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(Scene fades in) S-Killa was standing by his car in a empty parking lot. It was almost midnight. His head was feeling like there was a twister in it. He fell to his knees. And fell unconscious. Then he woke up in a ring. Like 12 people were kicking him at the same time. Then he felt real dizzy. He looked by his thigh and it was bleeding. BAM! He hit his head against the trashcan and woke up. He saw that he got stabbed on his thigh. He knew who it was. He was getting bad with some mafia. And He was pretty sure where to head to. He got in my car and drove off. He went to the wrestling arena. Then he headed backstage. He looked and saw a man near the lockers holding a knife with blood on it looking real suspicious. S-Killa saw a bat laying on the wall near him. He picked it up but when he looked over to see him he was gone. Then he saw his old friend K-Dogg.]

(K-Dogg) Hey, wut up? 

(S-Killa) Keep real quiet.

(K-Dogg) What is.....

(S-Killa) Shut the hell up!

[Shervin sees that the window was open by where the guy was standing and runs towards it and jumps out the window K-Dogg follows him as well. He hears a sound not to far from him. S-Killa sees him, acting like he didn't. He seized he baseball bat real hard and jumped in front of the guy and hit him in his head about 13 times until he was sure he was dead. He found a walky talky and then found out that the other mafias were close by, prolly watching him.]

(S-Killa) K-Dogg its not safe here you should leave.

(K-Dogg) Naw man if u havin trouble im down.

(S-Killa) Aight man koo well I did some bad shit with these mafia, and they r prolly spyin on us right now. So I gatta kill them or make them run away.

(K-Dogg) Aight I can hook u up wit guns, I know where they r at in the arena. Ill show you.

[He took me to the far end of the arena and there was a medal door. And it took a code and K-Dogg knew it so we went and there were loads of guns. S-Killa took 2 pistols,1 machine gun and body armor. S-Killa was untouchable. He will beat anyone in the ring and in the streets. He was like from the undead. He will take anyone on. S-Killa goes by the window and sees no one. Then he looks up and sees a huge sign were there are big advertisement posters on it and he saw a man looking directly at S-Killa. He knew it was 1 of the mafia. He aimed at the guy with his machine gun. And the guy saw the gun he took out a sniper rifle. But it was to late he shot him right in the neck. After 10 to 15 minutes He started hearing police sirens.] 

(S-Killa) Lets get the hell out of here.

(K-Dogg) Where do you wanna go?

(S-Killa) Will go to my crip.

(K-Dogg) Aight lets go.

[They got in S-Killa's car and took off  but cops were following him. He took off with great speed. He was unstoppable. He was ditching cops like crazy. He parked his car in his back yard.  He ran in his house. For some reason his head started feeling dizzy again. He was thinking about when he killed those 2 people. S-Killa wasn't scared of death. He says death isn't scary, you go to hell or heaven. But S-Killa didn't fear nothing. He didn't fear his fed, his opponent, as well as his enemies. He is a type a person to get shit done. S-Killa fell on his couch. His phone rang. He picked it up.]

(Prez) Your match is 2morrow what kinda shit r u getting yourself in!

(S-Killa) I'll handle it trust me. The Mafia is scared of me they wont do shit until they get back up.

(Prez) And the cops?

(S-Killa) They don't know who I am.

[The prez hung up. S-Killa had no worries He knew everything will be aight till tomorrow.]

[Scene Fades out]