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Mardi Gras Party at the Party-Pad.. March 6, 2004

Check out all the pictures we took while we were drunk! hahah.. j/k.. not ALL of us are drunk, but you can tell WHO WAS!!

Chris, Marielle, Nathaniel and Samantha....

Samantha, Chris and Nathaniel being dorks...

Samantha, Chris and Nathaniel again...

Samantha and Marielle...

Chris, Nathaniel and their MGD's!

Mitchell, Chris and Nathaniel..are they drunk? heheh

Nathaniel, Marielle and Chris..

Nathaniel, Billy Joe and Marielle

Scott, Samantha, Marielle, Nathaniel and Chris

Chris and BJ

Chris and Nathaniel...again..

Poor Nathaniel with a trash bag over his head! hehe..

Nellie and Marielle

Samantha, JD, and BJ