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Roleplay #: 01 Next Match: VS. Kane Guest Appearance: Nobody.

Accomplishments: Coming Soon!

The Triumphant Return!

With the new prominent federation, the CWE, former superstars have been signing left and right. Stone Cold Steve Austin, among many former superstars, has signed a contract with Championship Wrestleing Ent. The new brand seems to be kicking things in gear and making every effort to become the new world wide favorite wrestling brand. CWE will need all comers, just as their luck would have it, they've already signed The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Kane, Stone Cold Seve Austin, Chris Benoit, and much more. Resentment will be the weekly televised event for the CWE, and will hopefully bring a new meaning to prominent wrestling entertainment.

Just one week away from making its first televised debut, CWE is sworming with talent and ready to go. Every superstar will be relentless on making their return more phenominal than the man in front of them. One superstar in particular, Stone Cold Steve Austin, will have his chance to make a name for himself one more time. The rattle snake will go head to head with the big red monster, Kane. In an effort to remind everybody just who he is, Austin decides to shoot a promo in an alley way not to far from Harbor Island in New York. Austin was in the area and figured he should remind everybody who he is, and what he does. The camera rolls and Austin stands against the pillar and stares into the camera...

'The Bionic Redneck' Stone Cold Steve Austin: Did you forget me? Did you forget good ol' Stone Cold? Well if ya did, nows as good as time to pay attention as ever! I think its about time I get off my ass, and start performin' in the ring again, to do what I do best! What? Did he just say what Ithink he said? You bet your sorry carcus he did, Austin 3:16 is BACK JACK! Time to get back in the ring and start whoopin ass all over the place, here, in the CWE. Hell, whoopin ass is what I live for. That, and a couple of cold beers. But thats not the point, the point is, I've come back only to open up the biggest can of whoop ass on every superstar in the CWE. In case you forgot, good ol' Stone Cold can open up a mean can of whoop ass, and he's gonna start with the red retard who goes by the name of Kane.

'The Bionic Redneck' Stone Cold Steve Austin: I'm lookin' to stick my foot up your ass whenever I see fit. Kane, I'll break your carcus just like that *AUSTIN SNAPS HIS FINGERS*, and you know, I've done it before. So you can damn sure bet your ass that Stone Cold will do it again. Odds are, Stone Cold is going in this one as the underdog. Do I like it, hell no! But I don't blame you. Kane, 7' foot, 300 punds, hell the man shoots fire out his ass everytime he walks down the ring! But, remember this, nothing, NOTHING, can hold me down! It would take more than a seven nation army to keep this redneck down, because fightin' is what I do best, and it'll stay that way for as long as I can walk. The way I see it, that ring is my court, and I'm the judge. Its my way, or the highway. You don't like it, bite me! Its Austins Court of Law, and every CWE superstar is a guilty untill proven innocent! WHAT? What are you guilty of? Hell, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize, that every superstar in the locker room is one more son' bitch in my way to becoming the next Worlds Heavyweight Champion.

Next in line, Kane. Come right up serve your justice son, take it like a man. You're due to some hard knock reprocautions, the old fashion way of course; by yours truely, Stone Cold Steve Austin. Kane, remember this, when that glass hits, it'll be your ass and believe me, all hell will break loose. But keep in mind ya little red bastard, it won't be your average day in hell, oh no. It'll be a cold, gloomy, and ricious day in hell. Get ready Kane, Stone Colds' comin to get ya', there won't be anywhere to run, anywhere to hide, just you and me. I'll be looking forward to it. I can feel it, I can sense it, I'm ready for it, I can almost taste it! Its your sorry ass stinch Kane, I can smell it from here. Its not your nasty breath or your sweaty armpits, its your fear. Its getting strong, I can feel the fear. I know your scared Kane. Everytime I've looked across the ring and looked into your beaty little eyes, I saw the fear. And everytime, it was me who came out on top. This Monday will be no different. It'll be Austin 3:16 with his hand in the air in all his glory, looking down a dead, beat, useless monster who can do no harm. Lets face it Kane, you are a coward. Look at ya', you're the biggest son' bitch out here and ya fight like sissy. You're pathetic, with that size, you should have already carried the Worlds Heavyweight title over a dozen times. But you're too stupid, it amzes me how you're the favorite in this match. But thats okay, I'm not upset or jealous, I'm just confused. And if ya' think Kanes got my number in this match, so are you. And I'll tell ya' what, ya gotta another thing comin' for ya. Cause Austin 3:16 has this one in the bag, whether you like it or not! It'll be a matter of seconds before I nail a Stone Cold Stunner and lay out your big red machine! It won't be long before his ass is on his back listening to music and watching the birds fly by. His head will be spinnin' when I get through with him, and I'll be sure to stomp a mudhole in Kane before his demise, because thats wheres he's goin' after I get through with him!

And thats the bottom line, Cause Stone Cold said so!

Austin walks towards his truck and drives off. The cameras go off air as the Texas Rattle Snake is off. Stone Cold drives off towards Boston and is on his way to Resentment. While on the road, Austin spots a bar. He pulls over and parks his car. He steps out the truck and walks into the bar. As he walks in, the whole bar becomes silent. They all stare at the legend that is, Steve Austin.

'The Bionic Redneck' Stone Cold Steve Austin: No autographs, no attention, all I want is a Budweiser!! Do me a favor and get back to what it was you were doin'.

Just as he wishes, the crowd goes back to their business. The bartender slides Austin a mug as he begins to chug away. Soon, Austin finds himself thinking about his match.

'The Bionic Redneck' Stone Cold Steve Austin: I can't wait to get back in the ring. Its been too long since I've got any action in the ring. I can't believe my first night back will be a fight with Kane, I deserve better than that. Great, I'm startin' to sound arrogant. Hell, if it was up to me, I'd take two memebers in the back, I know I could handle it. Kane...the biggest idiot walkin' God's green earth! Oh man, I've got somethin' in store for him. I'm gonna beat him inside out. I'll give him a fight to the finish. That stupid bastard.

Austin orders a few more beers, just enough to keep him alive on the road. He pays the check, and leaves the bar. On his way to the car, an beer bottle flies over his shoulder and shatters in Austins trunk. The hostile rattle snake spins around only to find a drunken red neck laughing his heart out. Austin approaches the man. He mocks the man and laughs sarcastically.

'The Bionic Redneck' Stone Cold Steve Austin: Hahahahaha. Haahaaahaaaa. You're laughing, you're having a good time.

Austin drops the smile and turns pissed. The angry Texan doesn't look pleased. But the last thing Austin wants is a lawsuit on his case.

'Drunk Redneck' Joe Bob: Hahaha, you bet your ass. You're gonna get WHOOPED by Kane this week and I'll tell ya what Mr. Austin Steve Stone Cold, it won't be the firrsstt time will it?

Austin becomes tense and rubs his head as he looks down.

'The Bionic Redneck' Stone Cold Steve Austin: I'm trying very hard not to lose my patience...

The red neck spits on Austins boots. Suddenly, Austin pops his head up. Stone Cold clinches his fist and hesitates. BAAMM!!! He couldn't do it! Austin snapped! Austin is beating the man senseless. Surprisingly, thres no one out there to help or stop the fight. The rattle snake pumbles the man with his boots. Austin shoves his foot in the mans face and repeatedly beats the man with his fists. The man is bleeding and nearly unconcious!

'The Bionic Redneck' Stone Cold Steve Austin: I think ya' had enough. Remember you sorry piece of trash, Austin 3:16 can not be taken! He will not go down!

Amazingly. the man gets on one knee, but Austin nails him with another stomp in the face.

'The Bionic Redneck' Stone Cold Steve Austin: Nooo....

'The Bionic Redneck' Stone Cold Steve Austin: Now you had enough.

Austin rips off the mans shirt and coat and uses it to clean the mess in his trunk. Soon, a crowd walks out from the bar and are shocked to find their hometown bad ass laid out, by none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin. They all watch from a far as Austin tosses the shirt and coat back on the mans lifeless body. As Austin gets in his car and rolls out, he is still trying to figure out why the man started trouble. But thats not important anymore. This Monday night, Resentment, Kane, thats all thats important now. Austin drives towards Boston, not too far from the New York highway he's on. Austin seems to be confident and focused. Who knows what will happen from here?!?!

End of RP.