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Dark Realms of Löylyspirit - the Official site of Löylynlyömä

Kirvesmurha: voice of the Saunaborn, löylyrics
Wichtae: six deadly strings of kiuasfire, percussive desecration, evilyrics, musical devastation, throat of löylydoom
Tervanappo: four strings of saunasteam, black lungs of kiuasblasphemy, synthesized heat, aural necromolestation and lyrical saunarmageddon
Löylyttäjä: Echo of the saunacaves, Holy waters' thrower

Here are some lyrics for our forthcoming album "In Nomine Saunatanas".

lyrics: Wichtae

Slay, slay
christians will burn
true Saunoja's are born
under the darkness of Laude

Kiuas, full of hatred
inhale the rage of
the Spirit of Löyly
let it be thy Master!

beyond thy darkest Sauna
let Sahti show thee the way
pierce thy corpse with Vihta
beyond thy darkest Sauna

lyrics: Wichtae

May the Darkness slay thee...

Once again
Saunaspirits are born
in the darkest hollows of Kiuas!

Brought up with water
Harrassed to come alive!

Incarnation of an old generation
Men who were
slaughtered by christians
beyond the Sauna!
Now they have their vengeance!

Vihta, Vihta
let it whip
the bare skins of christians
desecrated by two young men!
With their untouched flesh!
Burnt on the heat of the Stones of Kiuas!

lyrics: Wichtae

There above the Kiuas,
eternal home of Löylyspirit,
pile of stones was put

On which
Men threw their waters
burned their flesh

On the wooden altar
men whip skillfully
with Vihta, made of birch!
Worship the sauna-born god!
Feed and heat
with a log
made of northern birch
in the darkest Finnish woods!

lyrics by: Kirvesmurha

Created by all that's evil
Twisted by the frost of Finland
My Sauna was built
From the woods of the forest
From the evil spirit of löyly!

My Saunaaaa
The resting place for evil
My Saunaaaa
Let the spirit of löyly rise!
My Saunaaaa
For you I will die

People come to my Sauna
To wash away their filth
But little they know
My Sauna is evil!

Carved from the twisted woods
Hardened by the frost outside
My Sauna will stand
By the waters of a lake
In the nature of Finland!


Now you know my Sauna
Now you know the evil
Now you will be slain by
The evil spirit of löyly!
[Demonic laughter]

lyrics: Löylyttäjä

I hatched logs from my forest
I took them to my sauna
I used them to light the kiuas
In the chamber of kiuas - I burn them!

I took christians to my sauna
I told them to clean their flesh
Three people came to my sauna
In the chamber of kiuas - I will burn them!

We went to the highest laude!
I showed my knife
The christian trembled in horror
In the chamber of kiuas - I will burn them!

I cut of christian tongue
I cut of christian eyes
I cut of christian heart Massacre in sauna!
Massacre in sauna!
In the chamber of kiuas
I burned them! One christian moaned for help
He cried for mercy
I gave a smile to his throat
from ear to ear, with my knife

I cut of christian tongue
I cut of christian eyes
I cut of christian heart
Massacre in sauna!
Massacre in sauna!

In the chamber of kiuas
I burned them! I washed myself with christian blood
I took löylys warmed with christian corpse
I ate christian tongues like sauna-sausage

Massacre in sauna!
Massacre in sauna!
In the chamber of kiuas
I burned them!

lyrics: Löylyttäjä

In the beginning of stone age
when Finnish built their first sauna
since then they have feared the horror of sauna
and now it has born again in incarnation

fear, fear
you will die
löyly, löyly
you will burn

when it comes to sauna
even kiuas will fear
it throw it waters
no one will survive

find the kiuas strong enough
to resist the killing waters
only then the horror is destroyed
in the flames of hell, flames of sauna

fear, fear
you will die
löyly, löyly
you will burn

fear, fear
you will die
löyly, löyly
you will burn

no kiuas it will bow
every water it will throw
no man will survive
will you be one who dies?

the burning steam it will breathe
the hot rocks he will eat
the coldest shower he will take
after the sauna has died

fear, fear
you will die
löyly, löyly
you will burn

fear, fear
you will die
löyly, löyly
you will burn

lyrics: Kirvesmurha

Kuolema on alussa läsnä
Elämä katoaa puista
Joita kaadetaan
Joista Sauna rakennetaan!

Kirves kainalossa matkaan
sinne missä puita kasvaa
Isken sillä puuhun
josta elämä katoaa

Saatana, pimeyden musta herra
siunaa maanpäällisen helvettimme
Löylynhenki, Saunan jumala
valloitaa meidän kiukaamme

Yksi kerrallaan asettelen
halkoja kitaan odottavaan
Tikun raapaisen liekkiin
Ja sytytän halot palamaan

Kuolema on aina läsnä
Elämä katoaa puista
Joita kaadetaan
Joita kiukaassa poltetaan!

Tuttavani harhautuneet
väärin uskovaiset
Kutsun saunaan iltamiin
tapan luottavaiset

Jumala, yksi suuri valhe
ei heitä suojele ollenkaan
Minä, Saatanan poika
kun heitä alan raiskaamaan

Kiedon vihdan oksista
koivuni kieroutuneen
Isken sillä lihaan
kristitityn harhautuneen

Löylynhenki, Saunan jumala
saa kristityn veren kiehumaan
Vihta kieroista oksista tehty
saa palavan veren virtaamaan

Ulos haavoista valuu
tuo tuska niin polttava
Iskuista kärsii uudestaan
kristitty uhrattava

Jumala, kurja pelkuriraukka
ei Saunaan näe sokeuttaan
Saatana, helvetin herra
ympäröi sen synnillään

Kauhalla hitaasti kaivan
sisälmykset uhratuilta
Kiukaalle heitän paistumaan
kohta maistuvat maukkailta

Kuolema on lopussa läsnä
Elämä katoaa kristityistä
Joita uhrataan
Joiden verellä lauteet maalataan!

lyrics: Wichtae

I lay my unholy skin
still not the rotten one
beneath the warmness of the Kiuas
I feel the force
moving inside of me

I, a soldier
Fennomanic slayer
of the Greatest Spirit of all!

Strength of Kauha!
in my burnt hands!

For thou hath no faith
on the Master of Löyly
I'll slay thee!

Blood in my Kiulu
blood from thy hands
both of us
shall drown in
the brown waters
For my time was to come!
Thy time hath not ever been

lyrics: Kirvesmurha


Go now all to see
To the darkest Sauna
Feel the heat
Feel the fire
Find the true Saunoja

Born in the darkest Sauna
From the womb of almighty Kiuas
From the seed of Löylyspirit

Go now all to hail
To the darkest Sauna
Hail the true Saunoja

Vihta, vihta!
Vihtas will rise in this silent night!
Kauha, kauha!
Kauhas will be used in this silent night!
Löyly, löyly!
Löyly will take over this silent night!
All hail the Saunaborn
Go to Sauna with him
Bring him logs
Bring him water
He shall use them all
And never flee from Sauna

Fires of Kiuas
They can't burn his flesh
Breath of Löyly
It can't cease his breath

He shall throw more water
He will kill the Kiuas
Force out the spirit of Löyly
And never shall he die

All hail the Saunaborn!
The son of the Löylyspirit
All hail the Saunaborn!
The only true Saunoja
All hail the Saunaborn!

Rise your vihtas
Rise your kauhas
All hail the Saunaborn!
All hail the Saunaborn!


For a millennium he has now reigned
Killing christians, throwing water
Breathing steam, burning logs
Never has he left his Sauna!

Million deaths
Unpunished murders
Evil gets paid
So they say

They gathered men with the strength
And the courage to wield the Kirves
To use the tool of true Saunojas'

Singing praising hymns to their lord
they went to the darkest woods
There they found the eternal Sauna
Darkest Sauna of all times

But the Kirves
Being one with Sauna
Refused to reap it down

Killing the christians instead of Saunojas
It ended the first crusade against Sauna!

Great was the triumph of the Saunaborn
Vihta rose with the Kauha, waters were thrown
And christians were burned alongside logs

Thus they tried again this time without Kirves
They found something else
They would fell the almighty Sauna

The plan was set
The time was right
They reached the Sauna
Once again

They used all their might
Tools of the false gods
They fell the Sauna
And thus killed the Saunaborn

Great was the grief
The Vihta rose in revering silence
On the grave of Saunaborn
Vihtas were now laid

A day passed
Then another
Then came the third

Oh see ye all
The ruins of the darkest Sauna rise
Oh see ye all
The Saunaborn reach the daylight

"Thus my time is over
But fear thee not
For I will return
And with me shall come the end"

And thus was he gone
Our messiah the Saunaborn
The only true Saunoja


The time is close
It can be heard
From the hiss of the steam

For ages we have waited
Now the signs are here

Flames of Kiuas shall swallow the earth
In the chamber of Kiuas the world shall burn!

And thus will return the Saunaborn
Throwing water once again
With the Kauha
To the Kiuas, largest of all times

Now we shall join our messiah
When he goes to Sauna
Warmed by the logs
From forests of the world

There is no single log left after this
There is no water that would not be thrown
There is no christian that would not die
There is only the spirit of the Löyly

From amidst Löylyspirit's breath
We will find him
Our messiah the only true Saunoja
The Saunaborn is rising his Vihta to hail us
And we raise ours to hail him

The world is burning in the chamber of the new Kiuas
A Sauna large enough to hold all Saunoja's is built
And there we shall celebrate the saunapocalypse!

Burn the forests of the world in the chamber of Kiuas
Throw the waters of all the oceans with the Kauhas
Whip the skins of christians with your Vihtas
And let them all burn in the heat of the Löyly

Brought eternal Sauna!
The world shall burn!

lyrical attack: Tervanappo

The eternal pagan sauna
filled with the satanic powers
laude full of skulls
and a bucket full of blood

I curse the Crusified
as I heat the kiuas
the mighty flame of Satan
will heat this sauna

Black saunaflames shall dry your tears
you Christian scum

Evil sauna - the savusauna
Evil sauna - the Satansauna

I invert your crusifix
and set it on fire
I throw the last löyly
as I sacrifice myself

Evil Sauna devoured my soul

lyrics: Tervanappo

rannassa järven jäätyneen
keskellä metsän iäsen
seisoo sauna muinainen
hirsistä tehty, hiljainen

jo vuosisata on kulua ehtinyt
kun ihmisliha siellä on hionnut

hahmo ylväs, synkeä
nyt saapuu metsän keskeltä
koivuhalot käsissään
saunan kuumuus mielessään

jo turkin riisuu oksalle
halot sytyttää, kiipee lauteelle
lunta kiukaalle pinoaa
vihtaa repusta hamuaa

vaan Löylynhenki kiukaassansa
herää raivoten unestansa
oven telkee vihoitellen
kuumuus kasvaa vähitellen

on mies jo hätää kärsimässä
huutaen taistelee hengestänsä
mut Löyly tiukentaa otettaan
saa uhrinsa tuon tukehtumaan

on Löylynlyömä tuo mies nyt
ja ruumiistaan henki paennut

lyrics: Tervanappo

Thy eternal löyly shalt
blaspheme the idol of xtians!

As thy flame devours the altar of xtians
shalt we steal the item of worship, the crusifix
made of stone...

...and it shall serve us forever in a form of a possessed red-hot saunarock in our KIUAS...

all the heathen united
under the sign of the löylyspoon
gathered as an unholy herd
they cursed the Crusified

thy eternal kiuasfire
turned the autumncemetery
into a cosmik savusauna
löyly was thrown

gravestones turned
into saunarocks...
löyly devoured the
lambs of the light

within the abyssmal depths of our merciless, barb-wire saunahearts
burns a flame of glorious anger
aimed towards the untrue saunapeople
they shalt be sacrificed to the almighty kiuasSpirit
as we gather in the darkness of savusauna

lyrics: Kirvesmurha

What is this?
A Sauna built around a false kiuas
A kiuas that eats no logs!

Who created this?
Could it be those false saunojas
Or those cursed christians

Electricity, no fire!?
How can man go to sauna
If there is no fire!

So we have a new threat
A sauna where Löylyspirit cannot dwell
His might cannot reach false saunojas
Never again shall they feel his wrath
We have to tear down those saunas
Cut down all electricity
A kiuas without fire is a lie
Logs are essential
And thus are hatchets
Without these a visit to sauna is vain

Now they must die!
We shall tear them down!
All false saunojas will be burned in fire!

Electricity is a lie
Logs must burn forever
Löylyspirit must take over

What is this?
A sauna crumbled down by my hand
It's was a false sauna!

Electricity, no fire!?
How can man go to sauna
If there is no fire!

Lyrics: Wichtae

Fed by gift
of human-threwn water
came the great spirit
above us

Oh, come
the mightest one
and settle on us

In the air we breathe
the steam of gold
from the clearest waters
passed on you by Saunoja

oh may our lungs fullfill
with the smell of burnt flesh

music and lyrics: Tervanappo

Tulee päivä...
...jolloin saunojat nousevat korvestaan
ja verenne kiukaalle valutetaan