. But I did it!Dre.Me and Dre thought that one day we'd get married or something really close to it. oh man sometime i sit and think about good days me and him had, we were always around one another, he was always buying me stuff. He was so jealous, it made no sense. I mean, so overprotective, wanted to fight as soon as someone LOOKED at me. But now..:D I have something totally better.
Dre's Profile

Juarez a.k.a.CameoJuarez, my most serious recent break-up. He was pretty much alike Dre. Crazy over me. He had this big wall that wouldn't let anyone through and i broke it down. He was never in love before and it turned out that i was his first love, he broke up with me after not even 2 whole months. We remained friends and I know I can always depend on him to make me laugh and stuff. He 's really fun to be around. He gave my number to his bi-sexual ex-girlfriend Roslitha, or something like that. I used to call her jungle disease because that is what is sounded like. She tried to flirt with me and in her own words ask me out. She saw my picture and said i was so sexy and ..*shudders* said she could TEAR ME UP..that's the most embarrasing thing that ever happened to me even though no one was around. I don't know why everyone thought that was so funny though. *shrugs*..i'll never know. Me and Juarez met..hrm..a couple of months after me and Anthony broke up for the second time. I was at the movies and he tried to talk to me. I came up to the mall about a week after and saw him there and he still tried to talk to me. (lol) it was crazy cause he kept stalking me. I knew a lot about his past but he knew me alot better in the time we didn't go out than when we did. He knew my most valuable secrets. I told him stuff NO ONE will ever know. But I mean I did love him. And if I didn't, it was pure infacutation. He was a sweet guy though. He said a lot of hurtful things to me and I mean i dealt with it. I pretended nothing hurt me. i always just lock things up inside of me. And try to forget about the pain , it doesn't go away though. Just stays there and get bigger and bigger. And the hurt feels good to me, cause im so used to it. When Juarez came along and started treating me right..i was excited and stuff at first but then i started questioning why is he buttering me up so he can hurt me. and it progressed into why won't he just hurt me already, and the more i tried to get him to hate me, the more it worked. i still can't exactly get them to hate me, but I try. I really do.

Juarez's Profile