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Mike's Skribbles
© 2005 Mike Burley

The Galleries
1995 Skribbles Gallery
2001 Skribbles Gallery
2002 Skribbles Gallery
2003 Skribbles Gallery
2004 Skribbles Gallery
2005 Skribbles Gallery
2006 Skribbles Gallery
2007 Skribbles Gallery
Fan Art Gallery

Frequently Asked Questions
Elfwood Artist Links
Skribble Tutorial Thingy
Return to Site Main Page

Welcome to Mikes page of Skribbles

If you have found your way this far then you must have some small interest in my pencil and graphite skribbles and skrawls ..........and I have just recently (summer 2005) devised my own way of using watercolours to produce the 'splosh'n'skribble' technique ........this is something of an ongoing experiment!!

I have NOT been skribbling all my life, some people report that their first memories were of wielding a crayon, this was not the case with me and as far as I am aware I showed no tendencies to being artistically creative until my second decade ~ although I do remember doing one painting, of a gambolling lamb (for Easter) when I was about ten years of age which I was quite proud of. It was put 'on the wall' which was a great honour. LOL For most of the time I skribbled just like every other kid.

In the early seventies I did some cartoon paintings to amuse myself while unemployed and then in the eighties tried my hand at spray/airbrushing custom paint on automobiles. In 1995 I drew the mermaids you see in the 1995 Gallery for a project involving my '75 Stingray. I did not pick up the pencil again until August 2001, when I was asked if I could draw a fairy. The result was 'Noelani the Fae' who can be seen in the 2001 gallery. At about the same time I discovered Elfwood and I started my gallery with Noelani and the '95 mermaid drawings...........

Oh Yeah! I am asked to remind you to please note that my galleries contain artistic nudity. If this bothers you, is offensive to you or you are not permitted to view such images, please go somewhere else on the web and enjoy :^)

Warning, Some Images Contain Nudity - If this offends you, please do not click on gallery thumbnails

I am regularly asked a number of serious questions, both in my Elfwood comments and by e-mail. Some 'serious' answers to these questions can be found at my FAQ page..... Please check it out by clicking the link on the left. Don't let this stop you from mailing me though, all will be replied to (eventually LOL).

Also over on the left there is a link list to Elfwood denizens that I admire or owe thanks to for one reason or another. I really do beg you to see my Credits and Elfwood Artist Links page.

I am often asked for advice regarding my pencil work and many people ask me how I achieve what I do. So after MUCH toil, I have prepared (8 Nov 2004) a sort of tutorial thingy. If you wanna know how I make my skribbles then click the 'Tutorial' link on the left ;^)

There's not much more I can tell you about this section, there are further notes on each of the galleries and again on the skribbles themselves with a bit of tech info thrown in. All the skribbles are in chronometric order within the galleries.

I suppose this section of the web-site will evolve more/quicker than other areas so check back from time to time a to see what I have been up to........... Thanx for calling by......... Please call again ;^D

Take kare and stay safe